Apr 10, 2012

Full of problems

This episode was so full of problems. Like this happened because of this and then this problem caused that. ( I don't want to say any spoilers just incase). Overall I enjoyed it. It definetly has that drama feeling to it.
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Apr 10, 2012

Good Start

This drama starts off pretty awesome.Love the personality of Byung Hee and the other band members.
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Apr 10, 2012

Nothing like the wrath of a woman...

Things got a bit interesting when Ding Yao's soul was transferred to Xian Yue. I love when she does that flute attack. I wish the moment had lasted longer, but of course Ding Yao wanted to save her little half demon...lol

And this king is so annoying going after a woman like that... Especially one that has never seen him as a man.
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So Cute!!!

Seung Yeon is starting to realize her feelings for Woo Hyun. Woo Hyun still doesn't know she's a girl, but the feelings are there. I love that when Seung Yeon finally came to help Woo Hyun he had this smile which just screamed I think I like you. Ji Woo is so cute getting all jealous as well. I wish he was a bit more assertive about how he feels. I don't like the other girl, Woo Hyun's ex-gf, she oozes fake out of every word she says. The ending with Seung Yeon's parents makes me want to scream! Seung Yeon Fighting!!!
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King2Hearts Episode 6
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2012

Push and pull game

I was getting so annoyed with him and his stupid plan. (it really was to cheesy too at times, some parts I couldn't watch. Had it been me I'dd have said ''yuck'' right in his face. Even though I love LSG) The annoying part was how he doesn't realize he's being like that because he actually does like her.

The ''romantic'' embrace felt like a tragic defeat to me. It's so sad how he dumps her, and so brilliant how she takes her revenge, even though it would be most painfull to herself.

I loved how his sister tricked him. (really obviously too, but that made it even funnier, though I would have let him continue a bit longer xd) I loved the look on his face afterwards when his sister left them alone. It really was hilarious.

I'm still trying to figure out what he's really thinking, he keeps denying that he's crazy about her, also because of his pride. But I think he really doesn't realize himself how badly he's fallen for her. After she triumphantly tells him to put the engagement off anyway, I'm wondering what he really planned to do with that so-called ''after party''. I love how she's still all innocent even when drunk.

The kiss at the end was great. Heart throbbing great. How the king and her father came in was so funny. It was like they really only realised then that they might have fallen for each other. Only because they were seen, for no different reason. lol

(Is my thinking weird? It might be because I have to wait for the next two eps and I can't...)

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Burst of emotions

Now this is getting better and better...

I have laughed so much while watching the fights of the leads...

pfft~ Woo-Hyun started explaining why he was with his ex... and then wondered himself, why he is even explaining all that to her... and Seung Yeon getting angry over his being with his ex... SO CUTE~!!!

I just love how he looks at her, with so much care and tenderness...I'm sure deep inside he just knows she's a girl...

I love also when he bursts and starts being the bad guy again to torture her a little...

Now I'm worried about the next episode, cause Seung Yeon's parents are surely going to try to send her back to England...

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Apr 9, 2012

Diamond Snow after Love Rain...

Now this is what I call an episode! A hurricane of emotions, actions, words, thoughts... and everything that is possible... both characters are lovable and cute!

You should see their fights together, they broke all the records of fights in one episode, first it reminded me of 'shining inheritance' phone story... then it went another way, fortunately... I love it, when the bad guy falls in love first... and his tempting stares... ow~ Geun-Suk oppa, andweyo~ ^^
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Apr 9, 2012


The last episode (longer than the others) was really great. So much happened, it had more action than any episode before it (Just look at the fight between Sou and Jinno's bodyguard on the stairs.. wow..) and for me it was a little unexpected, too.

I loved how after all the action and drama they had the cute and funny ending scene at the airport - I just can't get enough of Maruo's and Sou's bickering. :)

Simply great ending for a great drama.
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Apr 9, 2012

Wait What Just Happened??

I'm so confused as to what happened to Xin-Yi to make her beleive that Cun Xi never wanted the child. She states that it isn't because of the accident, but even before the accident he didn't want it. I'm so confused as to what makes her think that. Anna pops up again of course out of jealously and mistrust. Doesn't this girl have anything better to do than stalk her boyfriend all the time? Of course the revelation that Anna could be Dylan's sister is interesting. Xin-Yi likes Cun Xi again... I don't know whether I should be happy or wary because it seems too fast but I also understand because he was her first love and of course she still has feelings for him. Lets see what the next episodes bring.

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Apr 9, 2012

It Must Be Fate

I loved this episode because Xin-Yi can finally show Cun Xi how much she's changed. She's not longer the Sticky Note Girl he used to know and that unnerves him. I hope he doesn't try to change her back, because I feel that Xin-Yi is better this way. I loved that Xin-Yi sent Cun Xi to jail, the look on his face... priceless. Aww Dylan and Xin-Yi couple, too cute, too bad its not meant to be :(. It's ok Dylan I would rather have you than Cun Xi :P
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Apr 9, 2012

Heart Attack!!!!

I loved this episode!!!!!

Simply loved it!!!!

I lo es That he tríed yo play with her And in The end it backfired And he was The One who ended Up having feelings for her!!

And her dad it's like overprotective with her so when he And The king see th kissing it's like pure gold, I couldn't stop laughing!

I Love The princess, she has a really strong personality And I Love her relationship with Eun Shi Kyung! ?(´?? )
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Love Rain Episode 4
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2012

Can't stop watching it..

Ok so I'm addicted to this drama and I LOVED this episode.

I have to admit,I cried at the end,it was just so sad.I'm kind of sad because 1970' generation ended,I really liked the story and attraction between the two actors.I liked their behaviour,clothes...But also,I look forward to the next episode.
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Apr 9, 2012

All I Can Say Is...FINALLY!!!

FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY!! This drama has been super slow from the very beginning, but FINALLY in episode 4, we see the real story begin. I was actually very proud of Yoona in this episode. I thought that she did a great job, and so did all of the actors. I actually was glued to the screen, whereas, during all the other episodes I couldn't wait for them to be over, but not this one. This drama can only get better.
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Sad episode

This episode was also very great. It made me want to cry, especially the tie in at the end where you find out that the stalker wasn't actually a stalker, but someone who was protecting the girl. Eikura Nana was amazing in this episode, as was Yamapi. The musician girl's hairdo was also kinda weird :P Random but yeah :D
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Apr 9, 2012

I L-l-LOVE Personal Taste

I love Gae In's facial expressions. This episode shows Jin Ho and Gae In bonding and iGat's so well done. Ahhhh Gae In and her gay comments make me laugh. I'm also starting to love Director Choi of the Art Gallery. Ryung Chang's shock at Gae In looking attractive was hilarious too.
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