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MDL's 2021 Watch Challenge

This discussion has been closed.

Sign-up Form: 

  • Starting date: January 1, 2021) 

  • Link to your Drama list: donut_jelly's tight playlist

  • Difficulty:  undetermined

  • Progress: ??/?? 

    Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

Red - Japan

Purple - South Korea

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes 

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • (Bargain) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (1/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web series 
  • (Kodoku no Gurume 2020 New Year's Eve Special) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (0/7)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (3/5) 

  • (The Call) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • (I Am A Hero) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  //contains zombies
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • (W) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date: January 4 2021

  • Link to your Drama list: https://mydramalist.com/dramalist/HusnaHaniff

  • Difficulty:  Dauntless 

  • Progress: 3/24 blocks [027/120+]

    Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • (You Drive Me Crazy  ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (3/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • (Legally, Dad ) Watch a web series 
  • (Somewhere Only We Know Specials ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( Spring Camp ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
    10 episodes
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (1/5) --it all about the accolades 

Favorite (0/5) 

  • (We Made a Beautiful Bouquet  ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • (Rurouni Kenshin: The Final  ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (0/15)  

A (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  2012
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL. 2011  
  • ( Labyrinth of Dreams ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  1997
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 2006

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (3/5)  

  • ( Oto-na-ri  ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • (My Roommate Is a Gumiho ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( 18 Again ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (0/7)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (1/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • (Shanai Marriage Honey  ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • (Yumi's Cells  ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (5/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( The Promised Neverland ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • (Sweet & Sour  ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • (My Husband Oh Jak Doo   ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • (Sugar and Spice  ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • (Spark Jai Nai Jomying  ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • (Nevertheless,  ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (1/5) 

  • (Go Back Couple  ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • (The Uncanny Counter  ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (5/5) 

Theme (Occupations)  

A (2/5) 

  • (Watashi ni Unmei no Koi Nante Arienaitte Omotteta  ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( Gatao) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • (Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu  ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • (Bungaku Shojo  ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (2/6) 

  • ( Marry Me! ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • (Once Again  ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (4/5) 

Tags (Leads)  

 A (1/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

B (2/5) 

  • ( Revenge Girl ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( Mad for Each Other ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • (Mr. Virgin  ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • (More Than Friends  ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (5/5) 

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

Plan To Watch List (1/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  Why Me, Sweetie? 
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). Tokyo Friends 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes).  Golden Bride 
  • ( Project Makeover ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. Commuting to School Series: On the Way to School 

Seasonal Settings (1/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • (Somewhere Winter  ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • (Love Me, Love Me Not  ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Remakes –same story different note (4/4)  

MDL Related  

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( I Missed You ) drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (0/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web series 
  • ( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (0/7)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:

  • Starting date: January 4, 2021 

  • Link to your Drama list: Chrystal

  • Difficulty: Super Busy But Still Want To Play - 2 Blocks (10 +) 

  • Progress: 1/2 - 12/10

 Currently Watching // Completed

Award-Winning (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Relationships (2/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship . - Lie After Lie
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes.) 
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings - Fatal Journey

Countries (1/7)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea. 
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie from China - The Living Dead
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.


A (1/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) - The Untamed Special Edition
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (3/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) - The Uncanny Counter
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners - Life
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.  - Stranger 2

C (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship


A (5/5)

  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) - Suicide Forest Village
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  - Kingdom: Ashin of the North
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War - D.P.
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) - Stranger
  • (✔️) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller - The Medium

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)


A (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

(School) (0/6)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying


A (0/6)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

(Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)


 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naive/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

(Love) (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

(Misc Lite) (0/8)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

(Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°°

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete block
each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form 


Super Busy But Still Want To Play: 2 Blocks (10 +)

Super Easy: 4 Blocks (20+)

Easy: 6 Blocks (30+)

Medium: 11 Blocks (55+)

Hard: 14 Blocks (70+)

Extremely Hard: 17 Blocks (85+)

Merciless: 20 Blocks (100+)

Dauntless: 24 Blocks (120+)

Diabolical: 28 Blocks (140+)

Insanium: 32 Blocks (160+) *

Addiction: 36 Blocks (180+)*

Intervention: 40 blocks + 2 Bonus items

Progress: 01/??

  • Completed | Currently Watching | Plan To Watch

    Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (0/5) 

  • (Color Rush) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (0/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web series 
  • ( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (1/7)  

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

Starting date: (January 3, 2021)  

Link to your Drama list:(https://mydramalist.com/dramalist/princessjirachi)

Difficulty= Hard: 14 Blocks (70+)  
Progress=Movies: (15)  Dramas: (57)  Drama Specials: (2) TV Shows: (0) = 74 total

Blocks Completed: 14/14

Completed ✅ Currently Watching Plan to Watch  Substituted

Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (5/5)

✅Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes  Amanza

✅Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes  Shanai Marriage Honey

✅ Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes  Boku Dake ga 17-sai no Sekai de  

✅Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes   Mairunovich                                                                                            

✅Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes Lupin no Musume Season 2 

B (5/5

✅Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes True Beauty
(substituted) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes                                                                                          ✅Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  Crash Landing on You
✅Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) The Vampire Lives Next Door To Us 
✅Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less  Watashi no Otto wa Reitouko ni Nemutte Iru                          

Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more Extraordinary You 

Award-winning (5/5) --it all about the accolades

✅Watch an award-winning drama/movie  Black Rain (1989) (Japan Academy Film Prize  for Director of the Year 1990)

 ✅Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director                                                                          Chihayafuru: Kami no Ku  (Koizumi Norihiro)

✅ Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  Confessions (2010)                    (Nakashima Tetsuya)

✅Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor. Nagasaki: Memories of My Son           (Kazunari Ninomiya)

✅Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress  Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (Park Bo Young)                                                                     

Favourite (5/5)

✅Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favourite actors                                                               Kikazaru Koi ni wa Riyuu ga Atte (Yokohama Ryusei)
✅Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favourite actresses                                                       Oh! My Boss! Koi wa Bessatsu de (Kamishiraishi Mone)
✅Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies            Renai Mangaka (Ishikawa Junichi, Kuragehime)
✅Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies                  Lupin no Musume   (Tokunaga Yuichi)
✅Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before             Squid Game  (Hwang Dong Hyuk)        

Release Date (10/15)  

A (5/5

✅Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year                                                                    Honey Lemon Soda
✅Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL One in a Hundred Thousand (2020)
✅Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL                                     Gomen, Aishiteru  (2017)
✅Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website. (It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)Liar Game 2 (2009)
✅Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life)                                            Majo no Jouken (1999)

C (5/5)

✅Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s  Kou Kou Kyoushi (1993) 
✅Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005                       Pride (2004)
✅Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010                      Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (2010)
✅Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015  
Kill Me, Heal Me (2015)
✅Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020                                Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms (2018)   

  Genres (dark)  

B (4/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed)

✅Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological Watashi no Tadashi Oniichan   
✅Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective                                       Tengoku to Jigoku: Psycho na Futari
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness                
✅Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) Somehow 18
( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre)
✅Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)                                         Children of Hiroshima (1952)                                

Theme (Occupations)  

B (5/5)  

✅Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid Mei-chan no Shitsuji 

(Substituted) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  

✅Watch a drama/movie about Royalty Splash Splash LOVE

✅Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku

✅Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures Koi wa Deep ni

✅Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni: Season 1

Theme (Family)  

B (5/5)

✅Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child Neechan no Koibito 
✅Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child Mother (2010)
✅Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan. Himitsu no kankei- Sensei wa Doukyonin          ✅Watch a drama/movie about Twins  Ouran High School Host Club                 
✅Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy  14-sai no Haha

Tags (Leads)  

 A (5/5) (Male or Female or other you decide)

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead My Bloody & Bones in a Flowing Galaxy 

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead Boys! Please Kiss Him, Instead of Me (2020)

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead  My Roommate is a Gumiho

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead The Promised Neverland

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead Youkai Sharehouse 


✅Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead  Noble, My Love

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird)                                                                               Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store 

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead  Your Eyes Tell          

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead Love Me, Love Me Not

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead   Flower of Evil

Tags (Love) (5/5)

✅Watch a drama/movie about First love Daytime Shooting Star

✅Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation                                                                                                     Colorful Love: Genderless Danshi ni Aisareteimasu  

✅Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 3B no Koibito 

✅Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love                              Liar x Liar

✅Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers Horimiya 

Tags (Misc Lite) (8/8)

✅Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

✅Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie    Koko wa Ima Kara Rinri desu

✅Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity   Kanojo wa Kirei datta

✅Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending   Tatta Hitotsu no Koi 

✅Watch a drama/movie Childhood friend  Influence

✅Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo                                                        Kekkon Dekinai ni wa Wake ga Aru                                                  

✅Watch a drama/movie Time Travel    Shitteru Waifu

✅Watch a drama/movie Superhero      Tokusatsu Gagaga                           

 Tags (Misc Dark) (8/8)

✅Watch a drama/movie Death/murder   Sensei wo Kesu Houteishiki 
✅ Watch a drama/movie Obsession 13
✅Watch a drama/movie Mental Health The Cinderella Addiction                                                              ✅Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past Kurosagi
✅Watch a drama/movie Amnesia Goblin
✅Watch a drama/movie Revenge  Satsui no Michinori
✅Watch a drama/movie Corruption 3 Nen A Gumi: Ima Kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi desu
✅Watch a drama/movie Betrayal Promise Cinderella 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°°

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block.

 ( ) Watch an Asadora

( ) Watch a Taiga

( ) Watch a Lakorn

( ) Watch a Seoguk

( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansori, etc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country.

( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers 

() Watch a drama/movie about Royalty

() Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category)

Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date: January 4, 2021 

  • Link to your Drama list: Dramalist

  • Difficulty:  As much as I can

  • Progress: 30/??

Dramas: 24  Movies: 5  Specials: 1  Variety: 0

Currently watching (10) / Completed (30) / Plan to Watch

Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (4/5)

B (1/5)

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes Racket Boys
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • () Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less Love Alarm 2
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (1/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web seriesHeartbeat Love
  • (▨) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  You Drive Me Crazy
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (2/15)  

A (2/5)

  • () Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this yearI Promised You the Moon
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • (✾) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  Oxygen
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  HERO (2001)
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s Hachiko Monogatari

C (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (1/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • (❆) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. Mad For Each Other
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (2/7)  

Countries Comics/reading material (1/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • (✤) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) Udagawachou de Matteteyo 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (1/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • (♞ ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions Squid Game 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) A Love So Beautiful 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future Space Sweepers

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline My Roommate is a Gumiho
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) Doom At Your Service
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • (❥) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners Youth of May
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (2/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) Ossan's Love
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • () Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery P1H: The Beginning of a New World 
  • () Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship So Not Worth It

Genres (dark)  

A (1/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • (♠) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller Mouse

B (1/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological Beyond Evil
  • () Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective Manner of Death
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) Snowy Road
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical Run On
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  Go Go Squid!
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan Bloody Romance

Theme (Occupations)  

A (1/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • () Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists Lovely Writer

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • (◈) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard) A Tale of Thousand Stars 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead The Imperial Coroner
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (3/8) 

  • () Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  Prison Playbook
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • () Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity My Name
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • (☀) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends Tonhon Chonlatee
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge Taxi Driver
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (3/5) Statistics

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) Oh My Ghostess
  • () Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  The Age of Blood
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • () Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  Gen Y
  • (❀) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie Your Name Engraved Herein (47.1%)

B (0/4)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (1/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  Final Life
  • (❃) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be) Sanctuary
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • (♚) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) We Best Love: No. 1 For You (YU; 2 credits)
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (1/5)

  • (☻) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  Vincenzo
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • () Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  Goblin

B (1/5)

  • () Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. Accidentally in Love
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date:  January 1, 2021

  • Link to your Drama list:  https://mydramalist.com/dramalist/nicole_eva05

  • Difficulty:  Diabolical: 28 Blocks (140+)

  • Progress: 175/220

    Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (5/5) 

B (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes Voice 2
  • (√) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes Eureka
  • (√) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) My Wife Got Fat
  • (√) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less Love Alarm
  • (√) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more Into the Ring

Type (5/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

Award-winning (5/5) --it all about the accolades 

Favorite (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  18 Again
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  Juhan Shuttai!
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies. Cyrano Agency
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  Majo no Jouken
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before. Perfect Crime Taki Yusuke

Release Date (11/15)

A (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year. Beyond Evil
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  Six Sense
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL. 20th Century Boy and Girl
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  2008 Happy Flight
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) City of the Rising Sun

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970sDrunken Master
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (5/5) 

 Relationships (5/5)  

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships. Escape from Mogadishu
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  The Closet
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship Missing: The Other Side
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. The Travelling Cat Chronicles
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings My First Client

 Countries (7/7)

Countries Comics/reading material (5/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) Love Me, Love Me Not
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) Shark: The Beginning
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China Rewatch Mr. Pride vs. Miss Prejudice
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong Rewatch Black Mask
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel Murder at Shijinsou

 Cast (4/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school Blue Spring
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life Kikazaru Koi ni wa Riyuu ga Atte
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  One More Happy Ending
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions Unexpected Business

Genres (Lite)

A (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) The Box
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) Wok of Love
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) True Beauty
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future Orange Rewatch

B (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline Slate
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) The Scholar Who Walks the Night
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. Chihayafuru: Kami no Ku
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners Hospital Playlist 2
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc. New Trial

C (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) Monthly Magazine Home
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. Ayla: The Daughter of War
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy Cromartie High - The Movie
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery Midnight
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship Hibiki

Genres (dark)

A (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) Killer Toon
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  Kingdom: Ashin of the North
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War A Melody To Remember
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) Honest Candidate
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos

B (4/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological Bad Guys
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective Hakozume: Tatakau! Koban Joshi
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) No Mercy
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) My Way
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)

A (2/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) Rewatch Rumble in the Bronx
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) Rurouni Kenshin: The Final
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (1/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes Hellbound
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)

A (3/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode Love Alarm 2
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members Mission: Possible
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  One Million Yen Girl
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists 

B (3/5)  

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid Rewatch Parasite
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) Channel wa Sonomama!!
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines Pipeline

Theme (School) (3/6)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!: The Movie
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • () Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival Live On
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying Go

Theme (Let's get physical) (2/5)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content One Ordinary Day
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap Nagareboshi
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)

A (6/6)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage Shanai Marriage Honey
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) My Father is Strange Rewatch
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent Last Present
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child Jirisan
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child Move to Heaven
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family) Familyhood

B (5/5) 

  Theme (Misc.) (3/5)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone Seobok
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about an Android Space Sweepers
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct Mouse
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)

 A (5/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

B (5/5) 

Tags (Love) (5/5)

Tags (Misc Lite) (8/8)

 Tags (Misc Dark) (8/8)

By the numbers

A (5/5) Statistics 

  • (√) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) Mouse: The Predator
  • (√) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  Bedevilled
  • (√) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link Happiness Link
  • (√) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  The Advocate: A Missing Body
  • (√) Watch a drama or movie with more than 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie Operation Chromite

B (4/4) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  Love Me If You Dare
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews.  A Rose and a Tulip 30/7/21
  • (√) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • (√) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (4/6)

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • (√) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  Oh My God!
  • (√) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). N no Tame ni
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • (√) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). Montage
  • (√) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn't Kill

Seasonal Settings (2/5) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not.

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) Virgin Snow
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting Once in a Summer
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (4/4)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s) - A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  Squid Game
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be) Rewatch Goblin
  • (√) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad Vincenzo
  • (√) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Remakes –same story different note (2/4)

  • (√) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story Confession of Murder
  • (√) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries Voice 3: City of Accomplices
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (5/5)

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: Night in Paradise (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) Phope Princess Aurora
  • *( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  My Blood & Bones in a Flowing Galaxy
  • (√) Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. Strength Live Your Strength

MDL Related

A (5/5) 

  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  Rikokatsu Link
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  The Swordsman
  • (√) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) Kingdom
  • (√) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  The Fable

B (5/5) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  • ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • *(√) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers D.P.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 
    √ Watch a Psychological Drama/Movie The Murder of Snow White
    √ Watch a Drama/Movie with a Bantering Relationship  You're Not Normal, Either!
    √ Watch a Drama with a Movie Squeal or Watch a Movie that has a drama squeal Signal: The Movie

Sign-up Form: (Still for editing, I haven't decided which blocks to do yet)

  • Starting date: January 1, 2021

  • Link to your Drama list: https://mydramalist.com/dramalist/marymichelle68

  • Difficulty:  Easy: 6 Blocks (30+) 

  • Progress: ??/??  (Completed ~ Currently Watching)

  • Dramas ( ) || Movies ( ) || TV Shows ( ) || Special ( )

Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt) 

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (0/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web series 
  • ( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (0/7)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6)

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

sign-up form: 

Starting date: january 4, 2021

Link to your drama list: ioa's mdl

Difficulty:  hard (for now, might change it later)

Progress: 3/70 shows, movies   |   0/14 blocks

Dramas (2) |  Movies (1) | Tv shows () | Special () 

➪ plan to watch

✰ currently watching

✔ completed

time (episode length, dramas only unless indicated in the prompt). 

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes.
( ) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes.
( ) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes.
( ) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes.
() Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes episodes.

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes.

( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes.

( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database).
( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less.
✔ Love alarm 2; 6 episodes.
( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more.

type (0/5) a rose by any other name would smell as sweet 

( ) Watch a web series

( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes). 

( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers.
➪ Busted 3.
( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie.
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary.

award-winning (0/5)

( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.

 favorite (0/5)  

( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.
( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.
( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before. 


release date (0/5)  

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.

( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.

( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
() Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life)


B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s.  

C (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s.
( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005
( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010.
( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015.
( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020.

♡  relationships (0/5) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship.
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings.

 ♡ countries (0/7) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.
( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

♡ countries comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan).
( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea).
( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan.
( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China.
( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong.

( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines .

( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics.
( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel.

 ♡ cast (0/6) refers to the ages of the characters not the actors

( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

genres (lite)   

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
➪ Navillera.
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school)
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
() Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

 Space Sweepers.

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline.
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) .

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games.

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners.
➪ Dr. Romantic.
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.
➪ Miss Hammurabi.

C (0/5)

() Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank)
( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc.
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy
➪ Eulachacha Waikiki.
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

genres (dark)   

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller
➪ Voice.

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed)

( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological.

( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective.
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled).
( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre).
( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan).

genres (action – martial arts)   

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical.
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example.
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes.
 ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu .
( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan.

theme (occupations)

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk).
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

  theme (school) (0/6)

( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

theme (let's get physical) (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

theme (family)

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

 theme (misc.) (0/5) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

tags (leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide)

( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
➪ Moment at eighteen.
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

tags (love) (0/5) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love.

( ) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation.
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
➪ Jealousy Incarnate.
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love
( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers
➪ Love affairs in the afternoon.

tags (misc lite) (0/8) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe. 
( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends
( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 tags (misc dark) (0/8)

( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
() Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge
( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

by the numbers 

A (0/5) statistics

( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4)

( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

plan to watch list (0/6)

( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did) 
( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes).
➪ Drawing, Spring ; 4 episodes.
( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes).
➪ Golden Garden ; 60 episodes.
( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

seasonal settings (0/4) *does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not

( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
() Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

not from here (0/4) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast.
( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

remakes – same story different note (0/4) 

( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example: Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
( ) Watch a remake from the same country

random (0/5) 

( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

♡ MDL related

A (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5)

( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° substitutions and extras °°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

 ( ) Watch an Asadora 
( ) Watch a Taiga 
( ) Watch a Lakorn 
( ) Watch a Seoguk 
( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
() Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
() Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category)


Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date:  January 4, 2021
  • Link to your Drama list: DRAMA LIST 
  • Difficulty:  Hard: 14 Blocks (70+)
  • Progress: 0/78


Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents’ era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • (-) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for example: clerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

Tags (Leads)  

A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date: January 4, 2021  

  • Link to your Drama list:  https://mydramalist.com/profile/Maaraujo

  • Difficulty:  Medium: 11 Blocks (55+) 

  • Progress: 23/55

    Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt) 

Completed | Currently Watching | Plan To Watch 

A (0/5) 

  • (x) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episodes  -  Color Rush
  • (x) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes - Light on Me
  • (x) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes  - I'm Tee, Me Too
  • (x) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes -Fish upon the Sky
  • (x) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes - Lovely Writer

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes 
  • ( ) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes (may be a web movie but has to be in MDL database) 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less 
  • ( ) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more 

Type (0/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

  • ( ) Watch a web series 
  • ( ) Watch a drama special --made for tv movie--. (Not the behind-the-scenes episodes or the interviews or extra scenes)  
  • ( ) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type (listed as a TV SHOW) show (10 Episodes do not need to be in consecutive order. Please list dates OR episode numbers  
  • ( ) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary 

Award-winning (0/5) --it all about the accolades 

  • ( ) Watch an award-winning drama/movie 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress.  

Favorite (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  Not Me
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.  

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • (x) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this - Round 6
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • (✔) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015- Seven Days: Monday - Thursday
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

 Countries (0/7)  

  • () Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines  Meet Me Outside
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand Father and Son
  • () Watch a drama/movie from Japan Seven Days: Friday - Sunday
  • () Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.  WISH YOU : Your Melody From My Heart
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie from TaiwanWe Best Love: No. 1 For You
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel Hello, Me!

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • (x) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school His Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta (2019)
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions . Hometown Cha Cha Cha

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) .The Tasty Florida
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners iHospital Playlist
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • (x) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) Cherry Magic
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship Hospital Playlist 2

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists Pornographer: Playback

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • (x) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content Pornographer: Spring Life
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ Innocent
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap Pornographer: Continued Spring Life
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)  

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • (x) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation - Move To Heaven
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

Tags (Misc Lite) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe.  
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending - 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor (someone who sings and acts or has another job besides acting) appearing in it does not have to be starring and can be a cameo. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch the oldest dated item (drama/movie) on your list.  
  • ( ) Watch the newest item on your list. (on your profile page it lists the last 9 actions you did)  
  • ( ) Watch the shortest drama on your list (least amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes). 
  • ( ) Watch the item in the middle of your list (e.g. 70 items in total, you should watch #35). 
  • ( ) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name. 

Seasonal Settings (0/4) *Does not have to be a festival but contain something that marks the season if the weather does not. 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival) setting (not all countries have snowy so just go with winter if that is the case with your country of choice) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings 

Not from here (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s)  -A different ethnicity than the rest of the titles cast--  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired.  (50% or more and can be film in another country but does not have to be)  
  • ( ) Character that is the Same ethnicity but raised abroad 
  • ( ) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  
  • Random Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. 

MDL Related  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

Sign-up Form:  

Starting date: January 1. 2021

Link to your Drama list: selinasmind

Difficulty:  Easy: 6 Blocks (30+)

Progress: 29/30

Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)  

A (5/5)

(x) Watch a drama with 20 min or fewer episodes: Color Rush (2020)
(x) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes: Summer Guys(2021)
(x) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes: Must You Go (2021)
(x) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes: Check Out The Event (2021)
(x) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes episodes. Oh My Ladylord (2021)

Favorite (5/5)

(x) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  The Great Seducer (2018) (Woo Dohwan)
(x) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses. Find Me In Your Memory (2020) (Moon Gayoung)
(x) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies. Crash Landing On You (2019) (Lee Jeong Hyo)
(x) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  Descendants of the Sun (2015)  (Kim Eun Sook)
(x) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before: Your Name Engraved Herein (2020)

Relationships (5/5)  

(x) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships: Beyond Evil (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character: My Roommate Is A Gumiho (2021) 
(x) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship: Navillera (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possibly dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. Mine (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings: My ID is Gangnam Beauty (2018)

Genres (Lite)  

A (5/5)

(x) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.): Tune In For Love (2019)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.): The Witch’s Diner (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about School (Pre-k-University, graduate and trade school): Moment at 18 (2019)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents’ era or before): River Where The Moon Rises (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future: Space Sweepers (2021) 

B (4/5)

(x) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline: Doom At Your Service (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions): The Sweet Blood (2021)
( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games.
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners: You are my Spring (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.: Vincenzo (2021)

C (5/5)

(x) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank): Be Loved in House: I Do (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person (can be but not limited to a documentary etc.): Youth of May (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy: Next Door Witch J (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery: Mouse (2021)
(x) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship. At a Distance, Spring is Green (2021)

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°°

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block.

 ( ) Watch an Asadora
( ) Watch a Taiga
(x) Watch a Lakorn: Manner Of Death (2020)
(x) Watch a Seoguk: Secret Royal Inspector (2021) 
( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansori, etc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country.
(x) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers: 1000stars (2021)
() Watch a drama/movie about Royalty
() Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category)

Sign-up Form:  

  • Starting date: January 1, 2021

  • Link to your Drama list: relizabeth18's MDL

  • Difficulty:  Easy: 6 Blocks (30+)

  • Progress: 51/30+ (9 Blocks)                                                                                                                                                                 

                                    Completed               Currently Watching               Plan To Watch

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Time (Episode Length, Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)

A (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a drama with 20 min or less episode: The Sound of Your Heart
  • (X) Watch a drama with 20-30 minutes episodes: Scripting Your Destiny
  • (X) Watch a drama with 30-40 minutes episodes: Big Issue
  • (X) Watch a drama with 40–50 minutes episodes: My Unicorn Girl
  • (X) Watch a drama with 50-60 Minutes Episodes: Please Don't Date Him

B (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a Drama with at least 1 episode over 60 minutes: Law School
  • (X) Watch a Movie 180 or more minutes: Night in Paradise
  • (X) Watch a Movie less than 30 minutes: Live Your Strength
  • (X) Watch a Drama with 8 episodes or less: Live On
  • (X) Watch a Drama with 30 episodes or more: Maiden Holmes

Type (5/5) A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Type of production. Dramas only unless indicated in the prompt)

  • (X) Watch a web series: Legally, Dad
  • (X) Watch a drama specialKingdom: Ashin of the North
  • (X) Watch a game/variety/non drama/reality type show: 2 Days 1 Night 4 (Eps. 31-40)
  • (X) Watch a Theatrical (released in the theater) released movie: My Love, My Bride
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Documentary: Her Private Life Special

Award-winning (5/5) --it all about the accolades

  • (X) Watch an award-winning drama/movie: The Man From Nowhere
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning director: D.P. (Han Jun Hee)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning screenwriter: Squid Game (Hwang Dong Hyuk)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actor: Start-Up (Park Jung Min)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie from an award-winning actress: Sweet Stranger and Me (Soo Ae)

Favorite (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors:  Lovestruck in the City (Ji Chang Wook)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses: Monthly Magazine House (Jung So Min)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas: Hospital Playlist 2 (Shin Won Ho; Prison Playbook)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas: Hospital Playlist (Lee Woo Jung; Reply 1988)
  • (X) Watch a drama by a director you haven't seen anything from before: The Thieves (Choi Dong Hoon)

Release Date (0/15)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year.
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website(It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1940s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1950s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1960s. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1970s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1980s 

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the 1990s 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2000 to 2005 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2006 to 2010 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2011 to 2015 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which began airing/premiered between 2016 to 2020

 Relationships (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships: The Uncanny Counter 
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character: Kiss Goblin
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship: Hi Bye, Mama!
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship: Mad for Each Other
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings: Man In Love

 Countries (0/7)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from the Philippines 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Thailand.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Japan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from South Korea.   
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from Hong Kong.

Countries Comics/reading material (0/8) (5/8 must be completed for this block to count) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manga (Japan) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhwa (south Korea) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua –Taiwan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua- China 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Manhua-Hong kong 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Komik- Philippines  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Thai Comics 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie adapted from a Novel 

 Cast (0/6) Refers to the ages of the characters not the actors 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with students or children as the main cast. (any time from birth to any form of school) Child to high school 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with young adults as the main cast. (out of school but not married and not at the “deadline” age for the female character) 20-29 single finding place in life 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Median age (marriageable/Deadline (for female characters) age or parents) 30 – 40 age bracket: usually financially established  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Elderly characters or grandparents 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Animals as the focus (real life animals, not a person that turns into an animal) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie where a Place or Location is the focus (the shooting location is limited to one location with limited excursions 

Genres (Lite)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Art (music, dance, painting, photography etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Food (cooking, baking, restaurants, cafes, etc.) 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about School
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Historical (must be from your parents era or before) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sci-Fi /Space/Future

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Fantasy/Alternate past timeline 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Supernatural/Magic/ESP etc. (not within our normal physics as the majority of the world recognizes so yes zombies, vampires, ghosts can be considered. Use this for non-scary versions) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Non-combat Sports: (chess/checkers/cards/shogi/Mahjong etc.) Anything that uses the brain muscle not the body muscle and has games. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Medical staff: Surgeons/doctors/nurses/vets/coroners 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Law/Lawyers/Judges/paralegals etc.

C (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Business (CEO/Starting a business/Office setting/Bank) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie based on a real Event or person
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Comedy 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Mystery 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Friendship

Genres (dark)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (0/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Genres (Action – martial arts)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Kung Fu (or another Chinese/Taiwan/Hong kong Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Karate/Judo (or another Japanese Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features GungdoSubak /Taekkyon (or another South Korean Martial art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features ArnisEskrima, and Kali (or another Philippines Martial Art) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Muay Thai (or another Martial art from Thailand)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Sports: Physical 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features E-Sports: Gaming for example  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features action CGI scenes 
  •  ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Tokusatsu  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie whose genre Wuxia or Xanxia or Xuanhuan

Theme (Occupations)  

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Computer business(Information Technology) jobs(so hackers/programmers/websites/Internet)--can be a supporting character but in most of the episodes not one character in 1 episode 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fashion/Make up/Modeling/Hair styling 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Thieves/Criminals/Gang members 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Customer service (for exampleclerk/waitress/help desk)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Writers/Journalists

B (0/5)  

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Housekeeper/butler/Maid 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Farming or agriculture of some kind (orchards, rice paddies/vineyard)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Tv personality (actor/comedian/tv reporter/talk show host—but has to be a drama or movie about someone having the job) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Fisherman/sailor/Someone who works with the ocean/ocean creatures  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Mechanic/builder/someone good with machines 

 Theme (School) (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bad student (delinquent) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Former Delinquent teacher 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Teacher has a past job not suitable for teaching (If someone finds out they are fired)  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Transfer student 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features a Student festival 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Bullying

Theme (Lets get physical) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with Harem

Theme (Family)  

A (0/6) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Marriage contract or arranged Marriage 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Large Family(Multiple generations or 6 or more people under one roof) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Single Parent 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Grandparent raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Aunt or Uncle raising a Child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Found Family (people not related becoming a family)

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Sibling raising child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a person not related raising a child 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Orphan 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Twins 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about Pregnancy

  Theme (Misc.) (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Clone 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Android 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about an Alien 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Lab experiment/construct 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about a Talking animal (the animal only needs to talk once or can even narrate)

Tags (Leads)

 A (0/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a drama/movie about First Love: True Beauty
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation: Kill Me, Heal Me
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape: She Would Never Know (Ro Woon)
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love: Sex Is Zero
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers: Happiness

Tags (Misc Lite) (1/8)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Bromance/Sismance vibe:
  • ( ) Watch a Slice of Life drama/movie:
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Hidden Identity
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Happy Ending
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Childhood friends
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie Idol Actor: At a Distance, Spring is Green (Park Ji Hoon)
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Time Travel
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Superhero

 Tags (Misc Dark) (0/8) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie Betrayal

By the numbers  

A (0/5) Statistics 

  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie more than 50% have completed (there is pie chart under statistics) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie where the Verified/Stars Rating is the same (the whole number not after the decimal) as the completed Rating  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked in the top 200 (1-200) add link 
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie Ranked over 1000 add link if available  
  • ( ) Watch a drama or movie with more that 25% in the “plan to watch” section of the pie

B (0/4) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with over 10 Reviews.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with 0 Reviews. 
  • ( ) Watch a highly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (rated 10, 9 or 8 by the user, not overall) 
  • ( ) Watch a poorly rated and completed drama/movie from another challenger who posted on the same page you signed up on. (Rated 5.0 at most)

Plan To Watch List (6/6)

  • (X) Watch the oldest dated item on your list: Il mare (2000)
  • (X) Watch the newest item on your list: Sisyphus: The Myth
  • (X) Watch the shortest drama on your list: My Name
  • (X) Watch the longest drama on your list (most amount of episodes): A Love So Beautiful (China)
  • (X) Watch the item in the middle of your list: Mistress
  • (X) Watch the Movie/Drama with the longest name: Replay: The Moment When It Starts Again

Seasonal Settings (0/5)

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Snowy (winter holiday/Festival)
  • () Watch a drama/movie with a Rainy (spring holiday/festival) setting
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie with a Sunny (summer Holiday/Festival) setting: 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with a Windy (Fall Holiday/Festival) setting: 
  • () Watch a drama/movie with multiple season settings:

Not from here (4/4)

  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that has foreign actor(s): Space Sweepers
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie Set not Filmed in a different country to the one in which it was aired: The Himalayas
  • (X) Character that is the same ethnicity but raised abroad: Assassination 
  • (X) New person in a small town OR Small town person moves to big city: Hometown Cha Cha Cha

Remakes –same story different note (0/4)  

  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by at least 1 other countries beside the origin story 
  • ( ) Watch a story that has been remade by 2 other countries 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that is a next season or a movie that is a sequel to a remade story (example :Hana Nochi Hara is a sequel to Hana Yori Dango) 
  • ( ) Watch a remake from the same country

Random (5/5)

  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username: Run On
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list: Hellbound
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name: Move to Heaven
  • (X) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters O/M/K: Mr. Queen
  • (XRandom Word generator for titles pick 3 and watch one with one of these words Of/Hope/Voice: Hope

MDL Related

A (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in an article on MDL.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was mentioned in the feeds. (your friends feed counts and if you are the one posting it counts so in theory you can post and never go back if you don’t like what you see) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie from your least viewed tags under your profile stats.  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that combines one of your favorite and least favorite genres. (top Genre and bottom genre on you stats page or one that never even made it to your stats) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama that was added to a popular voted list in the list index.  

B (0/5) 

  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie on your Recommendations page. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama from a staff member’s completed page rated 8 or more  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Home Trailers section 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that appears in the first 5 page of MDL Explore Top Dramas/Movies category If you have watched everything from your comfort country of choice (favorite) in those first 5 pages you may go to the VERY NEXT TITLE for that country on the subsequent pages  
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that was added to a Custom List (yours or other MDL’ers lists) 

°°° Substitutions and Extras°°° 

These can substitute anything in the challenge to help you complete a block each one can only be used once (unless otherwise specified) and are NOT a block. 

  •  ( ) Watch an Asadora 
  • ( ) Watch a Taiga 
  • ( ) Watch a Lakorn 
  • ( ) Watch a Seoguk 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie that has historical cultural entertainment elements (a title about Kabuki, Rakugo, P’ansorietc)  I searched Storyteller or theater +country. 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie about soldiers  
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Royalty 
  • () Watch a drama/movie about Anything not covered in this challenge (you may use this 3 times and it may be used for future challenges if we like the category) 

Sign-up Form:  

Favorite (5/5) 

  • (One and Only) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actors.  
  • (Beauty and the Boss) Watch a drama/movie that has one of your favorite actresses.  
  • (No Boundary) Watch a drama/movie by the same director as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • (Ancient Love Poetry) Watch a drama/movie by the same writer as one of your favorite dramas/movies.  
  • (The Rebel Princess) Watch a drama/movie by a director/writer you haven't seen anything from before.   

Release Date (5/15)   A (5/5) 

  • (The Yin Ynag Master 2021) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered this year. 2021
  • (The Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year the user above/below you joined MDL.  2020
  • (Double World) Watch a drama/movie that started airing the same year you joined MDL.  2020
  • (Revenge: A Love Story) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in one of the years generated by this website. (It will generate 5 dates; choose any year you want.)  2010, 2008, 1996, 1997, 2009
  • (Train to Busan) Watch a drama/movie that began airing/premiered in the year you were born/graduated/married/found dramas/first born etc. (or other major event in your life) 2016

Relationships (5/5)  

  • (Light on Series: The Bad Kids) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on non-romantic relationships.  
  • (Girl From Nowhere) Watch a drama/movie with a non-human main character.  
  • (Hope) Watch a drama/movie that focuses on a Parental relationship 
  • (Be My Cat) Watch a drama/movie with a Pet parent relationship (a character that takes care of an animal/has no children/ talks to animal when alone/possible dresses animal and stuffs it in her purse for outings / must be in at least half of the episodes. 
  • (The Wolf Princess) Watch a drama/movie with Siblings 

Genres (dark)  A (5/5) 

  • (Sweet Home) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Horror (includes jump scares, Creepy voices/noises, vengeful ghosts, etc.) 
  • (Peninsula) Watch a drama/movie which has Horror Monsters (Zombies/Vampires/Demons/Kaiju)  
  • (The Long Ballad) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Military/War 
  • (General's Lady) Watch a drama/movie which has Politics (this can include office/business politics/palace/government official ANY kind of politics) -> Political Genre/Tag
  • (The Call) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Thriller

B (4/6) (4/6 of these for it to be completed) 

  • (Voice 2) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Psychological 
  • (Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Criminal investigation /Detective 
  • (The Imperial Coroner) Watch a drama/movie whose genre is Medical and Tag is Terminal or Chronic illness  
  • (The Ring Master) Watch a drama/movie with any genre but has a Suicide (tag may be hidden or it may not be labelled) Suicide was unsuccessful but there was a suicide scene
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Occupation of one country by another (usually under the Historical or Military genre) 
  • ( ) Watch a drama/movie which depicts Post Occupation Recovery (look at dramas set in time frames we know post occupation happened (example 1950’s Japan)

Theme (Lets get physical) (5/5) 

  • (Alice in Borderland) Watch a drama/movie with Sexual Content 
  • (Word of Honor Epilogue) Watch a drama/movie with LGBTQ+ 
  • (The Eye of the Dragon Princess) Watch a drama/movie which features Age Gap 
  • (The Queen of Attack II ) Watch a drama/movie with Reverse Harem 
  • (The Queen of AttackWatch a drama/movie with Harem

Tags (Leads)  A (5/5) (Male or Female or other you decide) 

  • (The Unbeatable) Watch a drama/movie with a Strong Lead 
  • (The Seven Swords) Watch a drama/movie with a Nice lead 
  • (Hold on, My Lady) Watch a drama/movie with a Rich lead 
  • (The Thieves) Watch a drama/movie with a Smart/Genius Lead 
  • (Amazing Sisters) Watch a drama/movie with a Naïve/innocent/pure Lead

B (5/5) 

  • (Killer and Healer) Watch a drama/movie with a Mean/Aggressive Lead 
  • (The Living Dead) Watch a drama/movie with a Eccentric Lead (weird) 
  • (Squid Games) Watch a drama/movie with a Poor lead 
  • (Lich Hand to Destroy Flowers) Watch a drama/movie with a Weak lead 
  • (Word of Honor) Watch a drama/movie with a Cold lead

Tags (Love) (5/5) 

  • (Meet You) Watch a drama/movie about First love 
  • (Truth or Dare) Watch a drama/movie with Cohabitation Not tagged but 2nd couple lives together  
  • (Lovely Swords Girl) Watch a drama/movie with Love shape (triangle/Square/Pentangle) 
  • (The Beauty Skin) Watch a drama/movie with Unrequited Love/one way love/one sided love 
  • (I've Fallen For You) Watch a drama/movie with Friend to Lovers

 Tags (Misc Dark) (8/8) 

  • (Voice 4) Watch a drama/movie Death/murder 
  • (Voice) Watch a drama/movie Obsession 
  • (Murder Diary) Watch a drama/movie Mental Health 
  • (Voice 3: City of Accomplices) Watch a drama/movie Tragic Past 
  • (Recalled) Watch a drama/movie Amnesia 
  • (The Truth) Watch a drama/movie Revenge 
  • (The Blade of Wind) Watch a drama/movie Corruption 
  • (Love in BloodWatch a drama/movie Betrayal

Random (5/5) 

  • (No Boundary II) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as your username OR Display name.  Chose at the beginning and list here: ___________________(Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) 
  • (Sinister Beings) Watch a drama/movie that starts with the same first letter as someone on your friends list. (Only letters. Exclude any numbers and/or special characters) S
  • (Palace: Devious Women) Watch a drama/movie from an actor/actress who has 5 or fewer credits to their name.  (think new actors and can exclude Variety show appearances) 
  • (Jade Dynasty) Watch a drama/movie that begins with one of the following letters: (Generate 3 from this site and choose one.)  F, J, Z
  • (FraudstarsRandom Word generator for titles (here) pick 3 list and watch one with one of these words. Fruad, Sheep, Battery