Mop Girl Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2012

Clumsy as hell

Seems pretty interesting. She's a bit of a ditz, Otoma's kind of hot and her working as a funeral director is different. Looking forward to the next episode.
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Jun 27, 2012


this is getting so good now! Usually would lose its spark but damn I'm getting more and more hooked!! This is the exact reason I love masked heroes...they are so DAMN HOOOOT!

I loved the flashback scene was really nice to know why Kang To became an Imperial Officer and how he and Shunji became best friends. I liked him a little more then but my dislike for him resurfaced and grew after that scene. Wish he make his mind up! One minute he's bast pals with Kang To then another minute he's sending him death glares!

kang To arrested your evil father because he was following now you declare war on him!? Come on!!! Still his acting isnt as bad as his ears which take up the whole screen!

LMAOOO at President Jo and Abe running in the streets! They made such a good couple, much love for them even tho Jo's a dirty old pervert. Also Dam Sa Ri's disguise. It. Was. Flawless. Really couldnt tell it was him with those glasses and moustache. Really is the master of diguise LOOOL only joking.

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Jun 27, 2012

Another one. :O

I'm so glad the dogs are running again. Too bad they had to leave 3 of them on the ship. I especially liked Shiro. :(

Good that Riki showed Kuma who the boss is, though. That Kuma was getting aggressive..

And how are they going to stay alive with only half of their resources left? I mean.. Aw. :O
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Jun 27, 2012

Even more WOW..

Woah, was that dramatic!

Especially with Inuzuka and Jiro trapped inside that storage room.. I was completely shaking. ._.

The acting is really incredible in this. And I'm still amazed by the dogs. Wow.

Also, those cute little babies were SO adorable!
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Jun 27, 2012


Woah, what a first episode! Could've just as well been a movie. Great. ._.

The dogs are definitely the stars of this by the way. They are incredible. I don't like how they're locked into those tiny little cages, though. :(

But seriously, are ALL of those many people in uniforms going with them? I thought they are supposed to be less members of the expedition. Or did they get off?

I guess I'll find out. ;)
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Jun 27, 2012

I admit I've skipped episodes

Reason for skipping was the story was becoming uninteresting! Everyone after Gyung Joon makes for an uninteresting story. I agree about the marriage, not sure why but it could be because I did not watch all of the episodes but reading what others that had, they are as confused as me so I guess I did not miss anything. You will have to make your own conclusion after watching this.
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Jun 27, 2012

Interesting enough..

Another interesting episode, the end of it was amazing-- I'm quite sure he won't kiss her, but the idea is nice.. :)

I'm starting to forget Gyung Joon's real appearance - it's a bit worring - I hope it won't make the ending a bit ankward..or sth..
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Jun 27, 2012

They're so funny together..

It's a really fun drama. I love how Gyung Joon is still such a kid in this body, but at the same time he's smart and Da Ran acts just like as childishly as Gyung Joon - they're both like teenagers.. :D ..soI guess they'd make a great couple.. ;)
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Jun 27, 2012

Amazing start !!

I didn't have time to watch any dramas lately, but I noticed new interesting ones and I just couldn't let this drama pass me by.. :)

First episode is amazingly interesting and funny and I'm really looking forward to what this drama has to offer.. :)
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Jun 27, 2012

He Did What?!?

wow this is a dramatic episode. when those 2 evil girls videotaped shancai and huazelei on a balcony doing nothing but talk daoming si got the murderous eyes and when to see her. i cant believe he almost punched her but glad he missed. and when he tried to forcefully kiss her and ripped her clothes off that was unbelievable.
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Jun 27, 2012

what a trip!

Quinghe is so cute but he can be annoying sometimes. and i love this episode. shancai get to dance wit ximen, meizou, huazelei (LUCKY!!) and daoming si is getting all jealous.
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Jun 27, 2012

cute shirt :D

the great daoming si is reading a questionnaire book to help him find what woman he like. HAHA!! and then wearing an astro boy t-shirt awww :D
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Big Episode 8
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2012

They really need to bring Kyung-joon out of his coma

At this point, it's hard to even remember what Kyung-joon was like as his usual self. And I agree with people who say that Da Ran's character isn't interesting enough :/
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Big Episode 8
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2012


I?ve tried so hard to become invested in Da Ran?s character; I thought after episode 6 that I was back to tolerating her, but I just can?t now. Even though I like the Da Ran/ Kyung Joon relationship, I think that this ?wedding? was unnecessary. So many things in this drama are, unfortunately (e.g. any scene where Da Ran asks stupid questions from Se Young or any other person).

What I do enjoy are the scenes with Mari and Choong-shik. Although part of me hated that she caused danger to Da Ran, I?m glad that it?s a reaction that fits with her character and later adds to her distress. Choong-shik might be the cutest thing on the planet; when he?s heartbroken, he?s the sweetest little kid.

I?m just not sure what to think about this drama anymore. Each new episode either draws me closer or pulls me away?sort of a ?one step forward, two steps back? thing. I will stick this drama out, if only to see Little Kyung-Joon come back.

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Big Episode 8
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2012

I knew it!

HA! I totally thought that they were brothers, b/c Kyung Joon never knew who his dad was. I am happy that things r going this way. But what will happen if Da Ran ends up falling for Kyung Joon b-4 Yoon Jae comes back? I can't wait 4 this story 2 continue. It is rly getting good.
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