Jun 21, 2012

Convincing & Heartbreaking

lots of crying and crying but competely necessary for a solid and convincing transformation from the hateful Lee Kang To to Bridal Mask Kang To!!

This ep I cried so much! I wanted to jump in there and protect the poor boy! He hates himself for not knowing and for killing his brother and for being a terrible son. But he also hates Kang San for not telling. Such conflicted emotions were written all over his face...I am definitely Jin Woo's fan now!! His acting kinda reminds me of Lee Jun Ki from Iljimae, therefore he is pulling off a brilliant performance!

bro v. bro

friend v. friend

lover v. lover

The writers sure love to torture Kang To...it looks like Kang To's gonna "give up" his love for Bong Yi...again...although I am rooting for KT's happiness, I kinda want him to be with Japanese girl...

But I cant wait to see how Kang To will play the evil imperial officer and the heoric Bridal Mask! No matter what it is going to be awesome.

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Jun 21, 2012

The plot thickens!

1st we have brother against brother. Now we have friend against friend. I can't wait to see where they will go w/ this story. I am interested in knowing how they will reveal everything about all the rich ppl's dirty dealings. What I rly want to know is will Lee Kang To & Kimura Shunji be able to end the series as friends or enemies.
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Jun 20, 2012

Loved the end

I loved the end of the episode where Sho randomly screams in the middle of a crowd and tells some random old businessman to work hard :D

As for the rest of the episode, I didn't really enjoy it too much. It wasn't bad, it was just Sho's nagging was getting to me. I can understand how he wants to become a chef, but his mindset was all wrong. He should've taken it as "I'll use this to make myself into a better chef/etc" or "I'll prove to the owner that I can be great at whatever I do." instead he chose the nagging route..until the end.
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Big Episode 6
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2012

"Uh Oh"

Ma Ri figured it out! I had a feeling Ma Ri was going to figure it out soon, especially since Kyung Joon acts like himself around her.

As for Da Ran in this episode her annoying-ness level has gone down ever since she ended things with Yoon Jae, but I don't like that she decided not to see Kyung Joon because he has Yoon Jae's face. I wish she would be a little more selfless and be a little more considerate of Kyung Joon's weird situation.

Overall I think this was a funny episode yet it was still filled with heart-pounding moments. I'm excited to see how Da Ran and Kyung Joon deal with Ma Ri from now on.
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Jun 20, 2012

No Title

Did she really just have an abortion and nobody even thought ONCE about what she was doing? Killing the baby?

I hate it. I hate her now. Poor Shintarou, too.
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Rondo Episode 7
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2012

OMO!! Nande!? Wae? Damasu? Aniyo! Masaka! See where I am going with this?!

What in the Blue Blazes is going on!? OMO! When this episode started out I thought it was going to center around Takumi and his friend in the Shin Ku. I can't remember his name...I will call him 'Fro Hair or... "Why are you calling this man Oppa...You should be calling him Hyung" ...anyway... boy was it ever NOT really about him at all. And now I have to go to sleep and stew all night because everything is turned on it's ear! My Takumi and Yuna!? Dang this show is so juicy good!
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Big Episode 6
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2012

The Plot Thickens...

...as Mari figures out that Kyung Joon is in Yeon Jae's body. It was interesting to have Mari figure it out first (with the exception of Da Ran). It fits with her character; as the girl who will do just about anything (including throwing chairs to break into houses, evidently) to find out details about Kyung Joon, I felt it a nice touch to have her be the deducing one.

Da Ran?s character has become more tolerable to me since the time-skip. I didn?t like how dependent she was on Yeon-Jae, and now, sans Yeon-Jae glasses, Da Ran seems more level-headed than before. That doesn?t mean I?ll always like her, but I?m more invested in her character now.

I cannot wait to see how the conflict of Kyung-Joon being in the body of the man Da Ran least wants to see will play out, and what measures Se Young and Evil Mom will go to next.

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Big Episode 6
4 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2012

what next???

I have decided that Ma Ri is my favorite character!!!

Gong Yoo is so cute when he says "uh oh"!!! It just makes me laugh everytime. It amazes me that I see the young kid inside that body. He is doing a really good job acting. This really isn't my type of drama, but I find myself watching it just to see what he is going to do next.

Oh and I already can't stand Se Young, but now that she is figuring it all out...not sure what is going to happen.
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Jun 19, 2012

Fisrt and totally biaised impression

i've just finished the episode, and I need to write now about it (cause my cat is going to be crazy if i don't stop shouting in my house)! It must be a little messy, sorry!

Well, I confess I didn't understand a lot of things in this episode, and especially not the most important part, which is very very very frustrating. So i must have misunderstood a lot of things.

Nevertheless, i really really enjoyed this episode, since I'm totally Enomoto-san's addict for weeks now. I was waiting for such an episode for a very long time. Enomoto is in the center of the episode (in the last part at least), and for the first time I thougnt we can learn much about him. for the first time too he doesn't seem to be at ease sometimes, and that's quite interesting (and cute) I hope I won't be too disappointed by the subs and by next episode too.

I really love the scene at Enomoto-san's office, when Aoto and him were watching the computer. too cute when he stand up : she's too close???? I also like the way Aoto reacts when Enomoto is suspected.

I'm eagering to clearly understand what the detective said, and : who is that man???

As usual, Ohno-san did a great job : I totally adore him!

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Jun 19, 2012

No Title :P

This episode was slower than the first one, which is definitely a good thing.

I still don't really know what to think, I find a lot of the scenes slightly embarrassing instead of funny. :O

But maybe that will change. :)
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Big Episode 5
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2012

One thing I learnt from this ep...

is that Da Ran's mom is crazy lol. The ep in itself felt a bit rushed though. The time skip took me by surprise really, didn't think it'd come so soon. I'm a bit hesitant to see this "upgraded" version of Kyung Joon as well. I'd rather he stay himself than try to act even more like Yoon Jae just to impress Da Ran but the fact that he wouldn't respond when Da Ran called him Kyung Joon shows that he's trying to do exactly that...ah well, still excited for the next ep though. The writers are doing an excellent job so far, please don't ruin it now ^^
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Jun 19, 2012


My heart was breaking through some parts of this episode. Why can't the new and improved version on WOl Ah, An Shim, and Kim Joon just be happy together. :(

And then I felt enraged when Hapha started asking if Kim Joon liked the psycho he had for daughter. I hope he doesn't. It's going to make this drama unbearable if the two of them do get married. MY eyes are already shooting daggers as it is! *sigh*
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Jun 19, 2012

A beautiful story hits its end..

I'm so very happy about the ending,and i knew miracle would save both nation,thank God that king lee jae ha is very smart remember his IQ is 187 wow..but I'm also sad because the ending story of Eun si kyun and the princess how sad, the eternal love of the princess to him was still strong i like the scene when the princess still talk to eun si kyun( at least i saw him again!!ayieh) its a great story about reality and good decision..
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Jun 19, 2012

Too fast!

So I just started this now and since the mirrors were incredibly slow I couldn't really enjoy the episode.

But from what I got this is going to be cute, but a little awkward too. I didn't expect Kazuya's crush for Tomo (Tomuo? I'm not so sure right now) to be found out that fast. o.O

All the love between them (as in the crush on Kana) was a little too fast. It was unrealistic. I hope this will get better. ^^
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Jun 19, 2012


Again with the memory loss, but i think the way the writers made it a whole new plot point to advance the romance between Tan Ze & Ai Xing was genius. This episode had a guest appearance by Patrick Li as Tan Ze's Dr and he stuck around for the entire episode. He made this episode really hilarious! Im thinking the next couple of episodes are going to be really good!
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