May 12, 2012

Already Into It

I was kind of blown away. There was so much going on in just the beginning that I found myself engaged in the plot already. The characters intrigue me and i want to know more about them. I liked the chemistry between song il gook and han chae young. I was surprised by how good SIG's English is!
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May 11, 2012

What a Tease.

Alright now this drama is teasing me, with all the breaking up and getting back together that is going on. I already know how the story works out because of the other versions I've seen but it still doesn't feel good to be jerked around like this. Why are you such a tease drama? The ending especially was really teasing. Thank goodness only two episodes left until happiness! If there's going to be more crying and sulking of the main characters in this drama can we just cut to Sojiro's and Yuki's relationship because I really want to know how this drama handles it. :D
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May 11, 2012

So Close!

Ah and they were so close to finally being happy and together for once, but then the witch came at the very end. This makes me frustrated. Yay the original Shigeru is back not the manipulative lying backstabbing Shigeru! She actually calls off the wedding herself and tells her dad to still do the merger. Awh happy ending, now if only the witch mysteriously died. Aw poor Rui, he was so mature about letting Makino go, he really does deserve a fantastic girl. And Tsukasa got down on his knees for Makino, I guess love does make one do anything. There was less on the Shojiro and Yuki relationship in this episode, but its ok because its not like the story dragged in parts, but I do hope to see more of them. Oh and the old maid is freaking AWESOME! I like this woman and how she stands up to the witch.

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May 11, 2012

the queenmother is awesome

She beat Bong Gu like a redheaded step child. It was wonderful.

I wish I had waited to watch this once it was fully complete, because waiting till next week while Hang Ah and queenmother are kidnapped is going to kill me. However, I find comfort in the fact that Hang Ah will do something.

Lee Seung Ki does a great job portraying Jae Ha's despiration and misery. I was crying watching this.
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May 11, 2012

wow, just wow

Is this guy passionate or what? Maybe a little too passionate.
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May 11, 2012

If someone else from the leads will be dead, this drama sucks..

I'm really afraid of John Mayer.. I hope noone will get hurt.

but I really liked that episode.. it was very interesting..

Just lacking a bit romance in my oppinion :D ..only a bit.. ;)
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May 11, 2012

Best episode, but worst for my mind cause it's driving me CRAZY!!

Great, great, seemed quiet and a nice watch until the end... I'm still wondering if that's not one of his memories cause his top knot suddenly reappears when we she him going back with short hair... I'm hoping it's a memory!
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May 11, 2012


It was a interesting episode.. really.. every minute of it was facinating. There was enough romance and thrill. This drama is getting better, but I'm still a bit worried about the ending..
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May 11, 2012

How to dethrone the KING

Oh... And when I thought there would be one peaceful episode with the engagement part and all...

Well, at least secretary Eun finally decided to end the traitor game...wrote the confession and all, and Club M sent the proofs of his doings the moment he was going to say it all himself... great, even the bad guys aren't lucky here...

I was torn by JaeHa's expression there, how he was breaking right there and then... and when he was alone with HangAh all the came down to his eyes, like a little frightened boy who only believed in the warmth and love of his mother (in this case fiance)... gosh, this show is going to be the death of me... so many emotions in the simplest expressions and movements...

Now to ShiKyung and the Princess... oh, God, they made him sing...kyaa~ I loved how she pretended not to remember the song to make him sing further, clever princess... Though the next part of their conversation left me heartbroken, I don't believe ShiKyung's words, he thinks the Princess wants to play with him? What? He knows perfectly well, she's not that kind of a woman! I think it's more his feelings, and he's not ready for hers yet, so by denying his own feelings he hurt her... Just tell her to wait, and don't tell her you're not a toy...ShiKyunga~ who'd ever think you're NOT THAT innocent ^^

And I was about to break the laptop, when I realized what the preview showed about HangAh and the Queen disappearing... this is the leverage BogGu's going to use to make JaeHa resign, I don't even to write about this... just that I LOVE THE ROYAL family, that has a mother, who afraid of her whits of that psycho killer stood up and started beating up BongGu like a 6 year old little kid...

Seeing and seeing how JaeHa was deeper desperate to find them... this is the most difficult drama I have ever watched, I shouldn't have started it while it was running, should have waited till it was over... T_T

JaeHa's desperate dream sent to the other world... oh~ c'mon, be true-be true!!! (yes, as hell true in my face...)

I was hoping they would try to kidnap only HangAh, then I'd witness some ass kicking, hopefully the most beat up victim would be Mia-b***...

A very difficult Thursday for me...

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May 11, 2012

Killing Me... Not So Softly

@___________@ Episode 8 has got to have the biggest cliffhanger so far... and it's killing me!! That speaks well of the show, but it's turning me into a crazy bug-eyed child wanting the next episode NOW! We're halfway through the series, and I have no idea to what ends the drama will be heading. Halfway through RTP and TK2H, we knew where it could possibly go... but absolutely no idea for QIHM.

Is it the bad guys' turn to use the talisman to their advantage? CAN THEY? What gives that talisman special power? Could they make another one? If Hee Jin could remember the words on the talisman, would it be possible for her to make one? Could Hee Jin go back in time? 8 more episodes is A Lot of Room to be moving in... What's generally in store?

There are things that I want from this show (besides more heart-melting smiles).. and things I want to know. I'm on the edge of my seat, trying to will next week to come sooner.

Drama, I love you. Please love me back.

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May 11, 2012

Side-Plot Romance. I'm In.

I love how the show focused on the side romance of Sujiro and Yuki in this episode. They are a sweet couple and honestly this is the one of the only dramas where I actually like the side-plot romance. Makino finally confesses that she doesn't want Rui and only wants Tsusaka (Finallly girl, its about time). I really hate how Shigeru knows that Tsukasa likes Makino but still throws herself at him desperately hoping he'll love her. She's basically blackmailing Tsukasa into loving her by looming the merger over his head. Little does she know that he's willing to give that up for love. I know that Shigeru is going to get some sense soon(from watching the Kdrama and anime) and will allow Tsukasa and Makino to be together but for now I kinda dislike her character. This is why I still like Rui because he's mature and takes rejection. He doesn't try to deny it like Shigeru. Aw Rui I'll love you :D.

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May 11, 2012

Cohabitation. Things are going to get interesting!

Ok so Shigeru is starting to annoy me. I forgot that she's so blind in her love that she'll risk being in a loveless relationship to be with Tsukasa. She obviously knows that Tsukasa and Makino love each other but she manipulates both of them so she can be with Tsukasa. This annoys me. I liked the old Shigeru better. But aw its so sweet that Tsukasa is willing to risk his life for Makino
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May 11, 2012

You're a Heartthrob!

Aw this was such a sweet episode. I really love how Tsukasa was so sweet to Makino's little brother. I was going aww throughout the episode. And to Tsukasa's confession to Makino - FINALLY!! Aw poor Rui loving Makino, I think he really likes her this time. He's such a sweet guy but he can't get in between destiny. I also feel really bad for Shigeru because it's not like she asked to be Tsukasa's finance or wanted to fall for him. The only thing I don't like is Tsukasa's outbursts where he hits everyone. I know he did before but he changed so I was willing to forgive and overlook it. But I really don't like how he just goes around beating up innocent people when he's mad. I hope the show changes that aspect of him.

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May 11, 2012


This is so addicting that I don't even notice the time passing. The ending was sooo goood. I was so immersed that when they cut to the previews I was like AHHHHH WHATTTTTT NOOO!!!!! ITS OVER!!!!!!!! THE EPISODE CANNOT END LIKE THAT! Don't leave me hanging. Thank god that this drama already aired and all I have to click is next episode. Soo Soo Soo good. So much romantic tension, ahhhhhh I'm getting the flutters. Poor Rui, Poor Shigeru, but YAYYYYYY Tsukasa and Makino! I totally loved the part where Tsukasa was creeping at the doorway. I was like no normal human being would do that, and then when he mentioned he wasn't a normal human I was like LOL. I think I like this season a lot more than the first season. I'm loving this!!!!

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May 11, 2012

loving it

this show is so great! they should have kissed at the end when hee jin hold his hands and try to save him. on to the next episode
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