May 24, 2012

Selfblame resulting in disaster.

This episode was far from predictable. I really loved it, Allthough I felt my eyes slightly teared up towards the ending. Noone deserves what Shen Qi's brother is going through, Same as Shen Qi's disease is just too cruel.

Admitted to the hospital, Eventually running away in an atempt to save his brother.

Its hard to believe that this show is for a fact 50 minutes each episode.. I love this drama. Taiwan is definately always going to be my fave country for their dramas.

Poor Shen Qi, I hope he will be able to accept his disease. Du also seems to try helping out a bit.. Hope she does more though. Not resulting in him becoming a rock.

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May 24, 2012

best show to relieve your sufferings

One must love a heroine who uses her brain. I was overjoyed when Hee Jin puts two and two together and sees through her manager's deception about her having spoken to Boong Du - hence proving he exists and is not a figment of her labile mind.

This is not a drama that gives us lies we as viewers know from the beginning and than drags them for centuries to the point of unbearable frustration. It opens up a door, crosses it, deals with the problem at hand. Always in a hilarious, witty and refreshing way.

Loved the trapped in the shower parallel and the fact that Boong Do's the one who sees the irony of it, while the foolish guys stays... foolishly in the dark (well, in the shower...). LOL

And one must love a hero who, besides being clever, is chivalrous too. He does not intervene in Hee Jin's and Dong Min's confrontation until this last becomes rude. This is not simple jealousy, it's a principle: don't treat women that way!

Boong Do, you have my respect and loyalty.

Last but not least, this drama's offering us a very healthy dose of good kisses. Who's not rejoicing in this, raise a foot.


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May 24, 2012

Where did the time go..?

Watching this episode, It felt like time just flew straight through the window.. What should have felt like a 50 minutes long episode, Turns into a matter of a few minutes as the episode absorbes you.

An innocent romance from the past, Turning into a nightmare for the new teacher transfering into Shi Yu. Mislead by two girls from his class skipping classes, He acidentally goes to the old school building and sees his girlfriend's ghost. Memories start flowing back to him, And he is blaming himself for her death.

Why does every episode in this drama have to fly by?.. ^^,
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May 24, 2012


So i actually really liked this drama, at the start and I wouldnt be able to wait to watch it every week when it was subbed. Even though it was quite weak and at times and made no sense and the characters seemed to be all over the place BUT i kept watching it because I loved the love triangle, JH's possesive love for LGY and of coarse I wanted to know what happens at the end, but seriously????? Even though Kdrama endings are usually bad whether happy or sad but this has got to be the worst ending EVER! I generally don't like sad endings but even so that's not why I hated this, I hated it because it made absolutely NO SENSE!! After I finished watching it, I was literally staring at my computer screen with my mouth wide open and trying to interpret what I had just seen. It was the dumbest, weirdest ending EVER. Why does he get shot? who shoots him? why doesnt LGY go see him when she clearly loves him? andddd when she clearly loves him, what is she doing with JH? well are they dating now? throughout the whole drama I have never seen a proper smile on her face but now that she is holding hands with JH, she seems to be laughing and having the time of her life! ohh and how can she not hear the gun shot when shes talking to YG on the phone? and if she does know it was a gun shot and realises that YG has just been shot, how come she shows no reaction when shes been sick in bed for a whole month, crying because she misses him???? and another thing, what did the writers completely forget about Ahna? I mean at the start she kept creating problems but in the last few episodes we kept seeing less and less of her and weirdly she bacame the nicest character :| Anyway, the only character that makes sense is probably JH. He is alone and has horrible parents and when he meets LGY he falls for her to the point of obsession so his actions are selfish because of his strong feeling for LGY. The other characters however seemed to be constantly changing to the point where I felt like they were different people bunched into one person! take Ahna for example, we know that at the start she is in love with JH, but when they break up and she starts working with KYG, who does she like? its never made clear. There were also so many loose ends, how did KYG get the necklace? what does GG stand for? and so on. So overall, it wasnt an amazing drama, even though the actors were very good, the plot was also descent but it could have been way better, there were A LOT of better and not to mention more logical possible endings. Honestly I was in love with it until the last episode!

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May 24, 2012

Ruining the mood.....

why must eun shi kyung died, feel really sorry to princess jae least let them have a baby. This ep really ruining my mood. T_T
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May 24, 2012

The player admits... ^^

Brilliant, funny, romantic episode...

I love BoongDu's childish jelousy... that's the cutest thing to see, when he heard DongMin coming and went into the house (by the way again in the middle of HeeJin's clothes and told her 'tangshin namjachingu'... his voice and eyes at the moment~ and then spraying DongMin with water, then sticking his tongue...kyaa~

Am I pervert for re-watching the last kiss for like 20 times already and being swayed every time??? Every detail of it is so vividly pasted in my memory I have been smiling like a total idiot all morning... I was about to loose my breath when he suddenly kissed her, and the moment he was still kissing her and she pulled away... *somebody scoop me off the floor*... and then her 'seonsu'... and him admitting of being a player without even knowing, ha~ and the rest of the kiss... his hand on her back, her tiptoeing and then standing on his toes... *sigh*

This Ji HyunWoo is out of this world, I swear, there's something magical in him that makes him perfect for BoongDu's role... he's no ordinary man~ *closing oorie Yong-Hwa's ears*

I'm totally falling for him~

Oh, by the way, I am so loving HeeJin's character's spontaneous character, she's just great!

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May 24, 2012


I should have known from the moment that glare of sunlight was ever present when he was kissing Jae Shin... That's one of the signs that the character will die... I remember another drama with light...last year....tragic death...-_-;

This was a well done episode, BUT I hate how these writers just took away my favorite character from me. I had to cover my mouth or else I would have woken everyone up crying like the freaking "Llorona", but instead of saying "my children, my children" I was saying "Not my Eun Shi Kyung!" *sigh* I'm trying not to delude myself into thinking he will appear somehow....I'm so heartbroken.

And just what the hell is wrong with people? How can they let that psycho go free? And omo, omo... That guy smiling when the "terrorist" attack was on the news...Omo... I wanted to kick him where it hurts the most and then some...

I don't even know what to write besides "Bring oorie Eun Shi Kyung back!!!!!"

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May 24, 2012


I follow Ishio. Yes the drama is amazing, the episode was also good, but seriously.. I can't forgive because of EUN SHI KYUNG !! SERIOUSLY!! How can they forget about him and smile and everything! HE FKING DIED! I can't pardon this ! this is so unfair for the princess and for us! He's like our favorite bias in this drama! I preferred his relation with the princess than the main couple! Seriously I feel really exhausted because of how it's going on.. Give us back Eun shi Kyung and I'll give you a 10. T_T now, gotta go have to cry -__- I have a mourning to do T_T
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May 24, 2012

I am going CRAZY! My heart just hurts.

Ok yeah this epi is AWESOME 2! This show only has 1 epi left & they went all war on me. There is no way Hang Ah is leaving SK. She is going 2 let loose on those guys trying 2 make her leave. There is no way that they will end in war either. Jae Ha will figure out how 2 stop this from happening. He will make the US leave SK & join up w/ NK & some1 from Club M will come out w/ some evidence against the Evil Mastermind Psycho! There is no freaking way that so many countries would ask 4 a person like that 2 be released from prison even if he did threaten 2 expose their dirty laundry. No way! Public opinion has a little more power than that & no1 would want a murder let out of jail.

Now I am just so freaking upset that they killed Eun Shi Kyung off. He was like the most endearing character. I loved his simple but complex self. His will 2 be strong, but his fear of his own emotions rly got 2 me. Oh my heart hurts 2nite. I am just glad that 2moro is another day & there is 1 more epi 2 go b-4 it is all over. Even if they do end it all w/ war (which I don't think they will) @ least let Hang Ah & Jae Ha be 2gether! I beg u writers plz, b/c I don't think my heart can take much more. I rly don't want to cry like a baby over a TV show.

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May 24, 2012

Unexpected Yaoi Twist!

This episode already had me addicted after the first 5 minutes, However as the episode progressed things only became better and better. As a result of a illegal and dangerous situation, Da Dong gets wounded and has to flee.

The people chasing him are right behind him, And he is rescued by his classmate Xiao Lun. As Da Dong used to bully Xiao Lun he is rather careful with what to do while mending his wounds. The result of these actions.. A BoyLove story.

Things became rather intense as the episode progressed and it kept you watching. You feel bad for Xiao Lun for only being himself and gets disrespected this much.. Still you also understand how the other person has troubles accepting his homosexuality.

Another arc-ending with a meaning.. Selfacceptance is the key to everything.. Really intense yaoi moment in this one.. Probably rewatched ''That'' moment 4-5 times..

Can't wait for the next parts

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May 24, 2012

emotional rollercoaster

I went from being excited that they successfully captured Kim Bong Goo to sobbing. There was no need to sacrafice Si Kung to make this a great drama. It would have been great to see a happy ever after. The fact that I care is a tribute to the great acting in this drama. It is almost worth the pain.

Then a breath of fresh air watching Jae Ha and Hang Ah be cute, fight, date, and kiss. It was beautiful.

I then get angry that the politicians let Kim Bong Goo free...mostly because it isn't far from the truth of reality. No telling who our politicians are in bed with...good, bad, and ugly. I loved Hang Ah's interaction with him though.

I cry again with Jae Sin watching the message from Si Kung. It is just so sad. What wonderfully acted characters. I have a new respect for Jo Jung Suk and Lee Yoon Ji.

I am thrown for a loop by the ending, but I know that Jae Ha and Hang Ah will persevere.

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May 24, 2012

We continue to mourn

The rating is low; Not because the episode was horrible; just that the events that happened have made us so sad, I cannot even write anything positive about this episode! I have to vent because I am so sad. Sad for Jae Shin whose life is already screwed up but now has to live the rest of her life without the love of her life; sad for Hang Ah who has been removed from her love. Why not just kill her too?! Ok, too harsh, again grief talking. Dang! I'm hoping he (ESK) is part of a death squad (for Bong Gu) too but we can hope, can't we?! I am not even upset about the role of the US in what's happening; hell, Wall Street commands our everyday life for real here. So if you are reading this to try to determine whether or not to watch this, just think that these reviews are just our grief talking! I am officially wearing black tomorrow to work! Peace!

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May 24, 2012

Who didn't cry?

Ok So rly who didn't cry? I let a tear or 2 fall & I don't cry about nething. This was just so sweet & sad @ the same time. Everything started to fall into place which is what a good drama should do. No this is not rly special but it makes ppl feel involved & a part of the story through the emotions. I rly like this story b/c it has that feeling of bittersweet love/pain that we don't get in reality. I think the reason this drama is so good is b/c of that reason. Not being able 2 equate my emotions w/ those that the characters r portraying would make this drama hard 2 watch, b/c I would think it was silly. I mean who believes in time travel? I am glad that I enjoy this type of fantasy romance drama. There r several things that have made this drama so AWESOME! The actors have rly just made this drama 1 of the best this season. I think that if there were diff actors it might be just a bit cheesy! I am rly glad that I started this drama w/ the encouragement of my Unni! She totally knows me well enough 2 suggest I watch such an awesome drama. I can't wait 2 see what happens in that final epi. How is it all going 2 end w/ those who love each other separated by time? I just don't know what 2 expect!

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May 24, 2012

I expected so much more. It was too rushed!

Up until the last 2 episodes I really did love this drama. But this ending was just ridiculous! I can't even think! It just felt really rushed. Young Gul loses everything and disappears. Jae Hyuk comes and takes the letter Young Gul sent to Ga Young and he hides it. Although when he asked her if she wanted to see Young Gul I let him redeem some points again, as I did really want the two of them to wind up together. But not like that!

I was hoping for her to actually turn around and realize she loved Jae Hyuk, that Young Gul became too greedy and his jealousy on top of it turned him into a controlling guy. But that's not what happened. She sits around waiting for Young Gul for a month, Jae Hyuk shows up to take her to America and she goes with them and we see the two are together, holding hands, but still, she doesn't love him. That was disappointment 1. The second one was at the very end, Young Gul is walking around drinking. I had read about a death happening and I thought "is he really going to die?" and I had pictured him either jumping off the building or falling into the pool or whatever it was and drowning. Terrible images but I felt it would've showed how he led himself to his own death. But then out of nowhere there's this guy that shows up and shoots him! And he's on the phone with Ga Young and you can't tell me she didn't hear the shot! But she says "I miss you, too" after he gets shot....I'm so confused at the ending.

It's not that I didn't expect karma to come back around, but I never expected an ending like that. I expected so much more from this drama....I have to collect my thoughts before I actually review this drama....

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May 24, 2012

Poor Xiao Lun.

This was by far not good enough of a reason to treat Xiao Lun the way they do.. This episode feels really meaningful in another way than the others did. Xiao Lun is a boy without muscles and attitude like most guys. He is actually more of a Girly-boy. While the other guys are having their own issues accepting this, They take money from him and bully him whenever they see it fit. I could feel my heart in my throat while watching this. All the unfairness Xiao Lun has to go through just because he is different. Cruel beyond words to tell..

Loved this episode, Suddenly right after I started watching 50 minutes had already went by..

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