IRIS Episode 1
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Apr 22, 2012


This episode is full of action. There are plenty of fights, gunfire, and men without shirts. We get a little background on the lead characters. The love triangle for this drama is established in this episode as well. The mysterious end of this episode really makes you want to watch the next one to find out what is happening.
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Apr 22, 2012

Hijinks and Lying

This episode isn't as funny as the last one but still pretty hilarious. I feel this episode introduces the plot and conflict more in detail and therefore is a bit slower than the last one. I still loved it though. I find Yoo Rin's lies to be hilarious. I also love how everyone falls for her tricks even when they aren't even that believable. I honestly didn't start liking Gong Chan until later on in the drama, I always liked Jung Woo more. Now I remember why. Gong Chan is a bit of a workaholic and is a bit stiff. Also I didn't like the fact that he was so hungover his ex-gf. But he gets better later on in the drama and I start to like him. But Jung Woo is so cute in this episode. I love how he's like I saved this girl but I got nothing but this freaking plaster in return and practically hunts her down at the airport. This drama is too cute and too funny :)

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Apr 22, 2012


I really don't know why I'm still watching this drama-one episode feels like its three hours long and im a bit bored but something is still making me watch it?!?
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Apr 22, 2012

Children get together or Parents geting together ?

Right now I'm stuck on if i want to see the children get together or the parents of them ? I think this drama is good ,but i miss the tender moments of the 70's version of this show i feel like I'm watching a different drama now and i feel like I'm playing a waiting game in this series I'm waiting to see if they can connect back to that time.

P.S whatever happen to Na In Sook ?
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Apr 22, 2012

70's Love Groove

It was so moving ,and very sweet
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Apr 22, 2012

so here we are

at episode 9 and I am floored. Secretary Eun is a total ass!!! The ending of this episode is heartbreaking. I can't wait until Sec Eun is busted.

Poor Hang Ah waking from a nightmare of being shot. I wish she had totally trusted Jae Ha, but it wouldn't be a drama w/o a lovers spat.

I truelly don't think Jae Ha knew which end was up when Hang Ah went off on him.

About to watch 10 and I am freaking out that he might really send her back to North Korea!!!
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Apr 21, 2012

Wow ! exciting all spoilers

what a great first episode, I am so glad J survived he is my favorite character:) But they tricked me into thinking lip gloss lady was dead, them they twisted it into j being terminal. I don't know what to think O.o After the first season I am suspicious of the girl from the grocery store...but we will see.

And I kinda felt sorry for them when their girlfriend died..but I am not gonna miss her.
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Apr 21, 2012

The Sweetest Love...

I am loving this drama. The romance is great. It's done very well, it feels very sweet and caring. I like how In Ha hesitated to take Yoon Hee's hand. The light kiss on the cheek he gave her. I can really sense the chemistry between them.

There is just something about this drama I don't know if it's the amazing way it's filmed or the story but after watching an episode I kinda feel like I'm in some kinda dreamy state or something. I can't wait to wait to start the next episode.
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Apr 21, 2012

promising mystery drama

Catchy first episode, with a funny and clumsy Toda Erika (but I Hope her positive character, who is appreciable in this episode, won't become boring)It's the first time I'm watching a drama where Ohno plays a "serious" guy, and I like it very much. Seems to live in his own world, and I also love this kind of weird character. Maybe his world will be shaken up by this meeting with the young lady. So I am expecting some funny but also touching moments between the two young leads, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it (but not especially romance). Even if I like mystery dramas, I dare say that the mystery case is generally not what makes me watch them, but rather the interaction between the different characters. I think that will be the case here too. But I was more interested by this locked room mystery than expected. Hope it will be the same in the next episodes.At the end of this first episode, two questions are still in my mind : are there so many locked room case in real life? AND what is Enomoto-san listening to during the entire episode?

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Apr 21, 2012

Creepingly Amazing

Throughout this episode Gong Xi was pretty creepy in a few scenes, but she was creepy in a way that made me laugh. I loved the focus on determination in this episode. I could really feel Gong Xi's emotions and her determination to win!! Loved this episode!!!
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Apr 21, 2012

Straight To The Point

This was really a great 1st episode. In most Taiwanese dramas the first few episodes sort of lag on until you get to the main point in like the 3rd episode, but Skip Beat was different. It got straight to the point in the very 1st episode. I'm unsure about the male leads, meaning I don't know which one I'll be rooting for, since both of the male leads' characters are very jerk like. Overall, great 1st episode!
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Apr 21, 2012

broken hearts in the middle

With everything until now i just don't know...what can possiply can happen in the next 10 episodes?? 1)we know the killer 2)there is mutual love that has been shown early 3)2 people dead and 1 unnable to move 4)a!!just WOW!! There has to be a FANTASTIC and UNPREDICTABLE ending
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Apr 21, 2012

Never It Crossed in my Mind

Whatta great episode I've seen! This episode will let Jae Ha think of his own decisions and be accountable with them. Somehow he is narrow-minded,sensitive but he's got the most clever ideas. My most favorite parts of the episode:1. Hang-Ah's arrival at the airport, thought he will ignore her dad, but then she cried on his shoulder.(tore my heart into pieces and again great acting Ha Ji Won)2. The Journal Videos, wherein the late-king shared what he wanted for his brother and his thoughts about the club m. 3. crown princess telling soldier Lee not to leave her. 4. the announcement of Hang Ah's miscarriage watched by the Queen, King and the FREAKING secretary!!!!!(btw, i knew that they made love on episode,,, ahhh i forgot what is,but i never thought she will get pregnant and have a miscarriage) But wait, the last scene.... hmm, can't wait even longer for the next episode.

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Apr 21, 2012

What a great start, Nao after the liar game

I love the mystery in this drama!!! I really like the whole thing about a locked room being able 2 solve a billion questions!This is Nao after the liar game!! OMG toda erika is so shy, never seen her act like that but she is gr8 at it. For some reason I want some/little romance, even though I am not expecting it. Loved the 1st ep i hope it gets better from here
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Apr 21, 2012

Sucked Me In.....

The first episode had gotten my attention and it never lost it once. I find that rare I'm usually always getting distracted while watching dramas. It's very interesting. I sense possible greatness from this drama. I hope it doesn't disappoint. I can't wait to start watching the next episode.
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