Aug 2, 2012

The only thing that makes me watch the next episode - THE ENDING.

The guy who dressed up at Bridal Mask. He was the guy from Angel Club who just quit. So obvious.

Gatsikal was never fat. If you look closely, he looked so much like him. I don't even know his name. Why would he quit for no reason huh?

Finally, getting some romance. (not that i wanted it, but it means more support for Kang To)

Waiting for the president to come so Kang To can figure somethings out and get his revenge. Shunji and that witch can actually be a good pair. Their chemistry is kinda good. I don't know if many people will agree.

Shunji still has this 'soft side' if i'm not wrong. If he doesn't have any ambition of conquering the Pacific or what ever, he'll be back to normal. (We can get to know that in the next episode, the after affects of Gatsikal blew himself up) If he's so naive.

Well, that we'll know in the next episode.

Can't wait.

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Aug 2, 2012

Ahjumma !!!!

Poor poor ahjumma :'(

Obviously it's not the real Gaksital but the comrade. Well done !

I agree with you guys below, Mok Dan's reaction could've been better handled... But well, she knows now and romance begins yay ! :D
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Enjoyable but weird ending

I wish Sunako-chan changed into a different person in the end. I didn't want her to become a lady, since that wasn't the message this show was supposed to send, but I at least wanted to see her live comfortably without being afraid of bright creatures all the time. That was a bit of an unpleasant ending. But I really like the kiss :D That was a nice trick haha ^^
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Aug 2, 2012

It really deserved a 10 but ...

Aibu Saki made it loose 0.5. Her character seems to be add to the picture after. Without "Yoko" this drama wouldn't lack. She only show us how much Matoko matters to Toru but in the end, I feel weird whenever I see this girl because her love and this story about meeting him before didn't seem real at all.

(I kind of hate manipulative people and her face who doesn't show enough (like in Buzzer Beat...)

But Shun really became a great actor, after leaving me with a bitter taste in BOF, he 's got an halo now, a confidence that make you want to follow him through this characters and more.
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Aug 2, 2012

No! No No!

This was also a very exciting episode!

Mok Dan and Kang To! ^^ I'm sooo happy!!!

However there's definitely no way that Gaksital in the last scene was Kang To!
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Aug 2, 2012

What part of forever..

This episode was so hard to watch! You Qing is making me sooo mad!! I guess when your in the 'moment' it's hard to see that your really just settling.. which is what she is doing with Wei- because he was there for her at a bad time. Even after he deleted Da Ren's text and went psycho on her, You Qing keeps going back and forth on him. Ugh so mad! >.
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Aug 2, 2012

Y do they keep doing this to me????

Ok I am going totally crazy. Y 4 the 2nd wk in a row is it only 1 episode? They rly r trying 2 mess w/ my mental capability 2 be patient.

So, I am loving this show. It keeps me on edge that whole time I am watching it. It is an amazing story. I love that the story is progressing fast, but slowly @ the same time. I know that is like so contradictory, but it is the truth. If u r not watching this show I rly suggest that u give it a try b/c it will not disappoint.
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Omo!! Dark Secrets Finally Revealed!!

I knew it... I knew it was some sort of hereditary disease making Seok Hyun act so cold and unloving and making him say he doesn't want to get married and have kids. Oh drama why did you have to be so cliche. Whatevs, I'll go with the flow. But I really like Ji Hoon. A LOT. I love Yeol Mae and Ji Hoon as a couple, they are so cute together, but I don't feel the same amount of chemistry between them as I feel between Yeol Mae and Seok Hyun. And that plays a big role in who I really want Yeol Mae to end up with. I was Team Ji Hoon, but I'm starting to switch back over to Seok Hyun not out of sympathy but because she has more chemistry with him and they know each other really well, and come on who doesn't want their first love to be their one and only love. But its really hard to choose because they both are great men, at least when Seok Hyun chooses to show his emotions he is.

Ahh so Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy are finally dating!! They are too cute as a couple!!!

I wanted to see a bit more of Jae Kyung and her lover's relationship because their story is really interesting. Also her lover is really really really cute/hot.

The previews indicate Yeol Mae goes back to Seok Hyun... at this point I can't predict at all who she will end up with. I like that about this drama. It isn't too predictable.

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Aug 2, 2012

Perfect 10

I absolutely LOVED this episode. Especially the scene where Makoto and Toru are working on the Personal File system together. I really enjoyed how he had to simplify the system. AS for the end of the episode, I knew for sure that Makoto would see that kiss. I was disappointed that it happened though. I really didn't want a love triangle in this drama =/
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Aug 2, 2012

A broken heart here, a patched up heart there

Wei is just as pushy as Maggie was, and it worked even better on You Qing than it did on Da Ren. Choosing to get back together with Wei just because she feels she's a) too old for anyone to love/appreciate her and b) lonely, is sad. It's about as bad as Da Ren putting up with Maggie for being 'not bad' actually, it's like the exact same thing going on just in reverse. I don't like Wei, but I wonder if Da Ren is just going to step back and let You Qing go..
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Aug 1, 2012

that man

The most hilarious part of my mom and I conversing about SG after each episode - or during it, which compels me to stop the video every 5 minutes - is that she can't remember one single name.

Her commentaries go more or less like this: so, basically the very rich, good-looking guy is jealous of his cousin the singer because the pretty stuntwoman is a crazy fan of him?

Or: I can already imagine that woman who had a story with the singer is here to get revenge, somehow, and this is why she chases the other one... the one I like but is always sarcastic with her.

- "Mom, I beg of you. The male lead is Joo Won, the female RaIm and the singer is Oska. The dark lady is Seul"

- "Ah, yes, you told me. What, Seul like the city?"

- "Well, it sounds like it, but there's a vowel less."

- "How do you know, since everything is translitterated from korean?"

- "It's a convention. Seoul is the city and Seul the woman."

- "I see. I'll remember this one, thanks to the city."

10 minutes afterwards she's back to "the dark lady who wants revenge from the singer". :P

She loved this episode, and I with her. Whether it is a generation thing or simply a personal stance of her, she never complains about Joo Won acting like a stalker. She's fascinated by the idea of his obsession, which he himself is incapable of understanding.

I have a special weekness for the bag scene, because it encapsules all his doubts and his prejudices in one, brief moment.

Needless to say, when my mom called Joo Won "that man" I couldn't contain myself anymore and burst out laughing like a possessed. My mother, the prophetess.

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Aug 1, 2012

OM F****ING G!!!!

BY FAR ONE OF THE BEST EPISODE!! It had me gasping crying and melting!!!!

The quick acceptance of Kang To as gaksital is quite weak but I found it really sweet how Kang To and Mok Dan both worry about each other's wellbeing more themselves and my heart melted for the couple. I think she loves gaksital/young master and not kang to as of yet because i cant imagine the hatred going just like that...she also says it herself that gaksital must stay alive than kang to must stay alive but I think she's accepting him because its a fact that he's the young master and gaksital and she did ask the comrades not to kill lee kang to :). plus her flashbacks (in my opinion) sort of made her realise that the young master had always been there and told her but she just didnt listen. I dont want to be disappointed so I'm going to manipulate it and think positive :)

That woman comrade is kick*** more so than Rara now...she's becoming disappointing...doesnt really do much other than annoy Shunji

The last 10 minutes was brilliant. The last 10 minutes was f*****ing epic!! Knew it wasnt the real gaksital but damn he was just as good!! I cant believe it!!

Also Shunji! What can a say...he has gone down the road of no return...there was absolutely no reason to shoot that adjumma! never in a million years would I think she'd die!!! I cant believe Shunji did it?! which confuses me even minute he's evil to the core but the next he's buying flowers for Mok Dan?!!!


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Aug 1, 2012

One of the weaker episodes, IMO

I just have a peeve on how Mok Dan came to accept Kang To. When you look at it, Kang To has changed. He is no longer the Young Master we once knew. I wanted to see her loving Kang To for who he is now rather than linking him to the Young Master. I wanted her to differentiate between the two "people", let alone the three "people".

It didn't look like she was shocked to find Kang To behind the mask for me. It looked too easy the way she reacted.

I also realized that she kept saying, "Bridal Mask must live." to Kang To. Call me nit-picky, but when will she see Kang To for himself? She seems to care more about her supposedly long lost master, and Gaksital. It's just a bingo that they're all the same person - haha. I feel like it's a good excuse for her to like Kang To starting from now.

Argg... I've been looking so much for their moment of realization that I'm disappointed because I was expecting something more.

If someone saved me all this time because they loved me, it doesn't mean I will return their love for me. The boy I once know isn't the man today. The fact that Mok Dan didn't even show confusion makes me wonder what was going through her mind. I just didn't see the point of Mok Dan accepting Kang To this quickly. She never loved the current Kang To, let alone fall for him. Now, it's going to feel like she's falling for Kang To largely because he was the man behind the mask.

The main point isn't the kissing scene, but rather her reaction to Gaksital's identity as a whole. I just didn't feel the UUMMPHH factor.

This is the real question, would Mok Dan be in love (or fall in love) with Kang To if he wasn't Gaksital to begin with? She needs to understand that they're two different people. To this point, I still don't know who she's really in love with. It seems like she's still chasing after her fantasy. Luckily for her, the young master is the same person as Gaksital. I wished there was more struggle / shock in her realization of Kang To being Gaksital.

Keep in mind that I'm addicted to Bridal Mask. Hence, I'm being harsher on it than most dramas - haha.

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Aug 1, 2012

This is the first ep im giving a 8.05

this episode was great except no passion :( i was hoping to see acting and passion like the "The princesses man" kiss scenes. but i didn't get that from this episode i feel bad that i had to rate this 8.05 :( but other than that everything else was great joo wan was awesome as always. and the drama story line amazing :))
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Aug 1, 2012

Let me just say...

that there better be some epic secret or I'm going to be ticked off. I'm good with not understanding it all right now. I have theories. Time jumping to a parallel universe withstanding, this is still a good drama. I'm kinda bored with Young Rae's constant need for a savior. At least I'm not bored.
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