Oct 12, 2012

kinda boring

about dad losing his job and whether to go to college.
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Oct 12, 2012

another great episode!

I love how bits of Eun Gi's personality shine through every now and then, despite that damn amnesia. Usually I hate amnesia, and I don't like it here either, but somehow it's acceptable and less like your usual drama plot device.

So glad that the show is still as compelling as ever! I was really really afraid Maru would try doing something stupid to himself this episode. Eun Gi, help him find his soul again, bballi!!
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Oct 12, 2012

Getting Interesting

Yay the switch happened! Aha I laughed so much when they thought that the tree caused them to switch and keep on running into it xD Of course the classic scream while looking in the mirror was awesome, but I think Secret Garden's was funnier anyways, things are getting better and better :)
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Oct 11, 2012

Cuteness overload.

What I liked most about this episode is that it focuses on our main couple. Now that the cat is out of the bag and feelings are being laid out of the table .. we can finally start to see how and where they take the next step. Seo Jun!! O.o seriously .. get over it.
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Oct 11, 2012


The secret is out! No more lying and hiding .. It was getting tiresome. I'm curious to see how the relationships between the 4 change with the recent news of the fake marriage and the recent confession. Although I know at this point, its much more likely that MR with end of with MK, I can't help but still root for JI .. he's sweet and his efforts seem genuine.
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Oct 11, 2012

Another long wait....

Okay first of all anyone else heard Only for You by Eunji and Seo Eun Guk in the drama at the sauna scene? :D Anyways...So sad how Eun Gi lost part of her brain and has to learn how to read and write again love how the Lawyer Park is always there
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Oct 11, 2012

I'll miss this drama

One of the cutest dramas for teens. Acting is alright. However I'll miss this drama :/ I wish she could just date both LOL
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Yay Kiss!

Ughhh we waited so long for the kiss! I loved this drama It was so Daebak...a bit slow on the romance at parts but well acted and the past 3 episodes made up for it to me, but Even if we had the kiss and the mental breakdown for sato :( I still feel something in this drama is missing and I'm still hoping for an epic ending for it to remain on one of my favorites drama list :) I hope next episode gets better though, but like usual awesome acting and OST
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Oct 11, 2012


Finally .. Mu Kyul and Jung In are finally trying to win over Mae Ri, although the true motives for each are unclear. I am anxiously waiting for a profession of love from either or both of them. I know I said earlier that I understand where Seo Jun is coming from .. Now I just don't get why she is acting the way she is. She is sticking her nose in other people's business and being a brat about it. The way Seo Jun was acting with Mu Kyul's bandmates was over the top! Get over it already. This is why I feel it is almost impossible to remain friends with exs, unless a considerable amount of time has passed. SIGH. Plenty of cute moments to make up for all the SJ angst .. Seeing both Mu Kyul's and Jung In's hints of jealousy throughout the episode, the mittens she made for MK and the socks she gave JI, the kiss in the rain (!!), Mae Ri taking care of Mu Kyul after he tells her its over .. but MR and MK making kimchee takes the cake :D

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Oct 11, 2012

A lot of cute moments ..

Both leads are starting to feel confused about the feelings they are developing for each other .. their frustration is so cute :P Mae Ri is so sweet and her kindness towards others is so sincere. Mu Kyul obviously thinks of her quite often, even though he tries to stop after realizing he's doing so. I'm beginning to sense Jung In may be fighting for Mae Ri for reasons other than just business and loyaly to his father. The last scene was o.O geez, Mu Kyul .. jealous much?
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Oct 11, 2012

"Amnesia? ...I'm okay with this." What is this show doing to me?

Well, I can honestly say I did not see the memory loss coming. And the fact that it was in the plot synopsis, and I didn't think it was going to happen proves to me once again how great this drama is when it comes to blind-sighting you like a boss.

I was worried about memory loss being mixed in with this show, but I think they introduced it at a good time. Maru, I'm assuming, has finally gotten rid of his JaeHee obsession, and obviously feels /something/ for Eunki, or whatever it is the two of them thought they were doing driving into each other like crazy people (which they were, perhaps still are).

Maru's gone off the rails, his buddy and sister can't seem to get through to him, and Eunki seems to have influenced his new-self in some way or another. Having Maru meet her again, with her memory wiped, and under the impression that the two of them were totally and completely in love is hopefully going to bring out the side of Maru that's been slipping in and out of his grasp since he was released from prison. Give us some closure at to what was fake during that time and maybe even tell us if any of what he did was simply because he kind of 'dug' her.

And with all the great plot twists and developments this show has been giving, I can't even imagine the awesome they could stir up for HaeJee and the attorneys with Eunki having no memory of anything that happened.

And truthfully, I'm a little glad she lost her memory because gosh, the things she lived through, from what we have seen and probably what we haven't, would have turned her into one vile creature - just look at HaeJee (and to some extent, Maru).

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Oct 11, 2012

Looks promising!

Very good episode. It is different from other shows I've watched. Therefore, I'm looking forward to it.
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Oct 11, 2012

Not too bad

Wow, what a jam-packed episode. Since we're only halfway through the series, I'm really expecting Eun Gi to regain her power and toughness as we go on. To be honest, I am a little worried though. She was delusional before, but now she'll get hurt all over again when all of the truths come out. It's all in Maru's hands to say the right things now.

Hoping that Jae Hee's company problems don't take over the storyline. Totally boring.

I still have hope though! I'm a sucker for dramas with moments where you just hold your breath...
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Oct 11, 2012


Is it just me or is this a little confusing. Every episode brings more questions and no answers...ugh it frustrates me but leaves me wanting more lol.
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Oct 11, 2012


i know that the memory loss is a little bit " clichet" but, come on no one expected that, and i think they'll keep doing things like, the writer is doing a good job, now i'm really wondering what's going to happened ( again) ! I don't think that the writer did that just to do the clichet thing, he's surely preparing something awesome!

I'm loving this drama! hope it'll keep getting better and better
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