Lee Seung Gi will be on episode 174 (01/12)! Haven't watched RM since episode 120-something, guess it's time to watch a new episode! I totally have a man-crush on Lee Seung Gi.
dcrazy wrote: sometimes running man does go on a '..blah' phase but it usually picks up again

Yeah, it does. But for me it has never been this bad. I always watch the show raw on Sundays and then when subs come out I watch it subbed. But I barely finished last week's episode Raw. I still haven't watched it subbed and I stopped watching yesterday's episode halfway through it because I was so bored.

I hope it does pick up again soon.

PinkDiamond wrote: I hope it does. I've been an avid RM fan for a while now, and I haven't skipped many episodes, but I may skip this last one if it doesn't hold my attention. I barely made it through episode 171.

I've been watching for over two years and I've only skipped one episode. The first one with LDH. My sister said my deadpanned face while watching the episode was funnier...lol
i thought RM 172 was pretty good and funny. Loved the water bowl game part.
Hey do you guys know why RM isn't an option to list down on your drama list? I know it's not a drama...but still it's part of that world....if you know what I mean? I would just like to keep a tab on what I'm watching and all.... Happy New Year BTW! :D (I know I'm 5 days late..haha!!)
Ok now there's a battle occuring in my head to decide whether I should watch or not episode 179 : the COOKING battle. Like you know, a LOT of Korean food... I'm already drooling !
I originally didn't care to watch the cooking battle since it made me think of Barefoot Friends and all the really boring cooking episodes they did, but I am so glad I decided to watch it. It was a good episode!
Ji Hyo's random comment on episode 181 : 'Kang Gary became so much uglier' Him : 'Everyday' That cracked me up xD
Jongkook as a girl was a true highlight of ep 181. :D It was unusually fun episode... for a secret couple episode. Which is not that much since the couple episodes tend to suck but um, yeah. The mission still sucked but all the funny moments made up for it.
Agreed! Female Jong Kook was hilarious! The only funny part of the episode. I really wish they'd stop doing the couple episodes, they are so dull.
i'm getting a bit bored blame 3 last episodes... but i can't get away from it..lol i'm addicted already, maybe? i know it's not as good as before but i still want to watch what's next...
Role playing episodes are boring... but what the heck! i still love RM :)
And so, ep 182 was the goodbye for Myuk PD. ㅠㅠ

(Also, in this episode... I was excited when I saw the final teams but then whyyyyy? It was so silly that blue team didn't get to team up. Well, at least Commander and Ace were awesome.)

Here's the tweet about Myuk PD's departure (to Inkigayo) if you missed it. I feel almost inappropriate at saying this but eh... if this brings on a bit of change and some new directions to RM... Ah, well. I might welcome it.
@ soracantabile- Agreed. I'm getting kind of bored with the show, but I just can't stop. I think it's because of the people. Love the cast, really getting tired of the same games and boring scripts. If I see those pressure mats one more time I'm gonna go nuts. @Firawai- I didn't realize the pd was leaving. I hate to say it, but I agree with you too. Hopefully the show will start to improve again.
I didn't know he was leaving either, but if, like you say, that helps improve the show... *shrugs* I did like Eps. 181 and 182 though.