Do you watch your dramas at home? Work? With friends? By yourself? At night? During the day? Etc... I usually watch dramas at night, in my bedroom, & by myself. :P
Alone, whenever I feel like it. Sometimes when im exercising (I take my laptop and watch dramas while on the elliptical machine.) Sometimes when im taking a bath I watch dramas :P
I usually watch my dramas at night when The D's have been fed and my day is done. On weekends I get in more watching time. I have to watch them alone because I haven't been able to get anyone to watch with me. :(
The most time i watch them alone at home and i prefer watching them at night, but sometimes i also watch them with my friends or my sister after persuading them ^-^
Usually alone at.. any time really. At school if I have a period off (sometimes during..), after school unless I have a test (sometimes when I have one..), at weekends when I don't have rehearsal weekends with my band and at night if I have trouble sleeping. I'm re-watching Secret Garden with a friend, although we sort of came to a hault at the moment. Every now and then I may watch a movie or some episodes with another friend, but rarely. It's mostly just me. :P
Where/with whom/when do you usually watch your dramas? Usually on my Laptop in my room, lovable lil ol me, usually when I am doing something else that doesn't require my full attention. Such as homework, videogames, or some sports on TV.
Usually on my own. Occasionally with a friend. I also do group watches with Ninajade and C4U. We live blog our thoughts on FB as we watch. :)
dont really have my own room but i do have a spot at home where my laptop sits all day, and since i 'm working in the morning i'll watch my drama after work and always alone ;o what can i say i'm a lonely person ;o
I usually watch dramas by myself and while I am doing mundane and/or repetitive tasks. I failed at doing sports (treadmill etc) during a dramathon as not even the most intoxicating drama could sweep away my displeasure at not moving from the spot and being in a confined space. I rarely watch a drama without having multiple windows/programs open but in case I do I am usually lying on my bed or on my terrace. ;)
My school blocks everything on the web. We literally only have access to google, wiki, our grading system, the school website. The other websites have to be approved by a teacher/administrator. So I watch dramas at home by myself while doing homework... not always the best plan. But I watch well into the night. Some days when I'm watching a really good drama I'll stay up until 2 or 3 which is bad because I get up at like 6:30. Oh the things I do for dramas.
All the time. Alone, except once I got my daughter to watch fbrs with me:)
I always watch them when I'm alone. I don't know anyone personally who watches dramas and I can't concentrate when my son's playing behind me or sitting on my lap. That won't work out. ^^ So I watch them in the evenings, at night or sometimes when I have a quiet hour in between. :)
Usually alone, in my room (more specifically on my sofa), after 19:30 in the evening (it's the time they're out by my time)...

Sometimes we have collective gatherings with drama lovers here... when we have time... which we don't have recently...
usually, at living room; anytime i'm there.. usually watch alone, or with whoever person in the living room because i watch dramas by connecting my laptop to TV in the living room (started doing that after i think my eyes were getting worse..) so whoever there, he/she/they watch together with me.. :D but sometimes i also watch with my friend(s) random places.. :P
soracantabile wrote: usually, at living room; anytime i'm there..
usually watch alone, or with whoever person in the living room
because i watch dramas by connecting my laptop to TV in the living room (started doing that after i think my eyes were getting worse..)
so whoever there, he/she/they watch together with me.. :D

but sometimes i also watch with my friend(s) random places.. :P

oh nice! i like what u did there! i have a friend just like u lol