May 25, 2012


In the beginning I kind of felt bad with the Doberman, then I was a little confused because there were suddenly 3 gangs (one consisting of old people?)..

Makoto and Hikaru are sooo awkward with eachother. I want them to break up already!

And Kana is really annoying. But I wonder what will happen to her now - Will she die? Hmm..

The statue of the King.. Haha, that was so great! xD

And in the end they were all dancing really really weird. :D
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May 25, 2012

It's still Lee Gak

Okay, this is just a freaking wonderful drama, oh God I'm sobbing like crazy here.

I LOVED EVERYTHING IN THIS DRAMA ? And for those who are confused with the end, I found this comment on KIMCHIDRAMA that will not confuse you anymore:

Something that we have to remember, the time between Park Ha and Lee Gak actually is very different, there is 300 years differences. So what we see in Joeson did not occur in the same time in Seoul. When Lee Gak pass away, his soul will be reincarnated to Tae Young's body. Off course Lee Gak already passed away at Park Ha's time, so.. it's Tae Young's body but the memory and the soul are definitely Lee Gak. *smartass style* LOL...

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From tears to an happy ending ^^

The start was sad.. but it was expeted..

Still I didn't expect Woo Hyun to forgive her so easily - well not easily but so soon - in the same episode.

I'm glad Chang Min is not actually a "bad" person eather..

The ending was so cute ^^
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May 25, 2012

Poor Yoon Hee..

I'm glad the secret is out now.. eventually. It was also nice seeing that Joon and Ha Na won't let anyone come between them.. I was afraid they'd pick a fight or something. But as it's not the last episode, something has to happen still.. not sure where it's heading..
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May 25, 2012

my dongsaeng predicted this ending.

So, it was kind of anticlimatic for me. I already had some idea what was going to happen. I still cried at the death of Boo Yong. She saved his life several times. Lee Kak must be so sad, but at peace knowing that she is alive in the future and that he will see her again.

I like that Tae Mu is beheaded in Joseon!!! It is awesome!!!

The guys are too cute. They opened their own omurice shop and make ketsup.

I love that Tae Yong woke up remembering his reincarnation. They get to live happily ever after. Great ending!!!
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May 25, 2012

Well, It Ended

This episode was completely disorganized. The audience has no possible way of knowing what exactly is going on. I kept expecting some huge grand secret to be revealed at the very last opportune moment, but, of course, nothing. The end was very plain. Everyone just went on with their lives. No humor, no romance, no tragedy....that's how this drama ends...with a guy eating a sandwhich and a girl painting a tree..nothing. I guess there was suppose to be some lesson, but you either have to be some sort of genius, or be a mind reader to actually get it, because I sure didn't.
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May 25, 2012

Well, It Took Long Enoguh

So, finally there is some sort of emotion in this drama. This episode had the whole shebang. There was some sort of tragedy that left the audience "gasp"ing...ok, not really, but there was emotion that was highly lacking in the last few episodes. And! Finally! Finally! A confession that actually matters. The two people who have liked each other for basically the sanctity of this drama know that the other likes them back, and that they shall be within each other's arms for the remainder of their days.
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May 25, 2012

10 out of 10

Brilliant ending of a brilliant drama...

I was going crazy through all the episode 'Hey people, you all actually know you are being puppets and you are doing exactly what you're told to do'... North Koreans to South Korea, US to North Korea, all the world...this made me realize, if one of the links of the circle breaks... poof~ BongDu is nothing but a funny person doing magic tricks... I'm sorry TRYING to do magic tricks... and it broke... and I am glad he did not die... just a funny person sitting in a cage with his crazy mind... all alone...*evil laughter*

It may sound funny, but I was hoping for ShiKyung to pop out from somewhere till the last damn moment... I'm so silly~ T_T

HangAh and JaeHa are officially the BEST couple EVER!!!

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May 25, 2012

Soul Searching Confessions

Whaah. Everyone's telling everbody that they like someone! Welp..I gave up all expectations of any humor or romance that was evident in the first few episodes. So, based on a whole new perspective, this episode was ehh. I really don't know what's going on. I guess this episode had a lot of soul searching? People keep confessing and keep figuring out their dreams, or something like that. It was a good episode though.
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May 25, 2012


Where do I start?

I found this episode to be interesting. I didn't get bored ever for a minute.

I'm glad the emotionally unstable died. She was annoying. The girl who is always around Arata is annoying too. As for the other characters, not much is known about them. Arata himself, so far, is just ok. Rui's sister is odd. I wonder if she's actually a fake.
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May 25, 2012

Here Come The Tears

What is there to say? This episode was truly beautiful and so sad. Alas, Tae Moo and Se Na had to accept the consequences for their actions, but, I can't believe I'm saying this, I actually felt bad for Se Na. Maybe it was her final realization at what a horrible person she is, and that what she did was wrong, but I really did feel bad for her. I was so sad that the guys didn't get a better farewell. Just disappearing like that was so not cool. I would have liked to see a little more of them in the end, because their characters were too good. I was teary eyed when Lee Gak and Park Ha had their little, cute wedding. It was so saaad!!!!!!!!! One ep left. :) There's still hope. I'm excited to see how the writers are going to end this wonderful drama.

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May 25, 2012

I was right!

I gave it a 10 b/c I was right. Yong Tae Yong wakes up & remembers Lee Kak's past. He was waiting for her all along. I am glad this was a happy ending even though it was a little cheesy. I still liked it. After the emotional roller-coaster I had w/ drama's this wk, I am glad this 1 didn't let me down w/ a bad ending. I can take a little cheese, I mean it has always had that quality to it b/c of the type of comedy that went on. But it still left u w/ a good feeling. Yay, another happy ending!
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May 25, 2012

Super cute!

This episode had lots of little cute moments along with plenty of plot development. (Some of those developments have me worried... Nobody better die!) I think it was just barely not quite as good as the last episode (I don't know how they're going to top that KISS), but I'm still really enjoying it. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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May 25, 2012

At Least 1 drama this wk worked out, so far!

I am just happy that it worked out, but I don't rly think they could have ended that badly & not be like totally criticized for it. Rly a war b/t those 2 right now, even in a drama: nope don't think it would happen. I am glad that every1 was happy, but sad @ the same time b/c Si Kyung wasn't there. I am glad that all the tears I let go of yesterday were not in vain. Yay, happy ending!
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May 25, 2012

signing off

so it ended...

oh i really love this drama. the final epi got me disappointed in some ways but its totality; the plot, the cliffhanger tension building up in every episode, the North-South conflict, power struggle, JaeHa-HangAh and Shi Kyung-JaeShin love story... i can say we bid goodbye to such a good drama. the myriad of emotions; I laughed, I cried, I seethed, I swooned, I got annoyed, and in the end, I smiled in sad contentment to see TK2H sign off with such satisfying sweetness.

I admit I was expecting something more surprising or ?phenomenal? or bringing back ShiKyung to life.. Unfortunately, the writers have to be unfair with Jae Shin. I also wish Bong Goo dead or a more bitter revenge for the royal family and give him a dose of his own medicine.

but all's well that ends well. Jae Ha and Hang Ah's happy ever after, my heart melts to see the little crown prince with a North Korean accent... our little Jae Ha. the ending was satisfying seeing Jae Ha and Hang Ah comes hand in hand in whatever struggle that may come their way that would test their love and loyalty for each other.

signing off but K2H indeed made a mark in kdrama history!

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