1 | 3 Days Korean Drama | South Korea | 2014 | Drama | 16 | |
2 | A Different Kind of Pretty Man Chinese Drama | China | 2014 | Drama | 20 | |
3 | A Legendary Fighter Korean Movie | South Korea | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
4 | A Man Called God Korean Drama | South Korea | 2010 | Drama | 24 | |
5 | A Portrait of Jianghu: Reincarnated Disciple Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 24 | |
6 | Adamas Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
7 | Advance Bravely Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 30 | |
8 | After School: Lucky or Not Korean Drama | South Korea | 2013 | Drama | 12 | |
9 | Again My Life Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
10 | Age of Legends Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 47 | |
11 | Alchemy of Souls Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 20 | |
12 | All of Us Are Dead Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 12 | |
13 | Along With the Gods 2: The Last 49 Days Korean Movie | South Korea | 2018 | Movie | 1 | |
14 | Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds Korean Movie | South Korea | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
15 | An Eternal Thought Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
16 | Archmage Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
17 | Are You Human Too? Korean Drama | South Korea | 2018 | Drama | 36 | |
18 | Arsenal Military Academy Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 48 | |
19 | Back from the Brink Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 40 | |
20 | Bad Guys Korean Drama | South Korea | 2014 | Drama | 11 | |
21 | Be My Princess Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 30 | |
22 | Be Reborn Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 26 | |
23 | Beautiful Gong Shim Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 20 | |
24 | Beginning of the Great Revival Chinese Movie | China | 2011 | Movie | 1 | |
25 | Being a Hero Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 32 | |
26 | Bite Fight Chinese Movie | China | 2016 | Movie | 1 | |
27 | Black Korean Drama | South Korea | 2017 | Drama | 18 | |
28 | Blood League Millennium Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 42 | |
29 | Bulgasal: Immortal Souls Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 16 | |
30 | Bullies 3 Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
31 | Bullies Season 2: Goblin Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
32 | Business Proposal Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 12 | |
33 | Cheat My Boss Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 24 | |
34 | Chronicles of a Ghostly Tribe Chinese Movie | China | 2015 | Movie | 1 | |
35 | Criminal Minds Korean Drama | South Korea | 2017 | Drama | 20 | |
36 | Cross Fire Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 36 | |
37 | Crows Explode Japanese Movie | Japan | 2014 | Movie | 1 | |
38 | Crows Zero Japanese Movie | Japan | 2007 | Movie | 1 | |
39 | Crows Zero 2 Japanese Movie | Japan | 2009 | Movie | 1 | |
40 | Cruel Love Korean Drama | South Korea | 2007 | Drama | 20 | |
41 | D-Day Korean Drama | South Korea | 2015 | Drama | 20 | |
42 | D-War Korean Movie | South Korea | 2007 | Movie | 1 | |
43 | D-War: Mysteries of the Dragon Korean Movie | South Korea | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
44 | Day Breaker Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
45 | Defying the Storm Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 40 | |
46 | Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 50 | |
47 | Destiny and Saving Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
48 | Die Now Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 20 | |
49 | Dinghai Fusheng Records Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
50 | Doctor Lawyer Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
51 | Dokgo Rewind Korean Drama | South Korea | 2018 | Drama | 20 | |
52 | Doom at Your Service Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 16 | |
53 | Dreamcide Korean Drama | South Korea | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
54 | Dynasty Warriors Chinese Movie | China | 2021 | Movie | 1 | |
55 | Eight Hours Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 36 | |
56 | Enormous Legendary Fish Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
57 | Escape of Shark Chinese Movie | China | 2021 | Movie | 1 | |
58 | Eternal Brotherhood Chinese Drama | China | 2024 | Drama | 24 | |
59 | Ever Night Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 60 | |
60 | Ever Night Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 43 | |
61 | Extraordinary You Korean Drama | South Korea | 2019 | Drama | 32 | |
62 | Fight Korean Drama | South Korea | 2008 | Drama | 8 | |
63 | Fighting Immortal Statue Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
64 | Floating Youth Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
65 | Foreign Countries at Sea Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
66 | Friend Korean Movie | South Korea | 2001 | Movie | 1 | |
67 | Friend, Our Legend Korean Drama | South Korea | 2009 | Drama | 20 | |
68 | From Now On, Showtime! Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
69 | Gangster High Korean Movie | South Korea | 2006 | Movie | 1 | |
70 | Gangsters Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
71 | Gank Your Heart Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 35 | |
72 | Ghost Doctor Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
73 | Go! Beach Volleyball Girls Chinese Drama | China | 2024 | Drama | 36 | |
74 | Good-bye, Mr. Black Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 20 | |
75 | Gu Family Book Korean Drama | South Korea | 2013 | Drama | 24 | |
76 | Gyeongseong Creature Korean Drama | South Korea | 2023 | Drama | 10 | |
77 | Hansan: Rising Dragon Korean Movie | South Korea | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
78 | Happiness Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 12 | |
79 | He Is Psychometric Korean Drama | South Korea | 2019 | Drama | 16 | |
80 | Hellbound Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 6 | |
81 | Heroes Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 38 | |
82 | High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D. Japanese Drama | Japan | 2015 | Drama | 10 | |
83 | History of Losers Korean Drama | South Korea | 0000 | Drama | 12 | |
84 | Holy Land Korean Drama | South Korea | 2012 | Drama | 4 | |
85 | Hope or Dope 2 Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 8 | |
86 | Hot-Blooded Goddess Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 24 | |
87 | Hwayi: A Monster Boy Korean Movie | South Korea | 2013 | Movie | 1 | |
88 | I Am a Superstar Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
89 | I Am Nobody Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 27 | |
90 | Ice Fantasy Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 62 | |
91 | Ice Fantasy Destiny Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 16 | |
92 | Insider Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
93 | Intouchable Chinese Drama | China | 2015 | Drama | 10 | |
94 | Journey to the West Chinese Movie | China | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
95 | Juvenile Justice Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 10 | |
96 | Kill It Korean Drama | South Korea | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
97 | King Rouge Chinese Drama | China | 2013 | Drama | 36 | |
98 | Kingdom Korean Drama | South Korea | 2019 | Drama | 6 | |
99 | Kirin Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
100 | Kuai Chuan Zhi Da Lian Kuang Mo Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 30 | |
101 | Legend of Awakening Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 48 | |
102 | Legend of Fei Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 51 | |
103 | Legend of Nine Tails Fox Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 37 | |
104 | Legend of the Heavenly Stones Chinese Drama | China | 2005 | Drama | 34 | |
105 | Legend of the Magnate Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
106 | Legend of the Raiders Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 24 | |
107 | Life and Death Rescue Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 30 | |
108 | Liu Yao Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 36 | |
109 | Lost in the Kunlun Mountains Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 36 | |
110 | Love In Han Yuan Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 46 | |
111 | Love Potion Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
112 | Love Revolution Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 30 | |
113 | Love You Seven Times Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 38 | |
114 | Man and Monsters Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 50 | |
115 | Maou Japanese Drama | Japan | 2008 | Drama | 11 | |
116 | Marshal Tian Peng Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
117 | Memorist Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 16 | |
118 | Meteor Garden Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 50 | |
119 | Midnight Museum Thai Drama | Thailand | 2023 | Drama | 10 | |
120 | Mo Jin: The Adventure of Discovery Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 20 | |
121 | Money Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
122 | Monster Hunter: Golden Zen Demon Chinese Movie | China | 0000 | Movie | 1 | |
123 | Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 20 | |
124 | Moonshine and Valentine Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 25 | |
125 | Moorim School Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 16 | |
126 | Mu Guang Zhi Tong Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 17 | |
127 | My Amazing Boyfriend Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 28 | |
128 | My Amazing Boyfriend Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 38 | |
129 | My Bossy Girl Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
130 | My Girlfriend Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 28 | |
131 | My Girlfriend is an Agent Korean Movie | South Korea | 2009 | Movie | 1 | |
132 | My Girlfriend Is an Alien Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 28 | |
133 | My Girlfriend Is an Alien Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 30 | |
134 | My Vampire School Sister Chinese Movie | China | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
135 | My Zombie Girlfriend Chinese Movie | China | 2016 | Movie | 1 | |
136 | Mystery of Antiques Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 36 | |
137 | New Kung Fu Cult Master Hong Kong Movie | Hong Kong | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
138 | Night in Paradise Korean Movie | South Korea | 2021 | Movie | 1 | |
139 | Night Wanderer Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 36 | |
140 | Omniscient Reader: The Prophet Korean Movie | South Korea | 2025 | Movie | 1 | |
141 | Once upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 37 | |
142 | Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
143 | One Ordinary Day Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 8 | |
144 | Only Beautiful Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
145 | Only Beautiful Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
146 | Person Immortal Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 12 | |
147 | Police University Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 16 | |
148 | Prince of Wolf Taiwanese Drama | Taiwan | 2016 | Drama | 18 | |
149 | Prison Playbook Korean Drama | South Korea | 2017 | Drama | 16 | |
150 | Prodigy Healer Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 36 | |
151 | Psych-Hunter Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 36 | |
152 | Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 24 | |
153 | Reborn Rich Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
154 | Remember You Thai Drama | Thailand | 2021 | Drama | 16 | |
155 | Royal Fox Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
156 | School 2017 Korean Drama | South Korea | 2017 | Drama | 16 | |
157 | Seven Swords 2: Bone of the Godmaker Chinese Movie | China | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
158 | Snow Eagle Lord Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 40 | |
159 | Sparkle Love Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 24 | |
160 | Spiritwalker Korean Movie | South Korea | 2021 | Movie | 1 | |
161 | Sponsor Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 12 | |
162 | Sugarless Japanese Drama | Japan | 2012 | Drama | 12 | |
163 | Surplus Princess Korean Drama | South Korea | 2014 | Drama | 10 | |
164 | Survival Code Chinese Drama | China | 2024 | Drama | 34 | |
165 | Sweet Home Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 10 | |
166 | Swing to the Sky Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 18 | |
167 | Sword Snow Stride Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 38 | |
168 | Swords of Legends: Fu Mo Ji Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
169 | Tale of the Nine-Tailed Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 16 | |
170 | Taxi Driver Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 16 | |
171 | Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 12 | |
172 | Tell Me What You Saw Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 16 | |
173 | The Assassin of the Tang Dynasty Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 60 | |
174 | The Covenant with Dragon Chinese Movie | China | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
175 | The Devil Punisher Taiwanese Drama | Taiwan | 2020 | Drama | 20 | |
176 | The Divine Fury Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
177 | The Dominator Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
178 | The Dominator 2 - School Martial Art Master Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
179 | The Dominator 3 - Junior Bullies Korean Movie | South Korea | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
180 | The Fairies of Liao Zhai Chinese Drama | China | 2007 | Drama | 40 | |
181 | The Fated General Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 70 | |
182 | The Fight Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
183 | The Four Horsemen Chinese Drama | China | 2015 | Drama | 48 | |
184 | The Fragments of Kylin Chinese Drama | China | 2024 | Drama | 24 | |
185 | The Gangster, the Cop and the Devil Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
186 | The Golden Spoon Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
187 | The Heirs Korean Drama | South Korea | 2013 | Drama | 20 | |
188 | The House of the Fairy Fox Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 12 | |
189 | The House of the Fairy Fox Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 12 | |
190 | The Immortal Ascension Chinese Drama | China | 2024 | Drama | 34 | |
191 | The Imperial Age Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 45 | |
192 | The Ingenious One Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 36 | |
193 | The Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask Chinese Movie | China | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
194 | The K2 Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 16 | |
195 | The King’s Avatar Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 40 | |
196 | The King’s Avatar Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
197 | The Legend Korean Drama | South Korea | 2007 | Drama | 24 | |
198 | The Legend Hunters Chinese Movie | China | 0000 | Movie | 1 | |
199 | The Legend of Flying Daggers Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 42 | |
200 | The Legend of Qin Chinese Drama | China | 2015 | Drama | 58 | |
201 | The Legend of the Blue Sea Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 20 | |
202 | The Legend of Yao Xiang Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 45 | |
203 | The Legendary Lighter Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
204 | The Legendary Lighter 2 Korean Movie | South Korea | 0000 | Movie | 1 | |
205 | The Legends Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 56 | |
206 | The Legends of Changing Destiny Chinese Drama | China | 2023 | Drama | 43 | |
207 | The Long Ballad Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 49 | |
208 | The Mystic Nine: Qing Shan Hai Tang Chinese Movie | China | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
209 | The Odd Family: Zombie on Sale Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
210 | The Pirates Korean Movie | South Korea | 2014 | Movie | 1 | |
211 | The Pirates 2: The Last Royal Treasure Korean Movie | South Korea | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
212 | The Player Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 20 | |
213 | The Prince Noob Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
214 | The Red Sparrow Chinese Movie | China | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
215 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
216 | The Secret House Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 124 | |
217 | The Seven Swords Chinese Movie | China | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
218 | The Seven Swords Chinese Movie | China | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
219 | The Silent Sea Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 8 | |
220 | The Sound of Magic Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 6 | |
221 | The Spirit of the Sword Chinese Drama | China | 2007 | Drama | 40 | |
222 | The Strongest Men of God Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 36 | |
223 | The Sweetest Secret Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 24 | |
224 | The Swindlers Korean Movie | South Korea | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
225 | The Taoism Grandmaster Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 46 | |
226 | The Techniques of Fighting Korean Movie | South Korea | 2019 | Movie | 1 | |
227 | The Techniques of Fighting 2 Korean Movie | South Korea | 2020 | Movie | 1 | |
228 | The Unbeatable Chinese Movie | China | 2021 | Movie | 1 | |
229 | The Uncanny Counter Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 16 | |
230 | The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch Korean Drama | South Korea | 2023 | Drama | 12 | |
231 | The Uncanny Return Korean Special | South Korea | 2021 | Drama Special | 1 | |
232 | The Vigilantes in Masks Chinese Drama | China | 2011 | Drama | 30 | |
233 | The Walking Dead vs Zombies Chinese Movie | China | 2015 | Movie | 1 | |
234 | The Wind Blows from Longxi Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 24 | |
235 | The Wolf Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 49 | |
236 | The World of Fantasy Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 36 | |
237 | The World of My 17 Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 12 | |
238 | Tientsin Mystic Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 24 | |
239 | Till the End of the World Chinese Movie | China | 2018 | Movie | 1 | |
240 | Time Between Dog and Wolf Korean Drama | South Korea | 2007 | Drama | 16 | |
241 | To Be Immortal Chinese Movie | China | 2018 | Movie | 1 | |
242 | To Our Ten Years Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
243 | Tomorrow Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 16 | |
244 | Tracer Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 8 | |
245 | Trading with the Immortals Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | ? | |
246 | True Beauty Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 16 | |
247 | Ugly Beauty Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 24 | |
248 | Unbeatable Chinese Drama | China | 2010 | Drama | 36 | |
249 | Unbeatable Chinese Drama | China | 2011 | Drama | 30 | |
250 | Unique Lady Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
251 | Unique Lady Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 12 | |
252 | Unique Lady Season 3 Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 27 | |
253 | Use for My Talent Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 24 | |
254 | Vampire Cleanup Department Hong Kong Movie | Hong Kong | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
255 | Vampire Detective Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 12 | |
256 | Vampire Flower Korean Drama | South Korea | 2014 | Drama | 6 | |
257 | Vincenzo Korean Drama | South Korea | 2021 | Drama | 20 | |
258 | Volcano High School Korean Movie | South Korea | 2001 | Movie | 1 | |
259 | W Korean Drama | South Korea | 2016 | Drama | 16 | |
260 | Warrior Baek Dong Soo Korean Drama | South Korea | 2011 | Drama | 29 | |
261 | We Are Not Human Chinese Drama | China | 2016 | Drama | 23 | |
262 | Weak Hero Class 1 Korean Drama | South Korea | 2022 | Drama | 8 | |
263 | Who Rules the World Chinese Drama | China | 2022 | Drama | 40 | |
264 | Wolf Thai Drama | Thailand | 2019 | Drama | 13 | |
265 | Wu Kong Chinese Movie | China | 2017 | Movie | 1 | |
266 | Xiang Long Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 20 | |
267 | Xuan Zang Chinese Movie | China | 2016 | Movie | 1 | |
268 | Yaksha: Ruthless Operations Korean Movie | South Korea | 2022 | Movie | 1 | |
269 | Your Highness Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 20 | |
270 | Your Highness Season 2 Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 22 | |
271 | Your Highness, the Class Monitor Chinese Drama | China | 2019 | Drama | 36 | |
272 | Zombie Detective Korean Drama | South Korea | 2020 | Drama | 24 | |