Solid Acting for a Rom/Com

Unexpectedly hilarious! I don't really like the main male character yet (the actor is a very good one though) but I think thats the point. I like the main female character and the secondary characters already. I'm interested in seeing more...
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May 9, 2012

Doesn't Make a Splash Yet

It didn't bore me but it didn't impress me either. I am curious about the main characters and how thier romance will play out. I already like In Na's character.
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May 9, 2012

Cutest episode so far

This episode is soo cute. Shirota has to direct a play with the kids of the children's welfare center that's about Don Quixote. It's very cute how he yells at the kids and the kids obediently listen to him. Seeing Matsuda sleep with those 2 little boys in his arms really made me swoon. Matsuda Shota is definitely the cutest Don Quixote ever ^^ The ending is soo freaking cute
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May 9, 2012

Practice makes perfect!

Finally! This is how I had been hoping more of the past episodes were like. I love practice and dance scenes.
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May 9, 2012


I've come to the realization that Hwang Jin Yi is not a bad drama. It's full of romance, pain, and all of that. But I'm having a hard time with its pace. It's a bit slow. There have been no sword fights (which I should have guessed there wouldn't be), and not many dancing and training scenes. I want more of those and I had hoped there would be more.

And so far the only eye candy is JGS, but he looks so young. So, instead of swooning, I just want to pinch his cheeks like the cute little dongsaeng he would have made at that time.
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May 9, 2012


It blow my mind, since the 2nd episode I began to have many questions, but in this... I got more... its getting damn interesting :D
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May 9, 2012

Bout freakin' time!

I am so happy that some1 finally found out that Sa Na is a lying bitch. The fact that it is Tae Yong/Lee Gak makes that an even better ending. She will prolly pull some "oh wooo is me" bs trying to blame her actions on Park Ha. I can't stand manipulative ppl like that. It rly drives me nuts to have to watch them & then noting happens to them. Sa Na is evil in the past & in the present. I don't think that was her dead in the pool in the past either. I think she was trying to help the other guy steal the throne in the past too & the person dead w/ some1 else dressed in her clothes. I am glad the real Tae Yong is alive. I figure he will meet his woman Park Ha soon. I hope so at least.

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May 9, 2012

I know....

GREAT episode!!! I can't wait for next week!!!

I mean, the end was just.....the biggest cliffhanger EVER.

What will happen now that the truth is out? Will Yoon Hee and In Ha get married? Will Ha Na and Joon get together again????? There are still 6 episodes left for this to end, so let's see what happens
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May 9, 2012

Does ne1 else have the same feeling as I do?

Ok so this epi was like totally awesome. He finally realizes that he likes her & gives her a big kiss at the end. Yeah I just ruined it for ne1 that is reading this b-4 watching the epi. Sry!

I just want to know if ne1 else has the feeling of watching the Secret Garden at times? U know when they r walking right beside each other & something about the music says it too....LOL!

I rly don't care if they r trying to kinda copy those scenes b/c they worked in Secret Garden y not here. I love this drama. It is like such a roller coaster on my emotions. I love erything about it. Can't wait till I get caught up.
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May 9, 2012

What Happened?

I thought this drama was heading in the right direction, but now it's going off completely different than how it began. There's no humor, and there's no romance. What happened to the good stuff?
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May 9, 2012

smart move and yet not so smart

I loved grandma's decision to disinherit her relatives and wish more rich people would do the same with their good for nothing families, but the way in which it was all delivered isn't the best of ideas towards Eun Sung.

As if the girl needed another reason to be unjustly hated by everyone.

This drama is full of twists and turn and very typical, but I must confess it gets pretty addictive, once the first episodes are over.

I sure want to see how these three shopaholics are going to fair. Not to mention that if Hwan is penniless, is pretty much useless as bf material in the eyes of greedy stepmother, who will probably order her daughter to seduce Manager Park's son. LOL

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May 9, 2012

Finding Your Goal

I really like the lesson that this episode was trying to tell people; have a goal with a purpose. It was a good episode, but I'm starting to miss all the humor and romance from the first few episodes. The last two eps were good, but I wanted to watch this drama, because it seemed lighthearted and romantic, not some deep personal growth drama, which is good too, but not where I thought the drama was heading.
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May 8, 2012


They always bring trouble and always seem to want to change women. Eun Ho is torn because he's mesmerized by her dance and doesn't want her to perform it in front of anyone else. Sadly, for him, he knew she was a courtesan trainee when he met her and fell in love with her. -_-;

He's also causing her unnecessary trouble with others. I would have had a very tragic death if I lived in those times. I would have slapped people right back.

I love how they show the training sessions and the dances. I also like the costumes used by the Gisaeng chief of the troupe Hwang Jin Yi belongs to.
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May 8, 2012

I love the truth..

This was really enjoyable episode.. The beginning of it.. it was sooo good.. to see Se Na going down..

Lee Gak finally realises everything.. and the truth is revealed..

What can I say.. I become more and more interested how this is going to end...
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May 8, 2012

the most odious male...

... that ever sprang from a pen.

I wonder if the author was taking drugs while inventing the character of Hwan. Not even Lee Seung Gi's natural charm can atone for the character he plays here. I obviously know he's going to change, but I wonder why drama authors seem to believe the taming of a jerk were more satisfying for the viewer than a good guy finally getting a reward for his being good from the start.

This said, this episode marks for me the first, real improvement in the plot. All the characters are slowly gathering together on the same plot line, while they were like separate entities until now - quite confusing.

I am now curious to know what the whole living at grandmother's house scenario is going to create in terms of quarrels and banters.

The evil stepmother - who was introduced as such in the very first minutes of the drama - is strangely irritating me less than Hwan the Master Jerk, Hwan's petulant mother and - for now - Hwan's brat sister.

Seong-hee Baek is clearly up to more evil, I have no doubt, but she has just as evidently gone through hell (she mentioned her first husband beating her, among other things).

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