Oct 11, 2012


I so did not expect her to lose her memory...omg I can't wait for her to kick Jae Hee's a##. Great episode but the wait is killing me.
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Oct 11, 2012

Amnesia why???

Lol nooo atleast she gets to forget all the sad memories, but I'm begging he doesn't hurt her when she has memory loss...and ahhh ...I feel bad for her, but she looks so pretty in the end and Ma Roo's haircut...but Jae Hee is ready to tear Eun Gi apart is she finds her...I don't like Eun Gi's character change, i thought that she would be stronger...but it's better than seeing her die in the car accident right? and Ma Roo's hair *_* I felt that he is even colder now, but his new weakness is eun gi :P

I wanna know how it all plays out in tomorrow's episode :D
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Oct 10, 2012

Not bad!!!

The suspense here didn't quite fit.....

I so love the scenes of Dong A and Manager Kim, their scenes were adorable. If you don't want to watch anything, at least watch the scenes of Dong A and manager Kim.

PMY settled things with Jeong Hui, that scene really showed how much of a pain and confusion PMY is having.
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Oct 10, 2012

Okay :)

PMY realises he's in love with Eun Jae. It's good, because they've been going in circles for a while.
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Oct 10, 2012

Memory loss???? REALLY???

Though I am madly in love with this drama, and it had many points that are probably going to earn it a 9 at the end, but this plot twist of EunKi's is VERY WEAK for a drama like this!!! Really?? Couldn't we just ONCE have a badass cold-hearted heroine till the end? Should all the main female protagonists become weak-weeping-manipulated-lady-in-danger women when they fall madly in love? Why destroy EunKi's flaming soul and replace it with... a blank sheet?? WAE??? Now I understand why Moon ChaeWon looks so blank on the poster... ugh~ Old EunKi COME BACK QUICKLY!!!!

P.S. I almost got a heart attack when I saw JoongKi with his new hair and those sexy glasses on...*swoon*

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Oct 10, 2012


Olalah, I don't understand Kim Jun at all. Just what is he waiting for... Why withdraw before Hapha, saying "You're my lord again" ? Is he giving up ? I just don't understand.

And why acting like he doesn't know at the end of the episode when I don't know his name comes to him plotting to dethrone Hapha ?

Is everyone just blind, scared or just foolishly, stupidly and ridiculously loyal ? Yang Baek ? Kim Jun ? Wake up, won't you ?
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Oct 10, 2012


These parents are too much (As a kdrama cliché, I guess it is expected). Dae Han scenes were so hilarious in this episode (especially the drunk scene) .. Trying to get rid of Mu Kyul by giving him money and a plane ticket? I guess Mae Ri's dad watches dramas too! So Young does some pretty shameful things .. thinking about it makes me so upset O.o Although I am starting to dislike Seo Jun for being a threat to Mae Ri and Mu Kyul, I can understand where she is coming from. Something about Seo Jun is keeping me from fully disliking her. She doesn't act like your typical stuck up actress and she doesn't seem like a conniving person .. I really hope she doesn't get too nasty (like that manager lady). UGH.

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Oct 10, 2012

Getting butterflies!

I was pleasantly suprised to see Halmoni's house in Shining Inheritance used as Jung Suk's house :) "This place looks so familiar .. " Did Mae Ri say this because she's seen Shining Inheritance!? (since she is an avid drama watcher) LOL or maybe there is a childhood secret? (since both Mae Ri and Jung In don't have any memories as children) .. Oh no, this plot seems all too familiar :P That last scene gave me goosebumps .. Even though I know his motives aren't particulary for love (yet?), I appreciate his sincerity and honesty. I can't help but root for Jung In! "From now on, I promise to do my best .. I will protect you" OMO!!! *melts* I am officially shipping this couple!

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Oct 10, 2012

Lighthearted (for now?)

The moments when Mu Kyul catches himself smiling at the thought of Mae Ri are so adorable! JGS plays the arrogant role so well .. every single time he sneaks in a smile, my heart flutters :P Things are going to get interesting now that Mu Kyul and Jung In know who each other is .. I can't wait to see how their interactions with each other change :)
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Faith Episode 18
4 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2012


There was some sad moments during this ep when the Woodalchi passed away; that was heartbreaking. It was good to see the king coming back and many things started to fall in place but near the ending there was some interesting events like the mysterious carriage and the letter which means that Yuan's nation is going to take part in this, let's see what will happen next...
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Faith Episode 17
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2012

Nice ending !

In this ep, the storyline took a different turn. It was good to see all of those changes that made the drama interesting and captivating. The last scene was exciting somehow though i know that the consequeces will be dangerous but it was good to see that kiss. Waiting for what will happen next...
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Oct 10, 2012


This drama is so awesome! The characters are really er... eccentric ^_- but in a good way. It's a fun and easy watch. I like the soundtrack it's sassy, and all those little jingles added like: "Legal High!" "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case."
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Oct 10, 2012

My Favorite Episode thus far!

I really really loved this episode. Hayato and Miku are awesome as a pair. I really wish that the 2nd lead gets the girls this time...I really don't want it to be one of those typical stories where the 2nd guy doesn't get the girl..once in a while...please let the 2nd guy have the girl...guy as nice as Hayato deserves a little bit of happiness.
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Oct 10, 2012


I know how some or most of us like bromance, how cute it is and how we like to make up fantasies about them. But here, here's a glimpse of the real world for us all. Not everybody is willing to accept homosexuality and the sting of rejection is always there.

However, the moment when your friends still stand by you regardless of your gender preference, then you can really say you have found true friends.

Mizusawa unlocks an emotional bond among the members of the gymnastics team and they are, again, made to become closer. We even clock Hino's reaction, a little something for the next episodes, perhaps?

Aha, thanks to Coach Gramps, they finally finished that routine--LOL! I hope to see more routines. :) Yaaaay!

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Oct 10, 2012

My Heart Aches for Hayato

Why do I always fall in love witht he second guy? I feel so sorry for Hayato. He's such a nice guy, but seems like he will have the same fate as any nice guy in the dramas...but truly hope it's not the case in the drama...though i doubt.
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