Jun 23, 2012

outfit vs outfit

so let vote: which outfit did geum jan di was the most prettiest? i think both outfit are cute but i like goon joon pyo makeover better but i like unni choice of dress but the fur got to go.

so hopefully i will con't writing episode review for this drama
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Jun 23, 2012

great start

guess i will write a episode review for this drama. so here we go....

this is my 3rd time watching this drama and i love it. the only thing that bother me is the main actress. i dont know but her acting kinda make me mad.

anywho love the episode (well duh i seen this drama like a millions times) so on to the next episode
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Jun 23, 2012

Wait, We Kissed?

Hahaha, I love this show. Well I loved this episode! Its really funny and plus the romance starts from the very first episode. This show jumps right in with the plot. It does do some character introductions but it does it in a way which isn't boring like a lot of dramas. The chemistry between the leads is already sizzling. I like how this episode introduces the leads by using their past and present. I really liked the flashbacks and I love looking at how they live now. Their past is like a drama within a drama. The show doesn't reveal everything about the past but rather as the story moves along bits and pieces of the past are being put together to show how the leads came to be in the situation they are in currently. I love the best friends of the female lead they are going to bring lots of laughs. The male lead is sweet but he's a jerk at the same time! The personalities of these characters sure are interesting. The most interesting part was how she doesn't remember the guys she kissed at all. I mean its ok if you forget one or two, but forgetting all of them... Is that possible?

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Jun 23, 2012

Best episode yet. Absolutely Breathtaking.

I wish I could've given this episode an 11 out of 10. Wow. Perfect episode. They managed to incorporate everything I've really loved about this drama so far. I cannot begin to compliment this episode.

This drama has really kept up with good quality, but I think this episode had some of the best editing and video quality. There were some really beautiful scenes. There were really funny scenes as well. I cried, laughed, and gasped in this episode. It was so well done.

A lot of the concepts of this drama are a abstract. For example, in the beginning, his consciousness kept moving from in the water to in the phone booth, etc. It could've been really confusing and boring if done wrong. Honestly, just trying to explain such a concept or scene to a friend would be confusing. This scene was executed perfectly. This drama has various characters, themes, and genres simultaneously but It's not cluttered, confusing, or directionless. It all fits together perfectly. The heart to heart talk with Kang Chil and his son are is really well done. I'm also impressed at how this drama is handling the romance. It's very natural and fun to watch. The beginning scene was amazing, the sauna and karaoke scenes were amazing, and the ending swimming scenes were all superb. Everything in between was wonderful too. The script and acting have no flaws. So very impressive.

This episode was very impressive. Just, wow. My favorite episode ever.

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Jun 22, 2012

Overall good episode.

I enjoyed this episode, much like I enjoyed the other episodes. Her giving him the cold shoulder got a little boring. I was also confused by her reaction. Im Jung also disappeared after the beginning of the episode. However, I really enjoy the development of Jook Soo's wings. The ending was very suspenseful. Especially when he recognize Ji Na's father and then finds out she's his daughter. She also seems to have a connection to another woman in his mind because the drama compares the two both putting their hands out. I wonder if its her mom? And he knew her? Very interesting. I'm excited to learn more about these past 'relationships'.

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Jun 22, 2012

A really good episode

They blend humour with serious matters perfectly in this drama lol especially in this episode. It's interesting to see how Sakaki slowly realizes he cares for his classmates and is actually a part of the class. He is finally expanding his horizons! Learning about true friendship, love, taking in new knowledge. I have a feeling he won't want to become boss anymore at the end of the drama even though he graduates. :) And I'm curious to see how exactly this thing between him and Umemura will develop.
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Jun 22, 2012

Dokko Jin

you start to see some awesome changes in dokko jin in this one
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Jun 22, 2012

The Winds are Changing~

I think this episode marks the first in the series where we see a small shift in the relationships between the main characters. Between Ji An and Tae Kang, she's beginning to open up to him and trust him a little more. With Eun Sung, he begins to express more care and concern for Ji An despite the uncomfortable situation, but it seems too late, as Ji An has closed herself off from him again.

The emphasis though is Tae Kang. We finally see that his strong points are his kindness and determination--although he isn't too bright. :) I'm glad they highlighted this point, because for a while I had decided he was nothing but a pretty face. I understand his character more now! It makes me want to root for him.

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Jun 22, 2012

Very Enjoyable.

This was yet another good episode. It was very attention capturing because I continued to watch the next episode without writing a review first. >.< I like that they're starting to add more cliff-hangers as endings. I also like the supernatural element of Jook Soo that makes this drama unique. This drama seems to cover almost every genre. I haven't once been bored or disinterested in this drama.
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Jun 22, 2012

Love it already

perfect blend of mutual stubbornness, cleverness and hidden attraction between the two. And the brief feelings of compassion that sneak up and surprise each of them as they experience it. This reminds me so much of the skip beat! anime; the male lead is like Ren and Sho mixed together lol. the ending of this first ep almost made my heart stop beating! i was so nervous for her lol. This one's a lot of fun; on to the next..
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Rondo Episode 3
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Jun 22, 2012


This episode was really romantic.

At the end, both our main characters fully understand each other in more than words. What they are feeling is something that connects both even when they have different goals, and are living different lives, both are foreigners in their present life. Sho as an undercover cop, in the mafia world, having to do things that go against his principles. Yuna as an immigrant in a country she hates, and of which she knows very little.
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Jun 22, 2012

amazing episode

oh oh it's getting better and better i cant wait the next episode ! was it just me or what !! i mean that "lara /rara or watever" arrg !! i hate her xD and even mokdan is getting on my nerves ! the romance in this drama isnt intresting at all so far it's annoying me hhhhh but the episode was deabak especially the freindship oh it's a mess wow this is so exciting i think kangto is slooowly turning to a better person "well it's hard to forgive what joson ppl did to him so it'll be very slow transformation" on the other hand shunji is turning into a bad guy !! " i hate him already lol" but i hate the traitor girl frm the circuis the most!!! annyway great episode ! great great drama !! keep it up !! joo won's acting getting better !! rating is getting better this drama is osom

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Jun 22, 2012

Continuing it's splendidness.

This was a very good episode, I think. I'm excited about Kang Chil's son Im Jung and their interaction. Im Jung seems like a really neat character, it's interesting to find out he's a prodigy. In this episode we also get the idea that Kang Chil is a bit of a prodigy himself, which I really like. I love when the main character of a drama shows his/her worth. He has a many skills, a great mind, and a really good memory. (We discover this on his trip to Seoul with Ji Na when he memorizes Wood numbers.) He also seems to have a knack for architecture, when we see him easily sketching out a 'blueprint' of how he wants to create the animal hospital. I'm really starting to like Kang Chil! The interactions between him and Ji Na are very natural and enjoyable to watch as well. Both the acting and Scrip are Awesome so far.

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Jun 22, 2012

I'm still hooked, although the pace is slowing.

It's slower than the first two, but we start to get a better understanding of the characters. The characters have started forming relationships with each other, and we begin to see the relationships that were already present. It's interesting to see how everyone interacts. The development isn't forced. The relationships seem realistic. I just wish Kang chil would cut his hair. I hate that bang. It makes him look like a grown up trying to be a little kid. Still, I can tell he's very attractive. Especially for his age. The video quality isn't as movie-like as the first episode, but I'm still impressed by the editing skills. The episode flowed quite smoothly. My only qualm, which I also had with episode 2, is that the episode endings aren't intense enough. I think at the end of an episode it should be more cliff-hanger like, so that I'm really urged to watch the next video. I still want to continue because its very good and I'm enjoying the story. However, it's nice to feel curious at the end of the episode and feel the the need to watch the next one because you just HAVE to know what's going to happen. That's not the case here.

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Jun 22, 2012

What to do?

I like both the male leads. I think that they really care for Ji An. For someone that is as confident as she seems to be, she seems insecure about love. I don't care who she ends up with.
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