Aug 12, 2012

Stupid Chen Ai Lin!! >:(

[SPOILER] I can't keep to myself how mad I am at Chen Ai Lin. She acts all so innocent when she betrays her best friend. Ok, let's say Mi En didn't know that Ai Lin's senior is Han Xiang but yeah, Mei Ying Jie is right about when Ai Lin could've told her. Gaah! I am so mad. I believe that this has been the 1st time i've been this mad at the female antagonist. And I hate how Ai Lin's parents are o supportive of her. I thought the father would be able to do something right about it but no, because cutest mommy has to act all cute~ And yeah, that mom, i hate her too! She's at what age and still acts like that! She's the worst mom out there. Mothers won't let their daughters go bad. Mothers are present to guide their kids in the right path, not teach them how to betray their best friend! I hope Ai Lin goes friend-less!

Sorry. I just had to grant my hatred on Ai Lin and her stupid family. Bear with me. :]

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Aug 12, 2012

Its almost over

Great episode :) really hope Rok and Min Sook will be happy together.
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Aug 12, 2012

An Inviting Episode...

...because it allows us to see the softer side of the female teacher, which I think is going to open up her character a little.

Also, this episode definitely pointed to a pairing, which, though expected, was a delight to see. I'm still interested in the plan which the Director has for Teppei and the rest of the "S" class.
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Aug 12, 2012

one cold-hearted b!&$#

wow she would do anything to ruin Xiao Jie. i mean if he dont want you then why go all of the trouble to get him. Zi Qi is not doing any good if he keep on having lingering feeling for Ji Qing and want to rush the marriage so that he can erased her out of his life.
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Aug 12, 2012


It did not disappoint :)

Going to miss this so much :(
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Aug 12, 2012

Wait WHAT!!

OMG so much was revealed in these past two episodes. My mind is officially blown. (Btw, I'm going to do these in 2s now because the episodes seem to be 2 episodes long, if that makes sense...) But woow!! I'm trying so hard not to spoil this for people who haven't seen it, but dang. ShiWon, YoonJae, and their families have gone through so much, no wonder they're so close. I've already spoiled the next 2 episodes for myself by reading a spoiler on AKP on who is the engaged couple, but there is already one married couple. I'm still hoping ShiWon and YoonJae are together. The stares YoonJae gave ShiWon were totally sizzling. I think I'm in love with Seo In Guk :P. But these 2 episodes eliminated one possible match for Shiwon, but opened up another. AHHH I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO ENDS UP WITH WHO!!!

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Aug 12, 2012


I thought Shunji was nicer than this, I never really liked him but now his reputation just went down the drain. Ra Ra wasn't my favourite but now I just feel kinda sorry for her, I think she really liked Lee Kang To. The last scene was just plain sad...
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Aug 12, 2012

This is Probably... favorite episode of the series so far. It FINALLY gave Fuyutsuki some room as a character. We got to see her weaknesses and her resoluteness in being a teacher (after Onizuka threw her in the water and gave her a few choice words, of course).

The part that influenced me the most, though, had to be her apology to Kujirakawa. That moment, for me, is the best moment of the series. The fact that Takimoto, as Fuyutsuki, actually exposed her undergarments to prove a point was not only bold, but powerful.

My eyes were welling because I felt this episode covered a very heavy topic--body image--and made it relevant. It also dealt with obsession and how one deals with it.

I can't wait for the next episode. The preview has me jumping up and down already.

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Ghost Episode 20
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2012

The best ending

Awww the scene between Crazy Cow and Boiled potato was super cute XD I want more romantic scenes between Gangmi and Woohyun pairing :) Oh god, its been ages since I heard the Phantom of the opera song. I guess leaving it out for so many eps made a big impact.

Such a big twist in the end. She was pregnant with his child.. HE KILLED HIMSELF AS WELL OMG That was freaking AMAZING and I will really miss this drama!
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Aug 11, 2012


First of all I love how Yeol Mae just straight up told Ji Hoon about her relationship with Seok Hyun and that she wasn't sure that she could ever like anyone else before she asks him to try to make her like him. I think she is totally sincere. She seems really tired of her on again/off again relationship with Seok Hyun. I can't say I blame her, although I really don't understand why she has to hear the words "I love you". It is pretty obvious that he cares for her even when he is being an ass.
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Aug 11, 2012

Loved it!

Look's real promising. Can't wait to watch the rest.
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Ghost Episode 19
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2012


I really like how we can't predict Woohyun's actions and plans because of his expressionless face. For once it is something good in a drama :D

Loved how this episode went. So much suspense as the truth came out. ^^ Can't believe the next episode is the last one. This went by so fast!
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Aug 11, 2012


This episode was sooo good but than what else is new this drama never fails to amaze me. i gotta say i like RaRa's acting better and her love for kang to is stronger the way i see it her acting skills surpass moks dons. this was a geat episode b/c of RaRa.
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So I guess it had an alright ending. I'm just really sad that they made Kang Hyuk disappear just like that. It was the last thing I would've expected! Ok he didn't get the girl, but that's not a reason to get him out of the picture. How could they just make him leave?? :( He should've stayed as part of their family, as a friend... I really feel bad for him. It was the only thing that bothered me about the ending of this. Everything fit so well for everyone, he was the only one left out of having a happy ending :(
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Aug 11, 2012

I'm dying...

...for Miho right now. I feel so bad for her. On one hand, Dae Woong is beginning to show his feelings, but on the other hand, she's being encouraged to disappear by Hye In and Dong Joo, for different reasons.

I'm really enjoying the relationship between the Director and Dae Woong's aunt. They are so cute and funny.

I can't wait to see whether Miho and Dae Woong will ever get to be happy and whether Hye In kissing Dae Woong will have greater effect than what we see at the end of the episode.
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