
I didn't think they'll add a death in here O.O That was really sad. I wonder how they'll add comedy from now on since she probably won't recover so soon after this.
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Aug 4, 2012

Promising and enraging.

I really liked the beginning. I like Hikaru's and Doctor's story, Linda's seems interesting enough, too.

What I didn't like was the relationship between Nakaji and Haru. I mean seriously, they've known eachother for a day and already went through various drama romance stages - falling and hurting herself because of him, the piggyback ride, the shocked kiss and even the jealous scene and the misunderstanding with the other woman!

That was too fast, too unrealistic and definitely not my taste. Why are they making such a huge deal out of it in the end, too? It's not like they are dating or anything.

Even though I can't stand Kim JaeJoong, his character in this seems to be my favorite. That's weird.

I don't like that he likes the female lead, though. That makes him a typical second male lead who won't get the girl anyway. I hate it.

People commenting on the drama having a good beginning and getting really bad later scare me. I hope it won't turn out to be like that. :/

.. I think that's everything I wanted to say. :P

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Disco dancing!!

I really enjoyed this episode and in particular the part where she dresses up and starts disco dancing in the classroom...that was sooo cool!! In any case the story is becoming more and more intriguing...this is agreat drama so far!!
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I really liked the beginning of this! The story is a bit different from what I expected, I thought the girl would be one of those strong characters, but SHE ended up chasing him lol And she really is a bit annoying, don't know why; there's something in her behaviour. But I really like the music! Especially the song when she's at the cafe *-* love it.
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Big Episode 16
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 4, 2012

what just happened?

I'm so lost LOL...what happen to YJ? Why is KKJ still in YJ's body? Where are the parent? EH?
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Aug 4, 2012


The ending sucked so badly! Lol to be honest I dropped this drama on like the 3rd or 4th episode ...but I came back because everyone hated the ending so I wanted to see how terrible it is xD it is TERRIBLE! NEVER EVER WATCH IT! Waste of time! The starting was okay...but then it dragged and the ending is the worse.
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Aug 3, 2012

Feeding the interest

There is plot movement since last 5-6 episodes, which I'm very happy about.

Saewa remains as antagonistic as ever, though it's balanced now with other events happening. The series is so reliant on her obsessive negativity.. she has as much screen space as Donghae, definitely more than Bongi. Her favorite words, which she emphatically utters every five minutes in the series - "Anthwe!!"
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Aug 3, 2012

Oooh so thats why!!

Finally I understand why Tae Pil disrespects Tae Hee. When I saw how old that photo looked I knew that he wasnt their biological son so I'm really curious in what happened in the past!! So many questions

And I'm liking the development of the romance its slow paced and more realistic. Althought I dont like UEE (I like her character though) their romance so far has been so sweet! Get a 'tad' bit jealous in the tent scene - get off my man!! Aha - that UEE can get sooooo close to Joo Won. Proper fell in love with him. He is so cute and sweet in this drama and I love him even more!!
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Aug 3, 2012

He's never doing the right choice.

First: like other people, I was hoping for Young Gul and Ga Young to finally start love each other (I love happy endings).


I'm giving a positive rating because of the end: it's totally unexpected!

Yes, I know Jung Jae Hyuk's father said his son that if he wanted to be with Ga Young he should get rid of Young Gul and I was wondering why he wanted to go to America after knowing YG whereabouts...

Now I know: he decided to follow his father suggest (why now? You're always doing the opposite thing!) and wanted to kill him! I really wasn't expecting that, this ending totally surprised me and I like this "surprise effect"!

But, like any other ending, we're left with some questions: the police will investigate YG death as homicide? Ga Young will find the letter that Jae Hyuk hid?

At some moments I really find it difficult to end this drama, but I don't regret watching it!

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Aug 3, 2012

the funniest episode ever; it's hard not to burst into laughter :D

The best episode! I really loved this one. The humurous scenes vary and are really well thought. The actors are doing a really great job and give us, the viewers, the chance to watch something of a high quality.

Not knowing anything about the modern world and still using the language and conserving the customs from their time, the way they act in what's supposed to be normal situations it's hilarious. Like the scene when they get into the bus but since it's respectful to leave your shoes before entering a place they get in without their sneakers on the pavement. :)) And there are more and even more laughable sequences!

And the way the seriousness mixes with humor is incredible.

It's really worth watching it! :)

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Aug 3, 2012

Here comes the bad feeling....

I have to say.... I watched this ep a little late...... This ep is WOOOOW!!! This drama keeps getting better and better.

Sawaki's real name was revealed and so was Sawaki's (Toru's mother) address revealed...

Here comes the cutest part --- Toru and Makoto got to work together...... They reallllly had a NICE time.

I seriously don't know what Asahina's sis is driving at.... Is she cooking up stories or telling the truth?? It's no surprise that there's going to be a love triangle...

Our ever pleasant and diplomatic partner - Asahina has something cooking up his sleeve and this is where the bad feeling originates from.... And whatever he has up his sleeves might deal a big blow to the company and Toru Hyuga..

As for the preview --- A lot is going to happen in ep 5 and betrayal seems to be part of it.

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Aug 3, 2012

a very good start

Right from the first episode the viwers get to know the main characters and the relationships between them. The past and the future are well depicted and they reveal the character of each person, which conserves over the centuries.

Travelling into the future the prince and his 3 "right hands" are amazed of how the world has changed and that sets a veil of humor over the action.
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Sprout Episode 4
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2012

No don't tell him Miku!!

Noo!!!! that is what I kept on yelling on my laptop screen during the last seconds of this episode. I mean, Miku should think, if she'll confess to Souhei, it'll be just sooooo awkward on their way home. Don't you think so?? lol

Regarding hayato, we'll I don't like his character. I mean, he should have at least secured Miku home. Not leaving her all alone there just because she didn't responded the way he expected her to respond. If he really liked miku, he should wait and not just hold her hand and will be offended right away if she lets go..

Yeah, in the end, I'm not sure who will I root for Miku.

One thing is for sure, I don't like Souhei's gf. I think she's a slut. -.-

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Aug 3, 2012


Kang To & Boon Yi!!! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaa* so cute!!!! ^^

Bridal Mask is really a drama that keeps you on the edge and totally surprise you with the story!! I mean who would thought Kang To & Boon Yi could look at each other with so much love & care, and support each other like that!!! ^^

Its not a question of disappointment or not....Its more like "Go on & Blow my mind Gaksital"!!! :D
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Papadol! Episode 8
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2012

Very emotional :')

I absolutely LOVE this episode. Its probably my favourite so far.

Everyone's acting was beyond superb. I think through this drama, i've got to see a different side of Ryo. One that i've not seen in any of his other dramas.

Its really made me admire him more as an actor.

And the little girl who plays Kana chan. Just... Wow. That little girl got me all teary eyed.

I'm so glad the family is back together again :)
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