May 23, 2012

You Know There's a Car Heading Your Way, Right?

Sadly, this episode was, in fact, done before. I guess the drama just needed something to be the beginning of the end. I really enjoyed the climatic feeling of it. What was going to happen to Lee Gak? Was Park Ha going to realize that it was actually her cellphone ringing and not Se Na's? What kind of fishing pole did they end up buying!!!!!? So many questions. I was sitting on the edge of my seat this whole entire episode, but! I was highly disappointed. They had a chance, in this episode, to finally step out of the little box and create a climatic beginning to the end that has never done before, and instead they go for useless police who don't know the meaning of evidence and someone who is either blind and deaf, or stupid to not be able to see a car coming at them, or another person realizing that it probably wasn't the best time to be dazed, and just staring at the vehicle heading toward the person they love. On a side note...Tae Moo and Se Na are about to make me can two people be so greedy and selfish is all I want to know? Jerkfaces. Excited to see what happens to Park Ha and the Prince.

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May 23, 2012


If anybody sees me right now, they'll think my soul has been sucked out... and actually I feel no different... this episode just sucked my every living atom...I can't even move my fingers fast enough to type normally... I was weeping so loudly my parents came into my worried that I might be dying myself, I couldn't even answer them why I was weeping to the point of suffocating... good thing my mom knows me well and took away my dad...

PD-nim and script-writer-sshi, you have nothing humane in you...if ShiKyung in really dead, I'll agree and be happy even if he suddenly comes down from the sky, appears from a cabbage or through a rabbit hole... JUST BRING HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my God, I hate politics, politicians and all international dirty games for power... are they really not people, how the world be such a place? HOW???? How can everybody hear someone say he killed the King of a whole country and let that person free??? How can the power make people into animals like this??? Don't they have families and people they would like to protect???

I feel so empty right now...

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May 23, 2012

to Joseon....

Minus the oh-so-teary parts with SeNa and TaeMu, this was a good one... no stretching, no blabbering unnecessary stuff...

Aww~ very-very cute episode actually, ParkHa asked LeeKak (calling him not Silly and King, but actually LeeKak-sshi)to marry her... and they did get married... T_T

I wonder what they have for us in the last episode... either he's returning to her again, or she's going to him, I'm NOT having LeeKak-BooYong and TaeYong-ParkHa ending NO-NO-NO!!!
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May 23, 2012

Oh no!

Doberman is scary! And the King can be really, really scary, too. o_o

I love the Radio boy, he's so funny. Hope he'll stay!

("All of us are Ali, except for Mohammad.. 8D)
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May 23, 2012


Woah, that stalker was kind of scary and really weird. And the pigeons! Poor Shun was ignored completely, too.

I don't really want Makoto and Hikaru to end up together by the way. I hope that won't be a main point of the story. ;)

Guess she isn't the murderer after all.

Takashi / The King is still SOOO cool! And the Doberman is eww..
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May 23, 2012

I don't like where I think this is going....

I do not like where this seems to be heading...

Hye Jung might even be capable of killing Ha Na (she said she'd do whatever it takes), although she might not have to, just to break up her son's relationship.

And Honestly when is this woman going to stop blaming everyone else because of the way her life has been?

This episode also further proves how Hye Jung never really loved In Ha and was just obsessed with him. Now that she knows about the "kids" all of her obsession has transferred onto her son...

I also think Joon-ssi might love HaNa more than she loves him. In the scene where she tells Hye Jung she's not going to break up with Joon, she says it's because she made a promise to think about his heart first and although it was slightly satisfying that she said "No,I'm not going to do it" I immediately thought..."Wait, so if you hadn't made the promise you would have done it? Hmmm..."

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May 23, 2012

No points of watching

I seriously think these characters are bi-polars, especially the guys. One minute they are so in love, the next minute they are ready for revenge. Ga-young, on the other hand, is just so stupid. She doesn't know what she wants and kept going back and forth. Just get it over with geez, how long does it take her to be happy with what she got? Young gul, hm..lets see...he's just too -i'm the king of the family and everyone has to listen to me-.I think Ga young is more scared of him than love. She always tip toed around him, afraid to say the wrong thing that pisses me off. &last; and not least, Ana is just eh. I don't even see the point of having her in the drama. I mean, those bi polar love triangle characters were just "too enough" already.

Good thing i skipped around till the end, otherwise i would have been more pissed lolz.

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May 23, 2012

Back to Joseon...

EDIT: I'll be back when I watch the episode tomorrow, lol, I wrote here by mistake... chwesonghapnida~!!!
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May 23, 2012

So cute episode.. -.-

One of my favourite episodes - they were soo cute - loved all those scenes. I'm glad Yoon He was accepting Ha Na and Joon, but I'm sad she decided not to stay friends with In Ha. Joon's definitely going to find out about her illness.. Right now I can't see that there could be some unexpected twists in the storyline before the very ending. It's expected that Joon's mom will oppose but they'll survive.
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May 23, 2012

why turn it into TRAGEDY ..WHY ???

I gave this the lowest rating for one reason...EUN SHI KYUNG !!!! I'm hating the scriptwriter and I just still can't believe it ! I hope it's some kind of "fake death" , I hope it turns out that they faked everything to protect him from John Mayer's revenge ! If it's not the case than I'll throw everything good about this drama behind my back and it will go from my "favorite" list to my "great-drama-ruined -by-tragedy-thirsty-writer" list ! T__T
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May 23, 2012


Seriously, this drama is a masterpiece. Ep 19 was soooooo intense and fantastic.. Seriously i cried like a baby ! Thank you rooftop team
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May 23, 2012

My fave ep!!

OMG can't sleep due to king 2 hearts madness!!! I love this ep and definitely my fave coz you can see action of the heroine and as well as cute proposal!! this drama really is over the top!!! ^_^
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May 23, 2012


This was a pretty good episode, It kept you watching allthough it might not have been too unpredictable.

As Xiao Dao gets in trouble due to his behavior at school he almost looses his rights to go to school, However due to the help of the school's chairman he manages to get a job and keep his job.

Unknowlingly he takes Shen Qi's black rock when going out, This causing him to see the deathgirl.

I hope Shen Qi will find out about his headaches soon.. :\
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May 23, 2012


For what started out as nothing but a innocent romance, Turns into a danger for everyone around them. Meeting up with the Death Girl at last Qiao Qiao and Xiao Ju swears to never leave the other's side. Things get hard when their dissapearance leaves a scandal on the news..

After giving it through a lot of thought, The two find out that there isn't anyone back home who would be able to accept them the way they are now.

Meanwhile, Shen Qi and A Classmate decides to up take the search finding Qiao Qiao and Xiao Ju on their own, Resulting in downfall..

This was a way better episode than the previous one, Allthough I feel really bad for poor Li You. Xiao Ju shouldn't have left her hanging on the edge like that. She should have in the least ended things properly..

It didn't keep you hanging on a cliff, Rather you wanted to end the episode quickly.. I didn't really enjoy this arc too much, However the ending was good and greatly unexpected..

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May 23, 2012

what next?

Well, typical Hye Jung to try to get HaNa to leave Joon. I really don't know where this is going, but I wish both couples could be together. I have a feeling this is going to be really sad.

I love that Joon started taking care of Yoon Hee when he found out about her illness. It is so sweet. He really has grown from playboy, bitter, not believing in love to a strong, loving man. If it weren't for his mom, then this could probably be so different.

Tae Sung gets on my nerves. He should have snatched HaNa up from the start. Little to late.
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