May 10, 2012

Giddy from Developments So Fast, So Many

I stopped picking which episode is the best. Who knows, the future episodes might just be as explosive and mind-boggling or even more so.

Never have I been sucked into a drama this addictingly good. Yoochun outdoes himself and impersonates Tae Yong through Lee Gak again, only this time he 'wakes up' from his coma.

The highest emotional point: Bak Ha desperately embracing Lee Gak when she sees him fading away from her. The way her expression turned from happiness to anxiety was heart-wrenching and had me in tears. T_T

Episode 15 had well-mixed plot developments happening one after the other. I am happy to see the trio back in action while not losing their natural humor in the process. Even CEO Jang and the company story line ties up neatly with Se Na and Tae Mu's downfall.

I was clapping the moment Se Na got served--with TWO glasses of water on her face no less while Tae Mu earns a hard-slap from dad and the eerie humiliation at the end. DOWN and HARD, I say--I hope they get what they deserve at the end.

TEN! Give me more!

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May 10, 2012


OMG that was like so amazing! I am in love w/ this drama. I love the Secret Garden feel it has to it. The scenes where they r walking beside each other & the time travel instead of the soul (or w/e u want to call it) travel. I am like "Dude Lee Gak is like so legit now." LOL! His cousin can't go back on what he just said....KEKEKEKE! & RLY! Did President Jang totally pull a ninja move there? I mean come on how much more ninja can u be? She totally new that Sa Na was lying from the start....HAHAHAHAHAHA! & she rly is her daughter. She screwed herself & she doesn't even know it yet....OMG I can't wait till she finds out how everything was almost hers & b/c she is a lair she isn't going to get nething! OK even if what I want to happen doesn't I am still happy w/ this drama just b/c of this episode. I would watch this drama again just for this episode b/c it all worked out so well! It's awesome.

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May 10, 2012


The chief secretary is seriously pissing me off. He kept claiming how loyal and how right he is to the royal family . Yet, he sabotaged the princess and the king like crazy. :/
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May 10, 2012


Best episode ever. By far the best episode I have seen in any drama since Deep Rooted Tree's episode 8.

This episode had it all: Romance, comedy, and suspense... and comedy, oh yeah I said that already.

I was beginning to dislike the bit of cliches in previous episode, but this episode erased any memories of it. In fact, this episode has got to be one of the best episodes in drama history. Hands down.
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May 10, 2012


Watching the trio go to work for the first time in their life was truly rewarding, and funny. Especially the mother and her radish. In my country we say: "Wasn't it you who wanted the bicycle? Then start pedaling."

I'm skipping all evil mother's scenes, they seem useless to me. All she does right now is learning of Eun Sung's business and brood in shock. No doubt she will strike; for now, I'm just giving her the cold shoulder.
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May 10, 2012

"Oh My God!"

A lot happened in this episode.

At the end of the episode I was laughing uncontrollably because of Tae Mu's expression when Tae Yong "woke up". Even if it was really Lee Gak pretending to be Tae Yong(

The look on SeNa's face when CEO Jang told her she wasn't In Joo andto get out was priceless. Although, I would have liked her to pretend a bit more. But it's understandable since her disappointment on SeNa could always be seen on her face and she probably couldn't stand it anymore.

I loved when Park Ha threw, not one but, two glasses of water at SeNa. I was actually kind of worried she would take one of those glasses and break it on Park

Finally, someone noticed the flickering!


And did anyone notice Lee Gak's favorite show was Running Man...jejeje

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May 9, 2012


I would like to say THANK YOU to the director, Lee Myung Woo, who directed an actual passionate kissing seen between Ga Young and Young Gul.

I almost feel sorry for Jae Hyuk...almost

Anna is just sad.

WOW...By the end of this I'm like what the heck is Ga Young doing now??? She got what she wanted and now she is leaving Young Gul hanging.
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May 9, 2012

woc is over and the true battle begins

Awesome episode, closing a chapter and opening another.

These two are so beautiful together - I am not referring solely to looks - it's a pleasure to watch them. I love it that it was Jae Ha who planned and conducted the final stage of their war game, hence showing he's gone a very long way since everything began and is now ready to be a true king worth of his brother esteem and heritage.

The video of the late king rehearsing his future acting as wedding... minister? was a pleasant surprise and reinforces my conviction it was him who leaked the news of the engagement on episode 5.

I love it that he's still present not only in the hearts of everyone, but also for us viewer to see again.

Jae Shin and Shi Kyung are stealing my heart too. She has been wonderfully brave, both in facing her fears and confessing to Shi Kyung. And his embarrassment was the sweetest thing ever. It's only right that Jae Shin's the only one to witness his first breakdown. He is so far from the impassible, emotionless person he's been accused to be!

Jae Ha basically declares war to Boong go, which I find awesome too. It doesn't matter that the villain asked for a truce, he's too deranged to ever keep his word. So I believe the best defense is attack.

Clearly Hang Ah's going to be the next main target; I was expecting this. So now I'm again at the edge of my seat.

This drama's killing me.

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May 9, 2012

So repetitive...

4 years have passed since Eun Ho died and even though that was two episodes ago, it really feels like 4 years. It's so repetitive. I feel Baek Moo and Jin Yi keep having the same conversation about burying first love over and over and over again. I wish they would use the time wisely. This drama could have easily been 16 episodes. I also felt they dragged on Eun Ho's presence. I thought it would be over by ep. 5 and the same thing kept happening again and again until ep. 9.
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May 9, 2012

still watching

AH...So Fashion King was actually Young Gul's idea. I don't know what he is up to, but it would be great if he took Ga Young's factory back from that witch of a woman. Poor Anna, when will she realize that Young Gul is in love with Ga Young and that Jae Hyuk is in love with himself?

It is really weird that I don't like the characters in this drama at all, but I'm still watching it. I don't know if Shin Se Kyung's acting is bad or if the character that she is playing is so bad that it comes across as her not being able to act. The male actors are good at portraying some piss poor men. Young Gul needs to get his act together!!!

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May 9, 2012

A bittersweet episode.. :D

It was sweet and sad at the same time. I feel so sorry for Ha Na and Seo Joon...

Pretending not to know each other... that must hurt...
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May 9, 2012

I leave with many regrets....

Now that I'm crying my eyes out, I have a bigger interest in the drama. I had read a spoiler last night about Eun Ho dying of pneumonia, but it was still sad to see everything that happened.

It was also very sad that she waited almost all night for him to come under the rain while he was kneeling begging his mother to let him go to her under the rain too. *wipes tears away*

Personally, I don't think JGS was as good as good at acting as he is now, but I could see a promising start.
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May 9, 2012

Why does this happen?

This episode is pretty good among many previous ones. But, I haven't "got" many things yet and it bugs me..

1.What exactly is 'Team Leader' Han's issue with M2 juniors? Why is she the underhanded bitch to them while at the same time trying to act cute with President Jang?

What does she stand to lose if Woo Hyun leaves or not anyway?..

It can't be about the company- President Jang and M2juniors are part of the company, and she's acting out against them both.

If it's about her career- isn't she already very much in demand?

There doesn't seem to be any strong enough reason to back up how she is acting. Makes no sense.

2.Ji Woo and Seung Yoon - strange. Seung Yoon acting like a guy makes all the hand holding even more wierd..(the other team members do acknowledge it as wierd, so that's some consolation there)

3.A company that manages a music band, and idol + 1(In Young) and another 8 junior singers is run by 3 people- a President, a Team Leader, and another secretary sort of guy. Is that feasible really?

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Solid Acting for a Rom/Com

Unexpectedly hilarious! I don't really like the main male character yet (the actor is a very good one though) but I think thats the point. I like the main female character and the secondary characters already. I'm interested in seeing more...
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May 9, 2012

Doesn't Make a Splash Yet

It didn't bore me but it didn't impress me either. I am curious about the main characters and how thier romance will play out. I already like In Na's character.
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