Jun 18, 2012

burst into tears!!

I was crying when i end up this episode it was unexpected scene, I like the king and the way he treat hang ah, and the calls he made before he DIED noooooo this is a nightmare i really hate seeing dying the good ones argh!!and the sudden responsibility to jae ha my sympathy was on him, i dont know what will happen next..but the king?? Im sooo sad, i have to take a minute before continuing the next episode sigh...
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Jun 18, 2012


many things happened in this episode so its like wow hold up!

after the big ending of the previous ep. now yoon and te-san are what?! having it out?! i dont see the problem if he is one of his most trusted friends.Who better to give your sister too than some one you've known for over 30 years (if soo much).

Te-san has to ease up on yoon and yoon has to ease up on meah-ri

i feel bad for se-ra she only has one friend and she kinda messed that one up a little.

i am so happy that yi-soo has finally moved on yayyy!

i hope te-san isn't gonna waver and want yi-soo cuz he is acting a little strange these days and he needs to go and cheer se-ra on at her game.

she wore the shoes in the preview (scream!!!!!!!!!!)

i kinda feel cheated though cuz i know the awesome episodes is coming next week and am gonna have to wait another 7 days argh (angry face)

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Jun 18, 2012

wow, bommshell!

this episode was a little surprising, and here i thought that do-jin was the slightly normal one (besides his personality lol) wow that was a big shock. i thought he was just a weirdo who like to recored stuff. things beginning to male alot of sense now. cant wait to see how this unfolds more

great episode ... funny too
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Jun 18, 2012


I really don't know what to say! since i really don't like historical dramas , i really didn't want to watch this . but when i heard how great this drama is i started to watch it ! and now ..... i really can't believe how great it is! the song , the characters , kiss , even supporting roles !!! everything! best couples ever!!! i really have to watch it again! with the best ending!!!
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Jun 18, 2012

death and more death

Is Minami dead? I hope not. The doctor is a freaking psychopath though, wow. Also the body guard lady, I don't want her to die either. The terrorists aren't from Korea or China but from another country that I do not understand the language of. J is clearly not dying and went to go see his sister, he had me fooled. I'm glad he's not dead but I have no love for his sister, I still haven't forgotten what she did to Hide. I really just want Fujimaru to win and for this to be over, there are way too many people dying.
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Jun 18, 2012

My favorite scene

Me ah Ri is probably one of my favorite character right now. I like it how Yoon stands up for her. He should have done it sooner :) I hope they will become couple soon :0
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Jun 18, 2012

Time for a win

I hope J is spider, that would be very interesting- but I don't see it happening. I really liked Minami, I also really liked Hoshou from the last season, the writers obviously like to play around with your emotions and trust for the characters >.< but I keep coming back for more so they must be doing something right. I'm really confused as to what country these terrorists are from, i'm thinking Korea maybe China, I hope they elaborate on that.
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Rondo Episode 5
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2012

Going Rogue

Takumi makes a fateful decision in his plan for revenge! The plot is thickening and starting to boil as his patience with "the system" begins to wear very thin and he wants to take matters into his own hands. This is crazy good.
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Jun 18, 2012

burning out

Wow so Hornet's a snotty nosed kid that likes cheetos, or the Japanese equivalent, disappointed a little. I wanted him to be someone epic and interesting, maybe even cuter than Falcon- but no. I'm glad Brutus's child was saved, Kirishima was a bit of a dick to not let her see her son at least once but I guess it's a cultural thing. Otoya cannot die, he's on the cover image of the drama therefore he cannot die. I will spew bile if they kill off Otoya, they will not- but just in case.
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Rondo Episode 4
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2012

A matter of trust.

This episode deals with trust. Takumi has been living in the Shin Ku's world so long he doesn't know who he can trust. And it is sad when he loses faith in his senpai on the police force and it could cost him a friendship. There are a lot of cute moments between Takumi and Yuna in this episode but by the end that trust is also called into question. These episodes keep getting better and better.
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Jun 18, 2012

Explain yourself!

Even though it was obvious why Brutus was betraying Third-i, it's stll sad. Especially when they showed the panda bear with the laser gun trained on her son... I hope they don't kill him off like Aoi. I really don't understand the Professor's connection with Otoya's grandfather and I had thought that they were trying to stop the terrorists, but he seems to be a terrorist himself. I'm so confused. Also, why does J have to die? He's falling in love with his doctor.. it's going to be pretty sad.
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Jun 17, 2012

I needed this kind of drama

This was seriously one of the best drama-openings I've seen, I really liked how you're thrown directly in the drama ^^ I also think they really suit each other, but I did think the whole episode: "What the (...) is wrong with this dude?" And still I couldn't hate Komikado Kensuke's character; he might be some egoistic jerk but he really made me laugh. I'm wondering how they'll surprise me next episode and I can't wait to watch it. It was the kind of drama I needed: funny, light and crazy.
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Jun 17, 2012

No Title. :P

Wow, I like this more with every episode!

I'm really wondering about Mikio and if he'll play a big role. I don't know if I like him or hate him yet, but his entrance was pretty cool.

Too bad Makio's friends think Kazuya is his brother. xD

It's nice that he passed the test, too. I hope he won't fall for the girl next to him (forgot her name :O), she's so much younger than him. ^^''
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Jun 17, 2012

Moving fast!

This episode wasn't as funny as the first one, but I'm glad it was more about relationships. Well, it's moving pretty fast right now, last episode everyone hated him and now he has 4 friends and a few people who like him secretly.

I also liked the last scene with his father. Seems like they missed alot when he was really in high school age.

The very last scene with the rabbit was great, too. xD
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Jun 17, 2012

Funny, funny, funny :D

This is much, much funnier than I expected. Well, some things are a little overdone (I didn't like the pudding-scenes) but I laughed so much the episode was over in no time. :P

Hoshino is incredibly good looking by the way. And Sakurakoji (Jun) and Makio are really cute together. Guess they will become friends.

His assistant is so funny, too.

Tomoyas role is so similar to the one in IWGP here, even the name (Makio - Makoto), when he answers the phone I'm always expecting a "Hoooi, Makoto" but it never comes. xD
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