May 23, 2012

Bad Guys Pissing Me Off

Yaay! Park Ha finally figures out that Chairman Jang is her her mom, after Se Na and Tae Moo did so much to prevent them from meeting. Se Na and Tae Moo really seemed to be the focus of this episode. They're starting to look like rodents that keep crawling back and annoy the crap out of you. I really wanted to slap Se Na, like I do in almost every episode. Hopefully, they'll get what's coming to them soon. Please. I would be so pissed if this whole drama ends without Se Na and Tae Moo having to face some sort of consequence for their actions.
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May 23, 2012


First of all how can the lead die at the end???? Come on, this drama just pissed me off! I so regret even starting it. We all know she should have ended with young gul. Just a horrible drama!!!!
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May 23, 2012

Kinda Slow..

This is actually the only episode in this series this far that I haven't adored. This episode was rather slowpaced compared to the others, And not too much happened over the episode.

I feel really bad for Li You, How could Xiao Ju do that to him?

That's just cruel..

Shen Qi was accidantally admitted to the hospital by taking a punch rightfully aimed for Xiao Ju, And is undergoing testing. Its kinda cute seeing how Shen Qi is looking around for Du though..

Definately the best about this episode, All the ShenxDu moments..
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May 23, 2012

cheesing all over again

YAYY he back!!!!! i thought it would be like the second to last episode when he will get his memory back like some k-drama. i love it it just that every time i watch it i cheese through the whole episode. but the real question is: will hee jin forgive him? will reality changed now that he got the talisman before it was sliced in two? or it would still be the same? who know......
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May 22, 2012

I don't even know what I just watched!

If I could rate this w/ negative numbers I would. OMG! I swear I should have stopped when I said I was 2 begin w/. How could they end the drama like this? I mean REALLY! REALLY! I absolutely hate this drama & pray that every1 that z thinking about watching it reads this & makes the decision not 2 watch. I can't believe I wasted that much time on this drama 4 it 2 end like that. How could they just shoot Young Gul w/o ne explanation? I have no idea what I just watched! I am so freaking confused & pissed off that I just can't even tell u! I feel cheated out of like 21 hrs of my life having watched this drama. I am so full of disbelief!

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May 22, 2012

So Dramatic!!

This episode kept you at the edge of your seat all the time, And the ending was probably one of the biggest cliffhangers as until now. The way it is right now I am just happy Shen Qi is closing up to knowing why his head always hurts so much.

This episode, A great sequel to the other part of this arc. You didn't know what was expecting you when watching.. You didn't have to sit and wait for anything to happen as the show builds up the excitement more by the minute.

This has been another episode of this show with the potential of nearly making me cry my eyes out.. Feeling the knot in your throat while watching as you live into the different peoples situations and as you hope things will work out for the different people.

This was an episode with a meaning when it comes to the subject revolving around acceptance.. Great episode, Feels like this show might be one to leave me crying at the ending..

A Misunderstanding causes a friendship to be lost. Standing up for his younger sister in which would turn into the start of desperation for Li You. His roads only went downwards. But in the end, Friendship was able to conquer the misunderstanding at last!

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May 22, 2012

hahahaha hehehehe

first of all nobody said this was a rom/ He probably didn't deserve that, but he was playing hardball and lost. Big time. lol Because of all the back and forth I was expecting something weird and they delivered it.
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May 22, 2012

Why did I watch this???

I'm so really ticked right now...I just can't even begin. This whole drama was crappy and the ending was worse. I can't believe I just kept watching it. There is something wrong with me. AAAAHHHH!!!!
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May 22, 2012

A Secretive Student..

This was a very good episode.. In this series I wouldn't say that it has been one of my faves this far though. It made you think about lots of things, And showed you the life through the new students eyes. Accepted by the team he wanted to get into he also got himself a friend of the team.

Sharing secrets as these two's relationship just seems to become better a student from class overheard what shouldn't have been heard.. The Secret shouldn't have been told.

While the two's friendship only seems to strengthen, It doesn't help that Li You seems to have gotten a crush on his best friend's sister.

Such a cute episode.. Hating Mei Li more by the minute though..

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May 22, 2012

poor mom

This isn't going the way I hoped. The first 10 episodes were so much fun, but now everything is a mess. I really don't like the new pairing at all. I hope this is just a glitch in the story. I wonder when they are going to find out that they are sisters...

oh well still 10 more episodes anything can happen.
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I'm so glad he's back from Joseon.. I wouldn't have survived for another episode them being in different worlds. I really thought that they wouldn't meet so soon and I'm glad I wasn't right..

Now I'm really curious about the next episode.. can't wait!
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May 22, 2012

Aw no!

I felt so bad for the bodyguard. And I still think the King / Takashi is incredibly cool. :)

The Yakuza were really dirty, I hope they won't show up again.

I'm suspecting Hikaru to have killed Rika out of Jealousy right now. Her reactions are weird.
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May 22, 2012


I have come to the conclusion that I feel sorry for Jae Hyuk. With parents like that, how was he suppose to behave normally. I think he actually does love Ga Young.

As for Ga Young, does the actress have any other facial expressions or emotions??? Is Ga Young suppose to be played as someone that is NEVER happy about anything??? I love when Young Gul says to her that she is frustrating!!!

Poor Young Gul. His father dies but instead of telling anyone that he is acting like an ass because of it...he gets hit. It makes me so happy when he tells Ga Young off for not accepting what he is trying to do for her!!! Then instead of telling the woman he loves about his father, he tells AnNa. How does that make any since???

Kudos for AnNa for telling Jae Hyuk whats up.

I tell you what...this drama is a roller coaster ride. I don't know what these people are going to do next and I'm so glad it is almost over.

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May 22, 2012


Wow, so much violence! I don't like violence. :/

And did he really just say that he wasn't the right one.. Mh, thought it was an accident after wrongly stopping the time or something.

That strangler is so disgusting.
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May 22, 2012

You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!!

Yes, your eyes are not lying I rated this PATHETIC LAST EPISODE 1, as IT IS PATHETIC ENDING, if I could I'd rate it F***in ZERO!!! Go ahead and bash my review :P I'm very hot headed right now, just finished it, and it has a horrible ending, if I have ever advised ANYONE to watch this, I TAKE IT BACK!!! All the sense it had in the beginning, all the feelings, all the brightness of colors and characters throughout the drama just PUFF... disappeared by a mere F***in bullet from who knows from whom... WTF??? Was I watching mafia drama and was unaware??? And WHAT? JaeHyuk hid the letter and now he's gonna live happily with GaYoung???? Are the writers out of their mind??? I hope to never ever watch a drama by them...

I hope I gather enough patience to write the review for the whole drama in the morning, to able to remember the good parts and the point I liked in it... jeez... the most horrid ending ever thought of...

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