May 28, 2012

I did it to save your life....Wait..what?

Song I is really getting on my nerves now.

Her: "Do you know why your name was removed from the trusted guards?"

Me: "Gee, I wonder why? I wonder who was the stupid *insert lots of Spanish cursing here* who caused that." *glares*

Her: "I did it to save your life."

Me: "I wonder why the heck his life even needed saving. Wasn't it because of the obsession of certain agassi?" *glares*

Her: "Please repay me with the life owed me."

Me: "You selfish, spoiled brat." *glares, grits teeth, curses*

I was actually smirking when he told her he would always keep Wol Ah in his heart, smiling when he said that the only thing he could do for her was die and nothing else, and full on happy when it was her wedding...buajajaja!!!!

In later episodes, they probably will have something and I'll be gritting my teeth and cursing her out, but right now I'm very, very satisfied that her life is miserable.

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May 28, 2012

staying alive

I love that Dr. Jin is asked to save Young Hwi and unlike the past he has decided to try even if he doesn't think that he can really save him. I guess he ends up saving his own life in the long run.

So, if I'm not mistaken...we have Young Hwi as head of the bandets as best friends to Kyung Tak head of the law...should get interesting.

I guess Dr. Jin is going to get out of scrapes by saving people.
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I don't get it!!

If your child kept getting into danger somewhere and a hunter knew where you were, why would you stay?!! I am getting so frustrated with the Gumiho Mother on this one!
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May 28, 2012

For JIN's fans, not a great start...

Well i'm a huge fan of JIN, so of course i'm biased & i will compare. Indeed, 1st episode so-so when it was freaking amazing in the japanese version. They took away all its magic. (No surprises here, the best jdramas are real masterpieces)

What startled me the most was the very BAD acting, especially from SSH (that i usually like). I mean, he arrives in the past & doesn't seem too shocked (expressionless face..). I laughed so hard when he almost immediately asks "What year is it" ! Champion haha, if i end up in a weird place this wouldn't be the 1st question that comes to my mind. But maybe it's the script's fault here. Anyway, he doesn't convey any feelings, even when he's trying to save his gf (it feels fake). PMY is for now completely dull & uninteresting (maybe that will change later on). Jaejoong is ok i guess. The people don't seem too amazed at the doctor's skills but it will change i hope.

OH & what to say about the guy with the tumor?!!! I won't express my full opinion on this so as not to spoil the story for those who don't know, but big disappointment here (he's supposed to be desperate, not having a nice stroll)

They did a bad job on the scenes/ideas they took from the 1st episode of JIN. The script appears to be kind of faltering for now. But what gives me hope is that they changed the story a little. So hopefully, if they continue to change the story it won't disappoint me. Because i liked the new elements added. I mean it's useless to do the same thing since it will never be as brilliant as JIN, they understood that i think.

So i'll continue watching a little out of curiosity. Even though it's nothing compared to the original, the concept/main story itself is such a beautiful one that I can't hate Dr. Jin either.

PS: those who haven't seen JIN should really do so, provided of course they like the magic feeling of jdramas, that can be subtle or boring for some

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May 28, 2012

Not bad for a start,

This episode drew my attention from the first scenes I must say.. The history and the personality of the main character is created in an interesting way. The ending was unexpected.. and surprising. Also the relationship among the brothers.. it left me asking - what happened ? Aslo what happened between Eun Seok and Min Goo? I guess I'll find out that soon..

I'm also thingking about the personality of Bok Go - he seems very arrogant, bold.. just a person without love and caring.. so I bet it will be interesting to watch how his personality will improve as he fall in love..
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May 28, 2012

why this wasn't perfect.... in my humble opinion.

Overall this is a really good show. The reason I only gave this drama an 8 was because of the end. While satisfying as far as plot went, I didn't like the fact that she ends up with the modern day reincarnation of the crown prince (and he what? ends up alone?). Reincarnation or not, Yong Tae Yong is NOT the person she was in love with. His personality is different, his mannerisms are different, he is ENTIRELY different because of his life experiences. To me this is sort of like dating twins and having one die so you just start dating the other. Sure they look alike but they are NOT the same person. For a fantasy romance that holds through until the end I would suggest Secret Garden.

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May 28, 2012

What they teach at Sungkyunkwan!!!!

Gosh... do they learn how to melt every woman's heart in that damn Sungkyunkwan? What is that BoongDo doing to me?????
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May 28, 2012

slow but steady

We start this episode with Seo Yeon getting a call to pick up Cho In's found belongings and she and Seon Woo go to look for him. btw...I also didn't know that China had places that were like Venice.

Seon Woo goes back to open the NMC and Seo Yeon stays in China to look for Cho In. I don't know how much time has passed, but Cho In is walking in the desert with some people and in some kind of gun battle. Of course, he has no memory. I think the leader of this group is Young Ji's brother, Kwang Chul.

Young Ji is selling food on the street and is being hunted by the North Koreans. Seems like her brother is high up in communist military or gang and they are looking for him before he goes to South Korea or the US.

As justice would have it Seon Woo is apparently having medical problems of his own. Sadly Seo Yeon has worn herself out looking for Cho In and collapses. One of the members of Kwang Chul?s group is also shot. Seon Woo works on Seo Yeon simultaneously as Cho In works on a member of the gang.

It ends with the Kwang Chul and Cho In getting set up.

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May 28, 2012

Hidden Desires surfaces..

I can't believe it.. I'm only at the first episode, Still I've already managed to grab ahold of a major amount of the 2nd lead syndrome. I'm so in love with that guy already.. I know I'll be crying alot in this drama..

I Love it already though. The music used is pretty good.. The theme song is addictive.

For a first episode, A Huge Cliffhanger left already. I've had this on my list for quite some time, Still never watched it due to other things in the way. I'm watching it now, And I'll probably regret it when I cry in the future.. But as for now.

Next episode, Here I come..
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May 28, 2012

Oppa is really....

love this episode. as for oppa he dump women left and right but when hee jin tell him to break up hilarious! well onward to the next episode please!!! :)
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May 28, 2012

Am I the only 1?

I figured out what was going on. I am glad I didn't get lost in the details of the story. We have 2 brothers that r of royal birth but 1 is on the wrong side of the sheets, so to say. The mother of the King wants her son to stay in power so she has his brother killed. Then we move to the next generation of princes. The eldest bro is not born by the queen, so he is not the heir to the thrown. It makes no difference who is born 1st, just who the mother is. I love that the princes have such different personalities, but the same heart. They r both very caring despite the position of loneliness they both face. I am rly enjoying this series.

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May 28, 2012


I liked the first episode, and i'm curious how the story will turn out, it was a bit confusing but still interesting and it had some really cool scenes. I hope they will make the plot more clear in the future. :3
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May 28, 2012

crap, meet fan

This is the episode when everything reaches the boiling point. Just when I was about to get bored, I feel like now things are about to get really good.

I love So Ji Sub's intensity! If he wasn't the star, I would have dropped this one a long time ago.
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May 28, 2012

Wol Ah!!!

No!!!! I cried so much during this episode. I liked Wol Ah, even if she was the weaker one, whereas I'm starting to hate Song I. I never like the weaker female, but for some reason I could sympathize with Wol Ah, whereas I just keep telling Song I to know her place. I actually say it every time she goes on with her obsession for Kim Joon. YES! She's obsessed, not in love. He's a shiny new toy for her.

Poor Wol Ah, she didn't deserve that.
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Nice conclusion Kim Bong Du!

Another cute episode. Riding with bike together was totally cute and the phone booth too.

I'm just a bit worried about the next episode - the preview made me worry. But I'm just thinking that something ultimately bad can't happen, right?
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