I would mostly try my best to get away, even if killing him is the answer. In the unlikely event you meet your bias, what would you do if he/she said something rude to another fan?
If it was a really really crazy person I would pretend there was some one else in the room and that he and I were keeping that imaginary person as a hostage together. When he started playing along I would convince him we should let the person go and turn ourselves in. In the unlikely event your shoes have a fight and refuse to be worn on the same pair of feet.
choose another pair in the unlikely event that you become the leader of a group of survivors in an zombie apocalypse what would you do?
Appoint another leader. In the unlikely event you see the a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, what will you do? On a side note, this thread is really funny, it should get alive again hehehehe.
Look for the leprechaun and tickle him until he says "they're after me lucky charms!" In the unlikely event you find out you're a clone and there are 24 other copies of you, what would you do?
I would take control of them so I can make them do things for me Buahaha. In the unlikely event you get invisibility power, what would you do?
Use that power to play ultimate hide n' seek with my cat! He wins every time :) In the unlikely event you woke up understanding a different language, but not understanding your native language, what would you do?
I would watch all the drama I can in my original language hoping it will bring back the knowledge I used to have. In the unlikely event that you woke up in dramaland in a horror movie that really scares you, what would you do?
Knowing my luck, I'd be the token first-to-die guy in a horror movie so it doesn't really matter what I do.. In the unlikely event you are able to travel to the moon, what would your first words back to mission control be?
Maybe "I thought the moon was made of cheese." In the unlikely event you went into the future and saw your future self, what would you say to your future self?
"Find me the numbers for next week's Euro Millions. We'll become millionaires!" I'm a genius. In the unlikely event that you went 10 years to the past and saw your past self, what would you do/say?
Learn harder, travel a lot, dream big. In the unlikely event that you time traveled to medieval times, what would you do?
I find myself a white knight. ITUET you are stuck in Seoul pennyless, what would you do ?
Kidnap a korean star and demand ransom from all of you here. In the event that your left hand and right hand starts to fight without your knowledge, what would you do?
I'll set on them in the event that u wake up and see that ur head is shining without hair,what will u do