Jun 23, 2012

No Title :)

I have to change this review. When I wrote it first I watched a different stream and about 15 minutes of the episode where missing, so it felt like it was completely disconnected to the last episode.

Now that I watched it completely, it was a good and cute episode. I'm glad Toumu took it so relaxed, but that kiss was the most awkward of all the awkward kisses in that Drama. xD
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Jun 23, 2012

Sniffs & Scoffs

Song Yi really has some nerve talking to An Shim about letting go or risking danger to Kim Joon's life. She has been the one who has put him in constant danger. I think she needs to listen to her own advice and back off!

Kim Joon and An Shim are still breaking my heart!!! I want them to be together so much, but it's a doomed thing! It's like he's cursed!
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Jun 23, 2012


An Shim and Kim Joon break my heart.
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Jun 23, 2012

No Title :)

This episode was so sad. I feel really bad for Hitomi, of course the situation must hurt her a lot. :(

I wonder if Kazuki is really going to tell Toumu now..
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Jun 23, 2012

Better. ;)

Wow, at least this episode was better. As in, more serious.

I wonder where the relationship between Kazuki and Hitomi is going. He obviously still likes Tomu.

The principal isn't as annoying anymore. He's rather funny actually.

The one that annoys me is Mai now. Especially her voice! It's getting on my nerves. So high-pitched and "cute"..
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Jun 23, 2012

So embarrassing..

This must have been the most embarrassing drama episode I have ever watched. It was SO awkward!

Well, at least the middle with Hitomi and her brothers was cute. Then the embarrassing moments started again. Also their dancing was really bad at the "competition" I think. I don't know how it's supposed to look, but I guess not like that.

Also, 5 couples in 10 students?

And Kazuki is starting to like Hitomi? I thought he liked Tomu. I don't really know what to think, at the moment I'm not really enjoying this. ;)
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Jun 23, 2012

Great Episode

Wow, this was a really good episode for a change. I like that the case is split up in two parts, that makes it seem less rushed.

Also finally we see some emotions and learn something about Enomoto. I can't wait to see the next episode. :)

That new president is really annoying, though. As is the police officer / detective.
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My Girl Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 23, 2012

curious, but not convinced.

I am curious to see how my opinion will change, since so far I don't like the lead female character. She is meant to be cute, but I find her annoying. I am not hooked, but i'm curious to see how things turn out since this drama is so highly recommended by so many people.

Too many slapstick running scenes for my taste, i guess. I can see the characters are being introduced, but i wanna get to the story already.
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Jun 23, 2012


I laughed so hard when the nephew passed out! Looks like one of the uncles' is on the verge of finding out Pal Kang's secret- he seems nice, a little hung up on his brother's (wannabe)fiance, but still nice. The evil mother worked as a hostess, which explains her need to control everyone and everything she has a huuuuge inferiority complex. The daughter's not that great either.
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Jun 23, 2012


This drama definitely flipped 180 on me, it was so heartbreaking! Her resolve in fighting for her siblings and to power through their difficulties is pretty cool ^_^ I have strong hope for her. The lawyer on the other hand is a complete ass to her, lets see where this goes.
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Jun 23, 2012

Change of heart?

This was a very particular episode where Naoki seems to have a change of heart and be attracted again by his old girlfriend Natsuki and treats Riko with contempt. It is an unsettling episode as the story seemed to go a certain way and it took a completely different turn. Towards the end it is possible to imagine what might happen in the last two episodes. The acting is as always brilliant.
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Jun 23, 2012

Too funny!

I was laughing my butt off omg she's terrible! The way that she clung to him when they were getting hit by eggs was sexual harassment!! But with most dramas there's the evil woman, this time the daughter in law of the wealthy old guy tries to kill Pal King's parents. I'm interested enough to see where this goes ~___~
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Jun 23, 2012

A heartwarming episode.

This drama mainly focuses on the love aspect, which I really enjoyed. I'm starting to like Ji Na more and more, though at first my opinion of her was so-so. I'm a little confused at Kang Chil's reaction to him liking Ji Na (she seems unhappy). However, I'm sure that will be cleared up in another episode. I also like the budding father and son relationship between Kang Chil and his son. I find it very interesting that his son is not stuck up at all, and even though he's a prodigy, he doesn't care about school work alone. I've liked Im Jung since the first episode. Awesome character. Jook Soo is the cutest thing, but I think there needed to be more of him in this episode. The romance was very romantic. I was really understanding the mood of the characters, especially at the end scene. They created the scene's mood very well. Just watching it I felt warm and cozy, and almost sleepy, so it's not unreal to think that Ji Na would fall asleep. I gave this episode a nine even though there wasn't anything particularly wrong with it, because there was also nothing very outstanding like the previous episode. It was a very good episode, but in this way I'm showing that this episode is not as good as the other. Still great, though.

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Jun 23, 2012

I love-hate this drama.

I wanna keep watching this drama but there are some characters whom are just plain annoying. Thankfully there are only two characters like that right now, but they get so much airtime that I can't stand watching them and I have to skim through their parts. The first character that I dislike is the oldest sister, she annoys me. Her hair annoys me, her attitude annoys me, and her love annoys me. She loves a married man. Sure he's "separated" from his wife, but he's not divorced yet. I really don't like women who go after married men, knowing that they are married. I don't buy the whole, you can't help attraction thing, sure you can't help it, but you can control it. Besides, the guy she likes is totally cold, I like her best friend more. Her best friend is adorable and she totally does not deserve to have him chasing after her. The best friend needs to move on to a better, more deserving girl.

The 2nd character I dislike is the President's daughter. She just walks in the restaurant with an attitude, and no respect whatsoever. I don't know what she wants but the way she's acting just annoys me to no end. I'm pretty sure she came back to Korea because her rich husband in America left her, so now she's in Korea to find another rich husband. She looks like a gold-digger. I also really reallly hate her hair style. It's awful, women who can't pull off the boy-cut shouldn't wear it.

But other than those two characters I really like this drama and the characters. My favorite couple so far is the runaway daughter and the staff worker at the restaurant. They are a Kick-Butt couple. I love how they keep coincidentally meeting and fighting bad guys together. I also really like the 2nd eldest daughter, she's funny. I like the guy she's paired up with also. Though he may not be a looker, I like his character enough to overlook that. My favorite is the chef, he loves his daughters so much. Plus he doesn't take BS from the President's daughter. I think I'll continue to watch this drama, but I'll skim over the parts with the characters I dislike. Other than the parts with the eldest daughter and the President's daughter, I really liked this episode.

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Jun 23, 2012

Finally started watching

So Boys Over Flowers was the first kdrama and I loved it. Since this seems to be the original live action version, I had high hopes for the first episode and I was not disappointed. The guys are fairly cute and the lead girl is really pretty.The story so far is very similar with only slight variations. I am looking forward to completing this drama and with the number of episode it has (2 seasons yay!!!) it should be a lot more in depth than the Korean version.
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