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8 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2012
2 of 2 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
Story: I've always liked Long's "Madame Butterfly" story. This version seems to be based on the Opera rather than the short story. Even then, it has a few differences, but it doesn't take away from it.

I thought the story was well played out. And although, it was not a terribly exciting drama, I thought it had a good pace and the time jumps were very easy to keep up with.

Also, I loved the way they showed different traditional aspects of Japanese life during that time setting and the way they managed to allude to some of the ones which were not shown.

Music: The music was great, it never felt like it didn't belong in the scene.

Acting: Miyazaki Aoi did a good job playing Chou-Chou, I think most of the Japanese cast was pretty good too, but the ones playing the American roles were a little stiff, although their English speaking was very good.

Overall, I thought it was a good drama and I would watch it again sometime in the future since it's only two episodes long and I didn't find it boring.

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Yokai Ningen Bem
10 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2012
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
Its very rare that I say this - but Yokai Ningen Bem was really not good at all. I do like a bit of science fiction and coming fresh off the yokai high of Nurarihon no Mago, I thought this would be a good live action or at least a funny demon story (think vampire host). However Yokai Ningen Bem is a serious wanna be mystery drama, with poor effects, cheesy lines and some bad acting. Its only redeeming qualities are its really good premise and Kame (Kamenashi).
What I did like was Kame! Although is acting was pretty bad throughout, you cant get tired of seeing that guy shirtless with low rise pants (fan girl faint). That’s what kept me watching every episode! Maybe Kame was overthinking his character but I thought he did an awful job and felt like I was watching Kame pretending to be melancholy. Luckily enough the other cast members helped out a lot; Anne was perfect and that adorable little boy Suzuki was a total scene stealer even with his lisp. The more I watched the less I wanted to see Kame act and the more I wanted to see him shirtless.
The effects are so power rangers 1994. I mean seriously?! The cast as monsters looked liked greased up versions of those old power ranger villains. It seriously annoyed me that they always magically had the same clothes perfectly in one piece after ripping them up, and the body make up did nothing to make them look like monsters who needed to hide in the daytime. As the series progressed I thought the make up jobs started to look better, but the uber fake jumping and flying didn’t add to the dramas charm either.
Speaking of charm, I had a really tough job making myself watch this series. I had to force it down like nasty cough syrup because I like finishing things. To this point I realized that the drama is throwing too many concepts out to the watcher, causing me to become tired of watching. The drama is obviously a little sci-fi, mystery, crime solving, and human drama all in one. The drama doesn’t make you want to care about the main characters at all, it makes you want to care about the supporting characters who had no development in the series. It was so dry with little comedic breaks, no romance, and very little happiness. I don’t think Kame laughed the entire series. Not to mention the cop who seemed more like a clown.
At any rate I liked the story, I just felt the execution was bad. If you are a fan girl of Kame’s or Kat-Tun you will want to watch, he looks good in gray hair (although the jacket and the scarf have got to go). The drama triggered my upchuck reflex too many times with bad eerie music and melodramatics. I do not suggest this drama to anyone but fan girls, because it is honestly scary. (meaning bad).

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
If you love action this drama provides with a lot of it! A high treason story set on a historical background with beautiful swardmanship choreography and charismatic characters. Could a sacrifice of one life be justified by saving a hundred? Even if it is your brother's life? In the undercurrent there developes a sad story of the love that was not ment to be.
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Brother Beat
10 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This drama is fun to watch. The characters are very realistic and actors did great job to bring them to live. I must admit that this is not a love story but a story about family. After the death of the father 3 sons and their mother are doing their best to live as a family but they have a lot to learn about responsibility and their oun desires.
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Postmen in the Mountains
9 people found this review helpful
by Bladey
Jan 6, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
First off, I would say this movie is not for everyone. I would avoid it if you do not like very slow movies.

This is a movie which beautifully relies on simplicity to tell an emotional tale. It's a quiet tale, full of feeling, full of longing. It's a deeply felt journey.

The gist of it is simple: China, 80s, the moutains of Hunan. A son is taking over the postman position of his father, who is forced to retirement due to arthritis. And for his first time doing it the father walks along, to teach him. The job is fairly simple: Walk a certain designated route, dropping mail in villages. But it's not that simple, because the postman must understand the villagers- and their hearts and the relationships among them.

It is a story of a father and son- and the understanding that passes between them of how much sacrifice this job entails. The son already kknows this and yet the journey together, the journey of passage for one and initiation for another- brings them to a point of transition and deeper understanding. This journey becomes a touchstone of both of their lives. It is a story of mutual appreciation, and of strenghtening the father-son bond but also increasing the love for the heart of the family, the mother, and her own sacrifices.

For anyone who knows and identifies with the joy but at the same time heartbreak of solitude and/or who enjoys solitary walks in the moutains, this movie may just prove a beautiful sight. For anyone who knows the separation from family for a long time due to a sense of duty or because of job, this may also be something to identify with.

It may not be a film for everyone, for it is slow, perhaps too slow, deliberate and reflective and lets feelings unfold on screen, though it speaks through facts and situations. It's a story of a father and son, the story of inheritance, the story of a journey of initiation and of sacrifice. It is accompanied with beautiful scenery and calming music- at times soaring with nostalgia which pierced right through me, beautiful cinematography, breathtaking at times, as we witness the wide expanses of the great moutains, the significane of the job in such a rural area becomes even more pronouces, as is the sacrifice. There is also some very intimate camera work at times.

It may seem very dated to some, however.

The acting is very sensitive and restrained from both actors and their bond feels very real; there is good character development as they learn more about each other The dog is also very prominent. The Chinese title of the film is "Those Mountains, Those People, That Dog", where the dog refers to the dog that accompanies our postmen on the way, a trusted companion, almost the second son, in the solitude of the long path that takes the postman away from home for many long weeks.

It's a thoroughly beautiful piece, which very much affected me the first time I saw it. I was very much taken by the painting the film created. For that reason alone, this movie will always be special for me.

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65 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Pride is yet another Jdorama that really scores! (pun intended, Sorry!) As I was going through the different rating points I tried to be more critical; does every point really deserve a 10? And I had to say yes for every one.

Like Rita, I found this drama lovely to watch and well worth my time every single episode. Unlike Rita I am actually a fan of Hockey. I grew up in a Hockey family. My father coached and my brothers both played hockey and in turn now coach their sons. Never once did I feel the action on the ice was fake or poorly executed. The team spirit and pride of the players was also something the writer and actors captured quite nicely.

The story and plot played out in time with the 11 episodes and I never felt bored or as if the plot was dragging. The writer really captured the feeling of the players, their motivations, dreams and fears. I have to wonder if he/she was either a player or came from a hockey family. If not...I'd be surprised.

Kimura Takuya and Takeuchi Yoko had amazing chemistry together and more importantly, with the rest of the cast. Kimura Takuya as Haru was particularly good. He was so natural as Haru...so confident in his role that I might have trouble seeing him as anyone else. The love story between Haru and Aki is wonderful! They were what most people aspire to in a love match; comfortable with each other with a friendship that comes easy and a necessary undercurrent of passion. Lovely!!

The soundtrack is by Queen. One of my favorite bands when I was a kid. The tried and true anthem We Are The Champions was only one obvious fit for a sports driven drama. A lot of their other songs "I Was Born To Love You" spoke perfectly to, not only Haru's love for the game of Hockey but also his love for Aki.

My re-watch value is a 10 because I would enthusiastically watch this drama again. It is fun and such an easy, entertaining story. 11 episodes long and does not drag. If you don't like watching sports dramas I promise you this one is a perfect blend of the right elements. This is about the characters and the love story set within the world of Hockey.

I recommend this drama very highly. So much fun to watch!

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37 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Holy Crap! Life is insanely good! You need to watch this! Life is a drama like no other. At only 36 minutes per episode, It's a fast pasted thrill ride from beginning to end. At first there are so many utterly terrible things happening that it's hard to watch, but for some reason you can't stop watching. This is do to the amazing cinematography and the infectious OST. The best part about Life is that it has several amazing messages. That's one thing that makes Jdramas so great. There's actually morals in the story rather than meaningless crap. Life has an amazing Christian message to it even though there's no mention of Christianity. Romans 12:21 - Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

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You're Beautiful
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I tried to watch this once before but couldn't get into it.Tried to watch it again and found it quite interesting. I forced myself to try and watch it. I thought it was good not excellent but it was good enough to able to watch. Some parts was boring but I loved the acting and the plot. I loved the bond between the boys and the girl. Jeremy always made her laugh and gave her good advice. Shin woo was always there for her like an older brother and protecting her. I think he wud of beeen better suited for her then the other guy. Disappointed maybe. But what I like about the 2 main characters is that its unusual, a girl who dedicating her life to nunnery and a guy who is a selfish popstar. He hated her yet he couldn't get enough with saving and looking out for her. I loved this, it was alot more interesting then I thought it would be. Jeremy made me laugh alot, i abouslty adore jeremy and he isn't even a main character.

I'd say that its worth watching but is kinda difficult to get into.

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23 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I loved this movie, the months I was waiting to watch it were not wasted...
Han Hyo-Joo confirmed one more time her acting talent and bringing tears to my eyes.
If somebody asks me to tell them about this movie in two words, I'll say 'warm sun'... This movie gave so many warm feelings...
Director's and cameraman's work is brilliant... The game of lights in this movie, in my opinion, is one of the main positive effects... Because of the light in the movie... everything is printed in the smallest details in my brain... the girls clothes... the guys hair... the sun in the room... the beautiful kiss... the family feeling with the dog... the massage...the drama watching time...their field full of the yellowest flowers...her, touching his face to 'see' him... (I can go on, until I've told the whole movie..thehe).
Though the plot is not something brilliant and new for a Korean movie, actors and the crew makes the movie unforgettable, in my opinion..
Watch it, you won't regret!

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14 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This is truly a master piece. A compelling science fictional story with a twist of music intertwined. Unique story, with lovable characters, and exquisite music! I'm still anticipating for SECRET II, but it'd be real hard to follow up with the success of this one.

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Down With Love
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
Wonderful story and mixture of actors / actresses. One of the few Taiwanese dramas that had made me laugh so hard. Nothing new, the love triangles/ squares were the weirdest. But the main characters bring something special on screen that had kept me going from episode to episode. The music too is exceptional!
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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Beautiful cinematography, inviting plot, and wonderful characters you'll fall in love with. My first and only Korean drama I own. I re watch it every summer.

The middle gets very repetitive, but I felt it carried through and you still wouldn't want to miss any moment. Because every single moment counts, even the tiniest moment will be burnt in your memory and making you feel all fuzzy inside. ^_^
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Boys over Flowers
4 people found this review helpful
by ejami
Jan 6, 2012
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This kdrama was simply wonderful. It had everything...love, romance, revenge, drama, comedy, action. I fell in love with this show the first episode and loved it so much that I watched the entire series in 5 days, I simply couldn't put the laptop away! I have since rewatched it too many times to count and will continue to re-watch it. I downloaded all the music and listen to it constantly. I loved everything about this drama...the story, music, acting and of course the actors! The story between Jan Di, Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo was heartbreaking, sad, romantic, bitter sweet and simply beautiful. It was the most amazing tale of enduring friendship and love between these characters. Lee Min Ho was the stand out for me, his portrail of Gun Pyo was so amazing he'd have me laughing in one scene and then crying like a baby the next. He was brilliant! I have seen a lot of Thai Lakorns and Kdramas but this is by far my favourite. As far as I'm concerned it was pretty close to perfect.

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Dropped 31/31
Creating Destiny
5 people found this review helpful
by iindu
Jan 6, 2012
31 of 31 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
I started this drama because the storyline seemed interesting, but as it turns out, a promising story can be made into a boring drama if you put enough effort into it.
I've watched a couple other long(28-30 episode) dramas before without much trouble, but this one was more a test of patience. The plot crawled along at snail's pace, with situations, cliched as they were, happening over and over again; even the characters seemed to be bored of repeating themselves.
I couldn't sustain beyond halfway. It didn't seem to be worth the effort beyond that.
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Me too, Flower!
59 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2012
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I'm extremely disappointed right now - not with the drama but with the viewers and MBC, the channel that premiered "Me Too, Flower", for cutting that one episode from the show. It made a huge difference, because I felt there was something missing by the time I finished the drama.

M2F began with the right pitch; it was extremely funny yet preserved its characters' emotional depth. It wasn't empty comedy and handled serious issues like broken families, society's shallowness, and people's materialism.

I was excited for every new M2F episode more than I was for "Man of Honor", but in the end I was surprised that MBC decided not to do the last episode because MBC Broadcast Entertainers Awards was set at the same time the last episode was supposed to air. That's frickin' brutal.

Another thing which I didn't understand is why a lot of people made a big issue out of Yoon Si Yoon looking really boyish/young for his role and how Kim Jae Won would've been more convincing. OMG, are you sure we're watching the same show? I can't imagine anybody else but Si Yoon as Jae Hee. He didn't feel like an actor playing a character, he *was* the character. Love the guy.

The writer threw me off at the end though, why all the fantasy thrown in at the end when the drama was so realistic all along? That's another thing which made me feel it was because of the last episode being cancelled.

I'm really sad because this drama, as awesome as it is, could've been so much better.

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