hey, i've recently watched shoot my heart, a stray goat and steel cold winter and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any movies that were similar in genre that are either sad or disturbing.
i dont really watch sad movies, but ...ing http://mydramalist.com/519-...ing and classic http://mydramalist.com/440-classic they are both from 2003 i think, but idk i liked them
If you want disturbing (not sad), I'd recommend I Saw The Devil. Some (if not most) Kim Kiduk's movies can be considered "disturbing" as well, like Pieta or Moebius.
Sad... Sad Movie, The Long Way Home, Northern Limit Line
Disturbing... The Wailing, The Chaser, The Crucible
Sad and disturbing... Hope
Definitely Han Gong Ju. Both disturbing and sad and it's based on a true story
Hope... it's extremely sad and disturbing!
Oldboy. This is the most disturbing movie that I have ever watched. The plot twist really fuck up me!
Tale of two sisters. The silenced/crucible 
Sad: The Throne 

Disturbing: Oldboy
Ichi The Killer is probably the most disturbing movie I've seen, not sure how similar the plot is to the movies you provided. 
Oldboy is a great movie as well, 100% recommend it
Our Town was a little twisted, it had an interesting plot