Apr 10, 2012


This episode had too many flash backs..everybody was trying to come to grips with their love life. lol Don't worry I am not giving up on this story..I can't wait to see what happens next :)
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Apr 10, 2012

finally older actors

So they have finally introduced the older actors now. I'm still not sure how i feel about the lead girl.. but i think Kim soo Hyun and Jung Il woo are pretty perfect for their parts. This drama just keeps getting better ^^
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Apr 10, 2012

More fights and heartbreak...

I love the fights in this drama. Even if the effects aren't that good. I'm also loving the instrumental music of the OST.

I think this was the first episode when I was sort of moved. I got a little teary eyed. I hate when friends fight because of a love interest.
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Apr 10, 2012


This episode was a little slow, but I loved how Wu Dao stopped resisting and let her (Yu Die= You DIE!! No? OK, I just don't like her..lol) hug him.
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Become a rabbit and grab your girl!!!! :D

OMG... this episode gifted me with so much laughter and butterflies... I just couldn't give it anything lower than 9...

I am liking Yoo-Hwan's acting more and more with every episode, this guy just knows how to get under your skin...

First I thought this drama is going to be full of cliches so I didn't expect anything special, I was just going to enjoy the fun... but it's giving so many interesting solutions to cliches... oh my stomach...:D

The rabbit costume just put the end to me... I never thought that cool, cold guy would EVER even think of thinking of doing that... that was SO unexpected, I went back and watched the part one more time... oh my stomach...

Loving this show!!!

Read More

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Apr 10, 2012

Love & War

Now there's a triangle with the Dragon Prince. He's so dark and moody.

I don't like Yu Die. I find her so annoying.

And Mo Yin talked so much about Rong Di and his infatuation for a woman, but she's doing the same thing. I mean, she lost her "sense" because of what he did...
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Apr 10, 2012

I tell you...

I was ticked off when Jang II's father was at Seon Woo's bed in ICU blaming him for Jang II trying to kill him. REALLY??? What a joke. What is with Soo Mi??? What a totaly biatch!!! If these people are suppose to be Seon Woo's friends, then I guess he doesn't need any enemies. I hope these people get what is coming to them.
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Apr 10, 2012

Drama, more drama, and some more drama.

I disliked one thing about this episode and it's minimal humor, but other than that it was a great episode. I was shocked at the gay twist in this episode. I thought Chang Ryul was becoming nicer but instead he's just becoming more and more of a fool. No Sang Joon is awesome as always. I LOVED the part where he tries to tell Gae In's friend that he is not gay but instead acts even more gay.
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Apr 10, 2012

dragon (pant pant)

okay, so there is this conflicted hot guy who can turn into a dragon and he has a SUPER COOL sword! this is so my type of show lol. I enjoy all the cheap special effects and stuff.

If I was that goddess come to earth I would have killed that king by now :)
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Apr 10, 2012

These demons...

I've thought of dropping this drama. I don't like when things look really, really fake and some of these demon characters are laughable...But I do like the story and that's why I've endured.

And so many lovesick people...There's triangles everywhere.
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Apr 10, 2012

Addicting, Jiro Wang's new Treasure.

I started wtching this drama without really having seen any of the other versions. The reason for it would plain and simple be that I love Jiro Wang.

For a first episode to always keep you this aware when watching is extremely rare. It is something you only can seem to find when you actually really really love a drama.. Only one episode has been aired until now of this show now replacing Skip Beat! on the taiwanese movie stream. A Great first episode. I got a feeling that this drama is among the kinds that will make you cry later though. Annoying how it really is nothing but thirteen episodes.
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Apr 10, 2012

More Drama but still hilarious.

I loved how Jin Ho's "emotional barrier" broke in this episode and how his gentle side is now showing through. He did so much to help Gae In in this episode and it's really sweet. I really enjoyed the part where they go to the noodle shop and get ice cream afterwards. I was heartbroken in the part where Jin Ho gets drunk after the art gallery raised the qualification minimum making his company ineligible for the project. All in all, a great episode.
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Apr 10, 2012

The truth...

Wen Tian and Yao Yao need to just be honest with each other...

And she played the flute! But it didn't feel the same without the pretty, billowy gown.
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Apr 10, 2012

so sad!

This episode this so well done, and so sad. I'm literally balling my eyes out and there's kleenex all around me. I'm used to sad dramas but.. when its children its so much more heart wrenching.
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Apr 10, 2012


Well it is not what I expected, but it is totally worth it to watch Jiro. I don't rly care for the Korean actor's/actresses doing Taiwan drama's unless they speak the language. U can tell this is dubbed over & the acting doesn't rly go well w/ the voice. But it doesn't matter anymore b/c Jiro totally stole all focus to his character. I am watching to see what Jiro does b/c I haven't ever watched the Japanese version of this. But, I guess that is my plan for the wkend. Once u get past bad acting of Ku Hye Sun then it is ok & seems to be promising b/c Jiro is good at making drama's have a life of their own.
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