I've been trying to learn since last year, but I've kept putting it off again and again, but somehow inbetween I've managed to learn Hangul (more or less) ^^
I just recently started trying to learn the language. Like many others have suggested .. learn Hangeul (Korean alphabet) first it makes it so much easier when you are trying to pronounce words. And it wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be! I used "Korean Letters", which is an app available for free through iTunes.

Check out http://www.youtube.com/user/sweetandtasty?feature=watch. She features a Korean word (ex: "I'm sorry" & the different ways to say it) or topic (ex: Korean foods or articles of clothing) every week. Her videos are well done and very entertaining.

TalkToMeInKorean.com is what I mainly use. Their podcasts and corresponding PDF notes have helped me a lot. I sometimes listen to their lessons on my commute to and from work. The way they explain things is very easy to understand AND its free!

My family and I ate at a Korean restaurant last week and I was very proud to be able to order my meal in Korean :)
I want to learn but I'm so busy with nursing school right now. I'm going to find the time someday, though. There's a lot of helpful resources in this thread too, thanks to everyone who shared. (:
tlkdrama2me wrote: I just recently started trying to learn the language. Like many others have suggested .. learn Hangeul (Korean alphabet) first it makes it so much easier when you are trying to pronounce words. And it wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be! I used "Korean Letters", which is an app available for free through iTunes.

Check out http://www.youtube.com/user/sweetandtasty?feature=watch. She features a Korean word (ex: "I'm sorry" & the different ways to say it) or topic (ex: Korean foods or articles of clothing) every week. Her videos are well done and very entertaining.

TalkToMeInKorean.com is what I mainly use. Their podcasts and corresponding PDF notes have helped me a lot. I sometimes listen to their lessons on my commute to and from work. The way they explain things is very easy to understand AND its free!

My family and I ate at a Korean restaurant last week and I was very proud to be able to order my meal in Korean :)

I love KWOW!! I usually watch Professor Oh's videos to learn words, but I watch Talk To Me In Korean for grammar and sentence structure..things like that. I love when she does Kpop Word Of The Week. I haven't watched her videos in a while though.
i feel you.even bought a book but the characters are hard for me to understand.
I can't even read romanization. I try, but end up pronouncing the words like you would in English. Give me Hangul though, and I can read it almost as easily as I can read English.
shishi123075 wrote: i feel you.even bought a book but the characters are hard for me to understand.

my advice, keep studying hangul (the characters) but press on with a program that uses just hangul or BOTH hangul and romanization. the more you see the characters formed into words you know how to pronounce, the more you will start to connect those characters to the sounds they make.

i had a REALLY hard time with the vowels b/c they look really simillar to each other but after reading/writing words in hangul i am able to identify them more readily.
blueoaichan wrote: I can read hangul but I can't understand it XD

Hahah me too xD Read and write, that is why I've started learning vocabulary like a crazy xD And have just ordered dictionary :D
I was taking professional Korean classes then I stopped simply because I started to neglect my japanese learning so I will take a break until I become japanese fluent.
I've started to learn Korean. It's all horribly exciting. Three months ago I had very little interest in Korea at all. I'd watched a few Korean movies and liked them, but if you asked what languages I wanted to learn in my lifetime Korean would not have even entered my wildest imagination. All that changed a little over 2 months ago when I stumbled upon gooddrama.net. To my amazement I found a lot of Korean movies that I had on my watchlist for ages. I couldn't believe it. Then I discovered the dramas and the rest as they say is history. It's insane how completely obsessed I've become with Korean culture and language since I became a Korean movie (then drama) addict. There's no going back for me now. I'm temporarily using TalktomeinKorean to learn the basics before investing in more rigorous training. Their lessons are short and uncomplicated which makes what you learn that much easier to remember. I'm also trying to learn Hangul, but I'll admit that it's a challenge because I always forget the corresponding romanized letter/s for each character. I also try to read the credits when I watch dramas and movies but they're almost impossible to decipher. When I romanize the Hangul characters the word that comes out doesn't make a bit of sense! Frustrating ... but I'll rock on. I doubt I'll ever be fluent in this language, but I at least want to get to conversational level for before I travel to Korea next year.
Like everyone else here I have been trying to learn the language mainly through talktomeinkorean.com. I can read most of the hangul characters well (although slowly), and I have picked up a lot of the language by watching dramas(but not as much as I would like). It has been about six months now and I have started to slack off because of school and work. Is there any good learning tools out their that can help pick back up my interest?
I'm learning korea but im not that far im still learning the alphabet but i got most of it down its just the vowels im stuck on...and i have to teach myself....i plan on doing an abroad school to korea in 2015...hope it works out
I've also been learning Korean since around the beginning of this year. I bought a book off half.com, Korean for Beginners. It's a really good book and I can read Hangul, although slowly. I picked up quite a bit of Korean from watching dramas and movies, but there's still a lot I don't understand without subtitles lol. As of some good tools, I bought Korean for Beginners off half.com. It cost me around $14. Koreanclass101.com also sends a Korean word of the day everyday, which is good for building up your vocabulary.
I have been learning but only know the alphabet and common phrases
I would love to learn it through school but just looking at the Hangul alphabet, I just ...*nosebleed* But if I must learn Korean, I need to read and write Korean. So far, I am able to recognize some vowels and consonants.

I visit sweetandtasty on youtube; Professor Oh gives pointers on verbs, expressions, trivia, food etc.. I haven't tried talktomeinkorean but know that a lot of Kdrama friends who use it.

I usually learn a language by surrounding myself with people who talk in that language. If you listen to it everyday, more or less you can capture the meaning. Nouns and pronouns are the usual starters but I try to learn the verbs as much as possible because they are the most important words to be learned; they can stand alone and make a sentence.