May 11, 2012

I'm a sucker for Cliches

This isn't good, especially the week before finals, I'm too addicted. Ahh even though I love the character of Shigeru the way she's getting in between Makino and Tsukasa is annoying me. I know it isn't her fault but I want... no...NEED Makino and Tsukasa to be together. I love how mature Tsukasa has gotten and really thinks how his future affects the millions of people working in his company but I hate how because of that he can't choose his love. It's like I can't be selfish because I have millions of people to think about. How can I call him a jerk for doing that. But the ending, call me typical but I love it when a guy suddenly drops what he's doing to run to the girl he loves. It sends flutters in my stomach :P. Ahhhhhhhhhh drama what are you doing to me???!!

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May 11, 2012

So much suspense!

OMG this epi had it all. I swear comedy, romance, evil actions, 2 many assumptions on the bad teams part, which made them move quicker than planned. See it z totally getting so good. I loved the scene where the guys were fighting over the pizza. LOL! @ the beginning of the show they were all like looking 2 Lee Gak 4 permission 2 eat b-4 they even looked @ their food, but now they won't let him even eat pizza. I laughed so hard. I was so happy that Park Ha realized who Tae Yong rly was b/c that would kill me if she didn't figure it out. I rly hope that Sa Na messes up & tells her mom that she knows Park Ha z her daughter. That would be just sweet revenge b/c I don't think her mom will 4-give her a 2nd time. Considering all the romantic emotions emerging, if Lee Gak leaves Park Ha PLZ let Tae Yong & Park Ha end up being 2gether. B/c we obviously know that they r all connected. Lee Gak just needs 2 figure out how the present situation has 2 do w/ his situation. Oh & somebody better save Park Ha like in the 1st 20 min of the next epi b/c I am on pins & needles waiting 2 find out what happens 2 her.

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May 11, 2012

You're Breaking My Heart :'(

Awww Makino and Tsukasa you're breaking my heart into pieces. I'm so engrossed right now that it's taking all I got to write this review because I really want to see the next episode. I still like Tsukasa's finance, it really isn't her fault, she doesn't know that she is getting in between Tsukasa's and Makino's love. But my heart broke for Makino at the end when Shigeru kissed Tsukasa. And from the view that the scene gave it looked kinda like Tsukasa kissed her back. Awww Makino, you plan to get Tsukasa back and you end up being stabbed in the heart. Speaking of hearts and love, that scene with Rui took my breath away. I was all for Tsukasa and Makino, but that scene with Rui get all up close and personal with Makino just stole my breath. Is this the start of second lead syndrome??! I love Shojiro's and Yuki's budding romance, I've always loved that side plot. Its too sweet. I've turned into a freaking vegetable for this drama. I'm addicted. Even though I know what happens this version of the drama makes me second guess myself all the time. I LOVE THAT!

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May 10, 2012

What Just Happened? Omo! What Just Happened?

Uwwww. It's sooooo on. This episode almost seemed like a competition. One side did one thing and the other did another, and both sides keep going back and forth trying to provoke the other team! It was awwweeesome. The romance was so adorable in this episode, and the comedy was PERFECTO!! Of course, the bad guys think they're winning, but HAHA! Everyone else knows that they don't have a chance! Great episode!! Poor Park Ha...sigh* I guess we'll see the sadness next episode :(
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May 10, 2012

Addiction. On. AWESOME!!!

Ahhhh it would be perfect if the bad engrish wasn't in it. Honestly I was cringing whenever the japanese actors spoke english, it was kinda bad. Also I didn't appreciate the cursing even though it kinda went with the characters, I'm not saying I'm an angel who doesn't curse but hearing it on screen like that seems crass. Speaking of english How cute is it that Tsukasa has an english groupie in New York who Yes Sirs! him all the time. I was laughing throughout that part. Aw Tsukasa why do you have to be so mean, I never really liked this part here because he's so mean to Makino but I understand... I guess. His mom is still super evil. Well there goes the progress she made in the finale of the first season. I've always like Tsukasa's finance. Even though she is competition for Makino, I loved her character and how awesome she is. If I had just started watching the drama I would have a hard time choosing between Makino and Tsukasa's finance. Speaking of Makino, she is one of the few girls who looks pretty when they cry. I mean I've heard from boys that girls look pretty when they cry, but honestly she's the first girl I've seen that actually does look pretty when she cries. I disliked Junpei, oh drama why did you have to make Toma Ikuta evil, I love him and you have to make him a bad person. Why drama Why. I think I'll watch Hana Kimi after this to remind me that Toma Ikuta is awesome :P. Oh wait what's this Rui likes Makino... again... or was it fake the last time and its real this time, or is he just using Makino unknowingly to get over Shisuka. Oh Rui, I don't get you and your bipolar love. Anyways I'm excited because this season will probably have a more heated love traingle... even though I don't exactly like love triangles, I have to admit they make the romance soo soo much better :D. I swear I had more to say as I was watching the episode, I think I'm going to have start writing down my thoughts as I watch this drama so I can remember how to express the awesomeness of the episodes, haha. Anyways my addiction is back, and I'm off to finish this drama just like the first season in like a day or two... stupid school, gets in the way of my drama. Awesome first episode, awesome drama, awesome awesome awesome!!!!

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May 10, 2012


what can I say...? A LOT!! Best episode so far!! The kissing scene took my breath away and melt into the sweetness!! That scene sealed the deal...they are now my favourite couple and soon-to-be favourite drama! This episode clarified their relationship (BIG GRIN!!!) and also left many questions unanswered especially the ending...will be never travel to the furture anymore since the talisman's broke and in the hands of the baddy...the preview also shows Hee Jin in a heartbreak state which is going to make me cry!! She's too adorable to be heartbroken! I want the next episodes so badly!!

But that scene....GOD it was an epic scene! I would marry that scene if I could! fangirling!

ps. who else thinks the music is great?!?! I love the gayageum (I think) music whenever there is a sweet scene between Boong Do and Hee Jin!

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May 10, 2012


Sooo cute episode.. I just love the both leads.. I might say that they're my favourite leads over some time..

The chemistry is so cute and innocent.. May be I like their feelings toward each other because there's no pain or some kind of matters that would make them feel sad towards one another. That's the kind of drama I've been longing to see for a change of broken feelings and sad reality. (well at least there are not yet)

...I really didn't want this episode to end.. the ending was more than just passionate..
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May 10, 2012

everybody's lying

I truly disliked every character in this episode.

Everybody's lying or hiding the truth, sometimes for no other reason than complicating the plot unnecessarily. I particularly hate it when someone holds a grudge against another and, instead of stating clearly the reason, puts on the cold mask and leaves the other to imagine all possible scenarios.

The only one I tolerated here is Hwan, but let's face it, that's because Lee Seung Gi's a charmer, not because Hwan is particularly pleasant.
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May 10, 2012


Really amazing episode.. I almost fell off the chair as Ha Na told her true feelings while Joon was listening and then Joon told to talk with their parents.

As I was watching Ha Na and Joon hugging, I told to my sister that they will certainly get caugth by In Ha. AND THEY DID!

I'm also looking forward what In Ha will say next..

But I don't get it. At the beginning when Joon break up then I thought that the reason was involved him getting hurt by knowing the fact that Ha Na's mother is kinda responsible for his father being separated from his mom ( well actually that's not it, he just don't love her) But I tried to look at it at Joon's view. Now I don't get it, why he can't be with Ha Na if their not blood related ? In Ha with Yoon He and Joon with Ha Na ? or I thought he just can't hurt his mom even more, may be that's the reason..??

Well, I'm sure that the outcome at the end must be happy, so they all just have to get over their negative feelings...

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May 10, 2012

The most telling moment...

when Joon says "What the...I'm acting like my mom".
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May 10, 2012

tears, and tears, and again tears

Geez, if I haven't slit my wrists while watching this episode, I'm safe from harm forever.

Obviously the little brother chooses exactly the day of his "discovery" to disappear again. And obviously again, nobody ever thinks of calling the police.

You find an autistic kid wandering around the streets of Seul and what do you do? Well, you bring him to your house, of course!!!

You don't even come across the idea that there might be a missing warrant somewhere.

And I truly hope Eun Sung's going to follow grandmother's advice and stops crying because there's only so much I can take.
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May 10, 2012

Choose: Park Ha or the phone...

Omo! Tae Moo's evil knows no boundaries! He looked positively evil while locking up the ice car where he stuffed Park Ha! The last minutes of the episode had me on the edge of my seat!

It was also fun to see Lee Gak play around with Tae Moo...while it lasted anyway. *sigh*

Both SeNa and Tae Moo had moments when they were freaking out. SeNa thinking CEO Jang had found Park Ha is her daughter and Tae Moo everytime he received something which made him the reason why the real Tae Yong is in the condition he is in.

I liked the scene with the trio were saving pizza for Tae Soo(?) I can't remember the name of the guy who trained them and is also trying to find out the truth.

Lee Gak, also, finds out Park Ha was in the same bar as Tae Yong and Tae Moo two years ago...

This was a pretty good episode! I wonder what will happen now? Only 4 more episodes to go...

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Love Rain Episode 14
3 people found this review helpful
May 10, 2012


I just wanted to kill Inha in the end of this episode. I mean, how could he after seeing them suffer so much keep his eyes closed, and do nothing. The more i watch this drama the more i'm annoyed with Inha! Ugh...
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May 10, 2012

You trust me... I'll trust you....King and queen of swords!!!

Well... it be enough to say AN EXPLOSIVE EPISODE... but I can't shut up...

In the beginning of the episode I couldn't help but think about the time, when JaeHa shot HangAh, and then it came to how important that incident is now in their relationship, what a big role it's playing in their trust to each other... even the most dangerous situation now their trust in each other is going to withstand literally EVERYTHING!!!

As Rita said, me too was so glad everything in the plan was JaeHa's idea, little rascal, making bombs in the army from boredom... haha~ and his face when HagAh opposed to leaving him alone... pffft~ with the flashlight under his cheek, looking all are-you-now-refusing-to-leave-me-alone-to-do-my-job-are-you-my-mom :D Priceless!

I loved the teamwork! And I also liked that everything ended peacefully, though Korea did not win WOC, hey, they are the BEST for me (I'm just wondering how they managed to loose to Egypt after winning over US and Russia, lol)

I was screaming at BoongGu during last episode NOT TO TOUCH my precious ShiKyung, I could curse him all over for giving him so much pain, I knew there would be a moment he would break and express his frustration over his powerlessness in front of Club M... I am glad the Princess saw him like that, not to point out to her, just to remind her, he's also a human being... And later I heard the most heartwarming confession, which left ShiKyung in such an awkward state, I started laughing (he thinks there should be something wrong with her head for her to say she likes him... haha~... wait you mean, something's wrong with MY head too??? Well, if you insist...)

Oh~ and BongGu-sshi... then the princess goes further in her courageous state mind and declares her war to Club M... way you go girl, I was glued to the screen with her words... comparing 2 Koreas to her state, than standing up... and saying even she needs support of the casts now, later she WILL stand by herself, as will Korea as one... omg... she just stepped on BongGu's big mouth...

How hilarious it is for BongGu to call ShiKyung and introduce himself as 'The Cookies' and then for ShiKyung to hang up on him, and start saving his number as 'The Cookies'? :D Though it was a creepy moment as BongGu started spreading suspicions in my innocent hearted ShiKyung's mind, I couldn't quite act serious at the moment...

When JaeHa and BongGu were talking I was just wondering, whether BogGu was serious in his 'let's forget everything' proposition, if yes, he's madder than I had imagined him, if no... well, he's just being his usual a**... I can understand that, as I think he was expecting JaeHa's answer and could just go to his personal hell without showing his face that long in this perfect episode...

JaeKang... I'd missed him so much, and even he's no longer there, he's STILL THERE... that was SUCH A PERFECT MOMENT, I teared up... Why did they turn on that strange heart beating sounds in the end? I was so freaked out, I thought all the party was going to be blown up any moment... Gosh... stop doing that to me... I need this heart to at least watch this to the end... spare me THAT much...sshhiii...

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May 10, 2012

I am so glad...

that I am watching this drama!!!

First of all this episode is completely why I watch Korean Drama!!! The relationship and chemistry between Park Ha and Lee Kak is wonderful. It is a little bittersweet everytime they get close enough for Lee Kak to disappear. I'm happy because they are falling deeper in love, but that is obviously what is needed to correct everything for them to go back to their own time.

Watching SeNa dig a whole so deep that no one could climb out of it is a beautiful thing!!!

Epic water thrown in face!!! Park Ha doesn't play!!!

For President Jang to vote for Lee Kak/Tae Yong is an absolute awesome moment!!! Then the look on SeNa's face when she is cought in her lie...priceless!!!

Park Ha grabbing Lee Kak after seeing him disappear is heartbreaking!!!

I figured Taek Soo knew that Lee Kak wasn't Tae Yong, but the way he catches Man Bo, Yong Sul, and Chi San is funny!!! I was happy when they decided to work together.

Then we watch Lee Kak/Tae Yong follow Park Ha and their sweet interaction before things get real intense. It is a race between Lee Kak and Tae Mu to the hospital to get the real Tae Yong that was transported by Tae Mu from Chicago to Seoul (a mistery to me how he went from being killed off a boat in New York area to Chicago). Because Lee Kak disappears w/o telling Park Ha she thinks he has really disappeared.

You know what...just watch it!!! You will never believe what happens next. I can't wait for the next episode!!!

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