I know I've been watching too many dramas when: 1. I cancel movie dates cause I'd rather finish watching my drama 2. I change my sleeping pattern to wake up at night and go to bed in the afternoon so that nobody will bother me while I'm watching dramas 3. I say that I'm researching for a film project as an excuse to watch more dramas 4. I start all my conversations by mentioning the drama I'm currently watching I should take a break though.. probably... :'D since I have finals and stuff coming up soon... //goes back to watching drama//
I know I've been watching too many dramas when - I'm sitting in my Spanish translation class and all I can remember are Korean words - I'm dressing for college in the morning while watching the current episode
I know I've been watching too many dramas when - I start buying clothes that remind me of korean fashion (like clothes that keep you covered - i dont wear skirts, shorts etc - but are still stylish. ex// baggy sweaters/parkas). -Also, when something happens, (ex/ spilling a cup of milk) I imagine an old lady in my head going "otakaay" or "aigooo" - or kim woo bin going "chinchaaa" LOL
Hihi I do the same^^ When something happens I have to fight the urge to say "aigooo" out loud.
LOL i dont even fight the urge..i just say it. Koreans at my school probably think I'm the weirdest kid in the world hahahah xD
You know you have been watching too many dramas when you feel that it is time for you to get yourself a Samsung phone...and if you already have one, it is time to upgrade!
For males, you know you're watching too many dramas when you suddenly want to grow your hair long and cut down on the burgers.
You know you've been watching too many dramas when you say, "Aish!" when you're frustrated or mad
You know you have been watching too many dramas when your expression is "aigoo"
And you also knows it, when you start peeking and gossiping about your neighbor.
when u start quoting lines from a drama when a situation presents itself. and everyone around u is like, What are u talking about? haha
You know you've been watching too many dramas when you are saying "Aish" and "Aigoo". I'm saying it all the time when something went wrong. ^^
I know I have been watching too many dramas when I am going grocery shopping or ordering online for Korean ingredients to try out Korean recipes
I know I've been watching too many dramas when I suddenly start acting like the person in the drama in any kind of situations (Talking korean in the same dialect or remembering the certain line from the drama and repeating it)