Nutrition & Fitness ex-English major no idea what I'm doing for grad school :P
I'm studying Literature and English as a foreign language, first year :)
I'm studying Human Resources, first year :D
Nice question :) my major is gender studies (final year ^^)
I'm a freshman graphic design major ^__^
I'm studying International Relations, first semester. It's my first major :)
its basicaly like this in our field :D

I'm majoring in Media Studies. It's my second year, and I am currently in the middle of the third of six semesters. Yeah, I have a BA degree in Language Studies (Japanese).
Actuarial Mathematics Freshman Semester 1 Nope :D
My undergraduate (college) degree is Biology. Now I'm taking up law. Currently in my 2nd year.
Financial Accounting. Doing my CPA while minoring in Criminology & Psychology.
Business Study Final year
Psychology 7 Nope I love psychology it's interesting how and why people behave the way they do
Going to university next year, preferences are for Psychology/Criminology. Hopefully I get an offerㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Well, I'm in high school so I don't actually have that kind of major. But I've studied two periods and I have three periods left before summer vacation.