Apr 21, 2012

Creepingly Amazing

Throughout this episode Gong Xi was pretty creepy in a few scenes, but she was creepy in a way that made me laugh. I loved the focus on determination in this episode. I could really feel Gong Xi's emotions and her determination to win!! Loved this episode!!!
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Apr 21, 2012

Straight To The Point

This was really a great 1st episode. In most Taiwanese dramas the first few episodes sort of lag on until you get to the main point in like the 3rd episode, but Skip Beat was different. It got straight to the point in the very 1st episode. I'm unsure about the male leads, meaning I don't know which one I'll be rooting for, since both of the male leads' characters are very jerk like. Overall, great 1st episode!
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Apr 21, 2012

broken hearts in the middle

With everything until now i just don't know...what can possiply can happen in the next 10 episodes?? 1)we know the killer 2)there is mutual love that has been shown early 3)2 people dead and 1 unnable to move 4)a miscarriage.....wow!!just WOW!! There has to be a FANTASTIC and UNPREDICTABLE ending
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Apr 21, 2012

Never It Crossed in my Mind

Whatta great episode I've seen! This episode will let Jae Ha think of his own decisions and be accountable with them. Somehow he is narrow-minded,sensitive but he's got the most clever ideas. My most favorite parts of the episode:1. Hang-Ah's arrival at the airport, thought he will ignore her dad, but then she cried on his shoulder.(tore my heart into pieces and again great acting Ha Ji Won)2. The Journal Videos, wherein the late-king shared what he wanted for his brother and his thoughts about the club m. 3. crown princess telling soldier Lee not to leave her. 4. the announcement of Hang Ah's miscarriage watched by the Queen, King and the FREAKING secretary!!!!!(btw, i knew that they made love on episode,,, ahhh i forgot what ep.it is,but i never thought she will get pregnant and have a miscarriage) But wait, the last scene.... hmm, can't wait even longer for the next episode.

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Apr 21, 2012

What a great start, Nao after the liar game

I love the mystery in this drama!!! I really like the whole thing about a locked room being able 2 solve a billion questions!This is Nao after the liar game!! OMG toda erika is so shy, never seen her act like that but she is gr8 at it. For some reason I want some/little romance, even though I am not expecting it. Loved the 1st ep i hope it gets better from here
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Apr 21, 2012

Sucked Me In.....

The first episode had gotten my attention and it never lost it once. I find that rare I'm usually always getting distracted while watching dramas. It's very interesting. I sense possible greatness from this drama. I hope it doesn't disappoint. I can't wait to start watching the next episode.
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Apr 21, 2012


This has been one intense ride, with out a drop of relief. So I can't say all's well that ends well because the bad guy got away and way to many people died. I hope he knows who his friends are now but if the last 11 episodes are anything to go by, that could change at any time.

Guess I have to watch season two to find out what happens

and who the heck was in surgery? his dad or his sister?
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Apr 21, 2012


what the heck is going on? I can't figure out anyone's motives.

It seems like our hacker is the only sane person in this drama. The lady with the lip gloss is driving me nuts! Why does she do what she does? All I have is questions... I guess I have to watch more.
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Apr 21, 2012

So they DID it

This is the best episode yet. We reach half and they leave us with that HUGE cliffhanger. What will happen with the princess? what will happen with Jae Ha and Hang Ah now that the WHOLE freaking world nows that he inpregnated her and dumped her? What will happen with the freaking old man and Club M?

There are just SO many questions left unanswered!

I loved the man in this episode,when she told Jae Ha that hoe could he be man because Hang Ah called him trash if everyone already knew that he was trash! XD

But one thing that was really stupid was that the Royal Family found out about the miscarriage in the NEWS! I mean on real life that would've been top secret and discussed between the 2 countries and THEN made public. I was expecting her dad to call Jae Ha and scream his lungs off as how could he do that to his precious daughter. But the news???? Come on, be more realistic!

But well anyways, there are no words to describe how superb was this episode, every little detail as amrita said: from the music to the plot to character developing, EVERYTHING!

Can't wait for next week's episodes!!!

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Apr 21, 2012

Funny and Cute!!

So I'm re=watching this drama because the first time I watched it I was pretty new to dramas and plus I just felt like re-watching it. But now that I have experience in the drama world I feel that I can appreciate this drama even more and also not just blindly believe it to be perfect. I'm able to see its flaws a bit more clearly, however the first episodes hardly had any except for the horrible english actors. I loved this episode so much! It was cute and funny. It also is a great episode which hooks you right into the drama. Lee Da Hae is super duper cute and funny and I find her adorable. Lee Dong Wook honestly should have kept his hairstyle like this. I feel that out of all the dramas he's done this is the one where he looks the hottest. Oh Lee Jun Ki, I can appreciate you and your acting more now because I actually have watched your other performances and have now realized how awesome you truly are. Overall this episode is cute and funny and will totally hook you into the ride called My Girl. :)

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Apr 21, 2012

Interesting but A Bit Boring

I know that the first episode is usually reserved for introducing the characters and what role they are going to play and their personalities so I am willing to accept the fact that this episode was a bit boring to do that purpose and will continue on. That being said, there were 2 kiss scenes in this episode leading me to believe that this will be an exciting series to watch. However since I'm more of a fan of dramas where the leads fight and bicker and build up romantic tension, the kissing scenes didn't really affect me because there was none of that intense romantic tension. There was some in the 2nd one but not a lot. Hopefully this won't turn out to be one of those kinds of dramas where the leads love each other from the beginning of the drama and have to go through hardships because I'm not into those. But otherwise this drama seems interesting and I especially love the concept. Also, the previews for the next episode look promising.

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Apr 21, 2012

Tears on two occasions ; A ;

This episode must be my favorite so far.

Kazuo is still trying to find the best way to handle his new troubles, and though I won't say why, The resolution to the the "Sam arc" of Kazuo's story brought tears to my eyes.

This fifth episode focuses on the chubby daughter and her encounter with a boy from the Tohoku area (where the earthquake hit)--Needless to say, this story really struck a cord with me. Young love is
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Apr 21, 2012

okay, I cried

I just knew they weren't going to save her. This is a dark dark drama >.
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Apr 20, 2012


Just when I thought I couldn't adore more Kim Joo Hyuk, he gives the God of War face. Great episode!
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Apr 20, 2012

Getting better

The episodes are getting better. We are getting a little more back story of some of the characters and the story as a whole is just starting to unfold a bit.

Young Gul finally got caught and went to prison. While in prison he found out that the American designer is using his designs. I think Young Gul thinks that means he bought them but the designer is taking all the credit so it looks like he stole them.

No wonder Jae Hyuk is kind of screwed up I had a moment of sympathy for him when his father was beating him up. How a father could do that to his son I don?t know. But I started hating him again when he started beating up Young Gul.

Also it seems Anna has a pretty long dark past with Jae Hyuk?s mom.

I'm pissed at Young Gul for not helping Ga Young as she was being attacked. After all that she helped him with. I sure hope he goes back to save her.

This was a pretty good episode can't wait to watch the next one.

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